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Author Topic: bar brawls in the wild surge inn  (Read 124 times)


bar brawls in the wild surge inn
« on: October 24, 2006, 06:29:14 am »
i was recently thinking about bar brawling in the wild surge inn. it would add an extra layer of realism to the inn's atmosphere. and it would probably get you chucked out.
perhaps adding 3 or 4 new NPC's to the inn, in a special room which the NPC's cannot leave. maybe even changing them every 6 months.

character submissions:

name: joko
age: N/A
class: N/A
level: 1 below combatant
race: kobold
bio: born in the sielwood caves, he was thrown out for (N/A). he soon wandered into Hlint, at first people were wary of him, but one day (N/A) happened and he was accepted into the inn, where he now spends his days drinking and picking fights.


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RE: bar brawls in the wild surge inn
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2006, 06:40:39 am »
Name: Flibgut Race: Half Orc Age: Unknown Class: Commoner  Since the day he wandered into the Surge, Flibgut became jealous of the kobold 'joko'. He became angered when 'joko' would do things such as (N/A), and even more enraged when 'joko' decided to become a (N/A). Now, he has made it his life ambition to kill, roast, and eat 'joko', at any cost.   His acomplishments include: (N/A), (N/A), and he has also recently finished writing his novel: 'Hows to Kook Koobld'.


RE: bar brawls in the wild surge inn
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2006, 07:35:48 am »
Name: Nain Amberbeard
Age: 37
Class: Commoner
Race: Dwarf
Bio: Drawn to Hlint to seek his fortune, Nain found himself unable to match up to the deeds of the other adventurers arriving all the time.  He makes a meager living providing basics to those adventurers he envies.  he hates everyone, especially that kobold and half-orc who keep sniping at each other and bothering him while he's getting nicely drunk.


Re: bar brawls in the wild surge inn
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2006, 06:46:44 pm »
Name: Aven Cloudspirit (Who I may bring into play soon ;) )
Age: 20
Class: Adept
Race: Human
Bio: A downtrodden bardic aspirant, Aven suffers from chronic colds, which not only destroy his singing voice, but make his nose and eyes puffy, removing his otherwise considerable physical allure. He professes an effort to save up money for a treatment at the Temple of Islare, but is often pulled into the brawls between the drunks of the Surge. These combatants are usually kicked out, while Aven remains... Only to be handed the bill for all the damages.

Which he pays.

And then gets drunk, trying to forget the madness.

