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Author Topic: Oh the Irony  (Read 273 times)


Oh the Irony
« on: March 16, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
Ironic little things that I thought funny, add as you wish...
  • Evil PCs and Good PCs here are working towards a common goal even if they decide to kill each other after it's reached
  • This year, there is a quest every day in the month of March except for one day, my birthday also Easter Sunday ;)
  • Occasionally I see followers of Aragen turn down scrolls (knowledge is knowledge) :)
  • A normally evil race (drow) seems to be even more riteous than the normally good races (at least the PCs)
  • Ozy isn't permanently dead yet but an old dwarven counterpart is :o (watch I just jinxed him)
  • Evil and Good are reletive terms in real life, but here if you're called evil the title is non negotiable