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Author Topic: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...  (Read 1059 times)


RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2005, 07:45:00 pm »
Driving to work today I got behind a SUV with the license plate PRNZS 1.   I thought to myself, "Wow,  I wonder if I have ever seen them in Pranzis."   When I got close enough I saw the driver was female and realized the plate probably meant Princess 1.


RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2005, 07:51:00 pm »
D'oh.... Before even finishing reading this... I thought the same thing


RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2005, 12:35:00 am »
When “getting lucky,” means that you rolled a 20 at the craft bench or a mystery mineral was an emerald.

Not the case for me, of course *looks around to see if anyone is looking* it is just a thought. Yeah, nothing to worry about here. Nope, the wife is fine with me spending all my spare time on Layo.


RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
Acacea - 9/2/2005  3:26 AM

How 'bout, um, how 'bout when you dream a lot about it. Like when I had to confirm with IDii that Acacea had not been in the Nameless Dungeon with Remiel and Mettew anytime recently, after dreaming that I was still playing. Or...!

I had this dream last night that Plenarius was "going away" on a ship to somewhere, leaving Brisbane behind, and Acacea was for some sad reason on the boat as well (poor guy), chatting to him as the ship pulled away, about all of the reasons she felt bad for him for having to leave. Like, you know. All of the bad things that can happen to someone while sailing, and how their loved ones would never know, or they could die while they were away. "Boy, it sure would be awful if a storm came up and everyone died and you never saw her again, huh? Good thing I'm here."

And he turned it around, kicked Acacea off and grabbed Brisbane and it turned into a song and dance number. A surprisingly good one, if you could call any of them good. It was seriously freaky.

I guess you had to have been there. I almost died when I woke up.

Adding to my list, here. Yesterday, I was walking past a table that had some...junk advertisement deal for what was probably a halloween party or something. Most of it was obscured by something on top of it, so it just said "Treats!" in really big and ...halloween-y letters. I stopped, looked at it, and thought "They spelled Treants wrong..."

Did I immediately laugh and realize my mistake? No. I spent far too long trying to sound out the word to figure out their intention, very stuck on the word "treants." I finally walked off, thinking, "Tre-ats. Must be some band I never heard of."


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    RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
    « Reply #44 on: October 11, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
    When I find myself answering in prose, as I am a bard, in game I mean I think, or sending my wife emails with poems about folding her clothes...its strange.  And I also find myself trying to figure out just what the allignment of random people in the grocery store are.


    RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
    « Reply #45 on: October 11, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
    Visited my parents the other day, and spent all day digging in their garden. After some hours of work, sun burning above me, and probably a bit dehydrated, I was sure I heard a second "digging sound". My first thought was to cast true seeing so I could see who was stealing my sand deposits. Of course the spell failed, but i'm still certain it was Tath!

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
    « Reply #46 on: October 11, 2005, 11:44:00 pm »
    blonde - 10/11/2005  2:47 PM

    Visited my parents the other day, and spent all day digging in their garden. After some hours of work, sun burning above me, and probably a bit dehydrated, I was sure I heard a second "digging sound". My first thought was to cast true seeing so I could see who was stealing my sand deposits. Of course the spell failed, but i'm still certain it was Tath!

    Yeah, its the arcane spell failure of shorts and boxers.  Gotta strip naked and run around the block next time.  *snickers*



    RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
    « Reply #47 on: October 12, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
    I was working on an "office project" (see: burning cd's for architects friend) when a student of the Colledge of Wildlife and such and what not came in to inquire about our sighting of a very specific owl. Now he was very excited about the owl and going on and on... I asked him who he was and he repeated his wildlife studies..... (here comes).. I immediatly responded "OH! your a Drui....." I hid behind my desk until he left.

