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Author Topic: Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson  (Read 257 times)


Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:24:19 am »
Name: Thomas A. Anderson (AKA Neo)
Race: Half Sea, Half Dark; All Elf
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Assassin(10) First, then maybe Monk(11-40)
Age: 18
Diety: Pyratechon

Thomas A. Anderson was born on the 11 March 1962 in "Lower Downtown, Capitol City, FU, Dregar" according to his criminal record seen in the film. His mother was Michelle McGahey and his father was John Anderson. He attended Central West Junior High and Owen Patterson High.


The character Neo lives in the world of the Layonara, an illusory construct in which humans are neurally connected to a massive computer system that simulates the world of the late 1300's. This system has been developed by intelligent wizards to keep the human population as tools for the wizards' survival; the wizards use a form of fusion in addition to the bioelectrical energy of human beings as their primary energy source. Previously, the wizards had relied upon solar power; but after the war between humans and wizards broke out, humans cut off the wizards energy source by creating an immense, black cloud that blocked out the sunlight. Those who live their entire lives connected to Layonara are unaware that their reality is not in fact real, nor that there is a human rebellion by the few 'free' humans in the city of Prantz. From time to time, individuals are freed from the Layonara, a risky and complex operation. There is a legend or prophecy amongst free humans (which some believe and others scorn) that there was a human who, when connected to Layonara, could override its computer-simulated rules and perceive and manipulate its code directly. Thus, within the simulated reality of the Matrix, this person would appear to be able to perform miracles. This person is called in legend "The One". This person supposedly freed the founders of Zion, then died afterwards, but his return was foretold. His or her discovery is the subject of a lifelong quest by Morpheus, a hovercraft captain of the Prantz fleet, who hopes that The One will bring the perpetual war between Man and Wizard to an end.

When the nature of Layonara is revealed to him, Neo becomes part of the human resistance and he is revealed to be 'The One'. Layonara trilogy explores his abilities as The One to manipulate his wizard-simulated reality to his will, and his messianic mission as the savior of mankind.

The word "Neo" is an anagram of the word "one", but also for "eon". Neo is also Greek for "new", suggesting messianic overtones for his mission in Layonara. In Gnosticism, eons or aeons are emanations from or aspects of God, one of which was regarded by many Gnostics to taken human form as Jesus. The name "Neo" also might be a play on words from the middle posterior lobe of the cerebellum, also known as the neocerebellum. The neocerebellum receives input from the cerebral cortex and is involved in muscle coordination during movement and in learning skilled motor skills.


I understand the difficulty of having a character who is both Sea Elf and a Diety. It will not be within his domain to destroy things other than wizards. When leaving the ocean from his Sea Elf home, Neo takes up more weapons than just his assassin dagger. If he is able to harness the power of his own body underwater then he might be able to tackle things or maybe wrestle things with great efficiency. Above land he is the master of all other things, until he moves out of his beginner PrC at level 11.

Thank you for your continued patience in our character submissions.
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Re: Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 02:22:12 pm »
Moved to appropriate forum. ;)


Re: Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 12:13:24 am »
That gets some creepy baby lols!



Re: Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 09:56:41 am »
. . .



Re: Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 08:52:27 pm »
Is your lifelong Morpheus quest going to be your World Leader CDQ?

