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Author Topic: Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo  (Read 370 times)


Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:18:46 pm »
(With apologies to Robert Fulghum)

~Violence Never solves anything~
- Those kobolds will always just get another stick.  Monsters respawn, and everyone else goes back to their bindstone. -

~Don't Talk to Strangers.  At Least the ones who refuse to remove their hoods.~
- They're evil.  Four times out of five. -

~If things seem too good to be true, they probably are.~
- Gee, I get ALL THAT GOLD, and all I have to do is beat up a couple of goblins?  Sweet! -

~Good things come in small packages.~
- Halflings, gnomes, and dwarfs can be really fun to RP with, when they're not trying to chop your kneecaps off. -

~Money can't buy happiness.~
- It can buy platinum full-plate and mithril swords however.  Ask yourself how much happiness is worth. -

~With age comes wisdom and experience.~
- See that old man over there?  He's a level thirty barbarian.  SURE he's a tailor, but all the best tailors tend to be tougher than all of the sailors in the Docks -

~Pie is good for you.~
- Insufficient quantities of pie may lead to reduced attack and damage rolls.  You do the math. -
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Re: Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 09:59:23 pm »
~Worship no false idols.

Prohobited by Rofireinite law

~Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain.

"Jeffrey H. Toran!" doesn't have the same ring to it anyway

~Honour your mother and father.

They'll still be around when you reach adventuring age (never suffering the debilitating effects of age themselves) and quite probably much higher level than you'll ever be.

~Thou shalt not murder.

Well, until recently, when PvP was allowed

~Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Or you'll risk a massive relevelling like Remi

~Thou shalt not steal.

Or the doors to the free portal may be closed on you again

~Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house.

It uses the same tileset as yours anyway

~Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Dorg sees and knows all


Re: Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 01:03:17 am »
Off topic a bit but,

Thou shalt not use the word 'though' in place of 'thou', though you may be tempted to do so.


Re: Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 01:20:43 am »
Which brings me neatly to my next Layo life lesson, Thou shalt not poke fun at people who have the ability to spawn monsters on you. :P


Re: Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Layo
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 02:43:37 am »
"Its about the journey not the destination"
I dont know anyone in RL who wants to reach the level cap :D

