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Author Topic: Rules for Dating my Daughter  (Read 1015 times)


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2007, 06:05:33 pm »
Pseudonym - 1/9/2007  8:41 PM  
DMOE - 1/10/2007  11:59 AM    ...As last year she was going to marry her female best friend I'm not worried.
 Hey, nuthin wrong with that! As long as they both grow up good looking and engage in plenty of healthy girl's sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such. *Pseudonym nods his approval*
 I think I have to hand in my guy card for saying that's awful (if, admittedly, with a big, goofy grin).  Oh, and killing a guy with a metal SPORK is about as easy as one, two, tear out his carotids.  As to the daughters? Heh. I have to say that tossing the gun was a bloody good idea. I'll have to do that, when I have kids.

Jearick Hgar

Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2007, 07:55:31 pm »
heh i remember this, i think Robin Williams made it. my code with my duaghter, and i'm actuaal gunna have this posted on the front door before the kid comes, in bold letters " KID READ BEFORE KNOCKING!"

Grid Blader

Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2007, 08:25:51 pm »
I am worried I got 3 daughters..  My oldest, she can protect herself.  She did get kicked out of school for punching out a boy for snaping her bra strap.  My youngest, she is to much of a handfull for any boy.  But my middle one, I will have to tell the boy I know most of the cops in town and I am not affarid to use them :-)


RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2007, 01:34:17 am »
3 girls, 16, 13, and 12.  Yes, spoons do work, but the best to do is sit at the table with a nutcracker cracking walnuts.  The symbolism is never lost.

Remembering a quote from a movie I saw long ago:

"I am a Karate expert and know 100 ways to kill you"
"I only know one way to pull this trigger"

nuff said.

Jearick Hgar

RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2007, 02:20:45 am »
Desicardo - 1/10/2007  1:34 AM
"I am a Karate expert and know 100 ways to kill you"
"I only know one way to pull this trigger"

nuff said.

lol! brilliant!


RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2007, 02:53:32 am »
Jearick Hgar - 1/10/2007  10:20 AM  
Desicardo - 1/10/2007  1:34 AM "I am a Karate expert and know 100 ways to kill you" "I only know one way to pull this trigger"  nuff said.
  lol! brilliant!
  When faced with martial artists who insist on 'showing off' about it I have always said I much prefer the 9mm martial art *winks*


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2007, 07:07:50 am »
Soon the third guy drove up and approached the porch.
"Hi, my name is Chuck..." and the farmer shot him.

oh man..

good tips. *prints them out and posts them by the front door* My daughter just turned 17 last month ;p  Unfortunately, I sold my only shotgun several years ago to man with a gun collection *shrugs*  But I do own a lot swords, knives, and billy club.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2007, 07:33:36 am »
Pseudonym - 1/10/2007  1:41 AM  
DMOE - 1/10/2007  11:59 AM    ...As last year she was going to marry her female best friend I'm not worried.
 Hey, nuthin wrong with that! As long as they both grow up good looking and engage in plenty of healthy girl's sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such. *Pseudonym nods his approval*
 *laughs* By the time my daughter has grown up good looking and is old enough to engage in such healthy girl sports as those you listed....
  Your going to be far to old to appreciate them *grins and ducks*


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #48 on: January 10, 2007, 02:06:59 pm »

*splutters and wishes he could think of a retort*


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2007, 04:01:50 pm »
Thought of one!

Is someone EVER too old to enjoy the spectacle of two consenting ladies engaging in said aforementioned healthy pursuits?


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2007, 04:08:42 pm »
*laughs* I don't know....Maybe you should ask her Father *winks*


RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2007, 04:09:14 pm »
Walking a thin line here guys.


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2007, 04:11:30 pm »

Understood. *goes off and hides from Dorg, DMOE and especially Egoober!*


RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2007, 04:14:29 pm »
Understood *looks suitable chastised*


RE: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2007, 06:05:09 am »
I think I will avoid dating your daughter at all... not that Im afraid, but the age difference is simply too big, hah! or.. har! (Funny stuff by the way!)


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2008, 09:29:16 pm »
Keep an eye out for ya daughters, IM always up for a challenge :)


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2008, 09:07:51 am »
Quote from: HooD!uM
Keep an eye out for ya daughters, IM always up for a challenge :)

You better have some really thick plate armor...;)


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #57 on: July 31, 2008, 09:56:28 am »
I have this feeling I won't need to do much to protect my daughter from future potential boyfriends/girlfriends. Rather, I think it will have to be the other way around. She's 15 months old, and the second-youngest in a group of five kids at her day-care, the ages of the other kids ranging from 6 years to 10 months. Apparently, as I've been told, she's the bully. O.o


Re: Rules for Dating my Daughter
« Reply #58 on: July 31, 2008, 10:52:12 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
I have this feeling I won't need to do much to protect my daughter from future potential boyfriends/girlfriends. Rather, I think it will have to be the other way around. She's 15 months old, and the second-youngest in a group of five kids at her day-care, the ages of the other kids ranging from 6 years to 10 months. Apparently, as I've been told, she's the bully. O.o

haha! oh, that's great! *wipes off tears after much laughing*

