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Author Topic: Wizardy components fer sale  (Read 177 times)


Wizardy components fer sale
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:49:12 pm »
Oi ter all you wizards!

*int check rolls d20 and gets 6*

i've been watching me brother griff casting magicky arrow spells and he uses up a great deal of bat poop. Right I thought, theres true ter be had there so i've been around and have gathered three sacks of cow dung and and four boxes of horse loike from around the place fer yer ter use in yer spell loike. Its much smellier than bat poop but theres much more of it ter go round. Going cheap ter the first bidder loike!

p.s. Is there a good laundry ter be had cos these here stains on me coat aint moving.


Rockhead Howling Wolf in his second best coat.
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