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Author Topic: Roll an INT check...  (Read 218 times)


Re: Roll an INT check...
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2006, 07:03:54 am »
@Nook - ahh, but the daggers would have to be manufactured to be precisely the same weight - and the crafting procedures in layo are nowhere NEAR that precise. *grins*  And the other idea is pretty awful - but regardless, you'd have to be sure that his hands were the same weight - many people have asymmetric hands.

@Talan - If they add that to the Layo complement of spells, that's valid, I suppose.  :)


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    RE: Roll an INT check...
    « Reply #21 on: July 31, 2006, 07:59:41 am »
    this plan only works for wizards or sorceres. stone to flesh the wall and the incenaret it with inferno or some other fire spell.


    Re: Roll an INT check...
    « Reply #22 on: July 31, 2006, 09:41:19 am »
    Ah-ah-ah... enspelled stone, remember?  If the dungeon designer went to the trouble of warding it against physical attacks entirely, surely they'd give it considerable magic resistance as well (akin to the doors in the OC which are apparently warded against ALL spells, let alone "simple" ones.)  In addition, "inferno"?  I've never heard of this spell, clerical, arcane, psionic, or otherwise.  Teleport would also be a solution - but not in Layonara, without DM help (and the dungeon designer could have incorporated teleport wards as well). *grins*

    In addition, StF only allows the transformation of a 70 cubic ft. cylinder, and careful dungeon design could prevent that from being an escape in a mundane way (but really, if it's meant to be an effective trap, the walls would be warded against things like Passwall, let alone simple spells of this type.)

    Regardless, as much as I applaud all this thinking outside the box, it was meant as a mental exercise, not as a test of the flexibility of ed. 3.5. :D



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      RE: Roll an INT check...
      « Reply #23 on: July 31, 2006, 10:12:15 am »
      forgot theres no inferno in nwn, i got the idea from someone saying once when they played dnd the dm let them use stone to flesh to make stones into chunks of meat.

      stone to flesh the wall since you only said the door was warded  :p

      the go around the warded door.

