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Author Topic: just for trith/marty  (Read 278 times)


just for trith/marty
« on: February 03, 2008, 11:28:21 pm »
18-1 isnt that bad a record

guess shula and the boys get to drink champagne afterall


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 08:24:25 am »
Well I have this to say to marty: I`ve been there and I feel your pain.
 I am more interested in college level athletics, and late last year, my university`s football team was 11-0 and within two games of playing in the national championship. No one had expected them to get as far as they did and they were always picked to lose. Finally, they ended up losing a game to their biggest out-of-state rivals.
 Despite the intense rivalry between the two schools, I looked past my feelings about the outcome, observing how elated the opposing team`s fans were. These are good people, I said to myself, many of whom I could come to respect and befriend if circumstances allowed. Then it was easier to admit that the game was indeed a good, hard-fought game and their team deserved the win.
 For some people, what I just wrote is stating the obvious. But for die-hard fans who have a strong sense of identification with a particular team, losing hurts.
 Well I hope this helped a bit, marty. At the very least, there are folks out here who understand the disappointment, and you are not alone.


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 09:36:54 am »
My boss is a huge Giants fan.  I know there are good people out there and yes it hurts and hurts REAL bad.  But given time the pain will fade, it will in this case never go away as I really am sick of listening to those Dolphins!


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 09:58:33 am »
my mom is the huge dolphin fan, dont ask me why

my blood runs burgandy and gold, and as george allen used to say

you cheer for your redskins, and whoever is playing the cowboys


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 10:48:00 am »
*sighs* is all i have to say


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 12:15:34 pm »
I love Dallas but I'm SO glad the Giants, the team that beat them, went all the way.     Go Big Blue!


Re: just for trith/marty
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 05:28:02 pm »
*looks shifty*  Football?  Ugh...give me a real sport to watch, like hockey!


*flees quickly from the crazed and enraged football fans*

