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Author Topic: Science... Fiction? No longer!  (Read 481 times)


Science... Fiction? No longer!
« on: May 09, 2008, 07:24:03 am »
Next-Gen PC Design | Entry Details

You know... Every once in a while, you come across something that just makes you go "wow."

This thing looks like... Not a cross between the communicator from Earth: Final Conflict and a bracelet-device I've seen in at least a half dozen anime, but a COMBINATION thereof.

Seems we keep trouncing that "fiction" part of Sci-Fi every day, even if this is just in the concept stages at the moment.
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Re: Science... Fiction? No longer!
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2008, 02:47:01 pm »
I saw another video somewhere of a new medical monitoring device that looked almost identical to the TNG era medical tricorders, with mostly the same functions and a touchpad screen.  Some fun toys to play with in the near future, though I'm still a little miffed that we never got to do war with Kahn Noonian Singh in 1996 like the official timeline says we did.  Of course around 96 was when they were going through a big cloning experiment fad, so it might have happened in a CIA bunker lab somewhere in one big clandenstine operation.

Looking back, its interesting to see how modern technology mirrors sci-fi innovation.  The entire reason we have CDs or DVDs today is because Mr. Spock used one in the original series; a tiny metal reflective record that stored optical data.  No matter what they reproduce from Star Trek though, I will NEVER use a transporter pad.  It is my understanding that only data signals and energy are transferred, and that theoretically, every time you transport, they really just kill the old you and replicate a new one from the blueprint using none of the original matter.  I'd hate to finally journey to the afterlife and find literally thousands of me all ticked off because I displaced all those souls from their body... that kind of karma doesnt wash off easily.


Re: Science... Fiction? No longer!
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2008, 04:19:46 pm »
On a side note, does anyone recall a specific series that a bracelet-PC sort of thing has made an appearance in? I've got a fairly vivid image in my head of someone pressing a button on a large bangle, and then pulling a cord out to hook into another computer...


Re: Science... Fiction? No longer!
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2008, 04:22:19 pm »
It's part of the reason Science Fiction as a literary Genre is starting to die off.  Half of the  "future" tech of Sci Fi is becoming "Tomorrow" tech now...


Re: Science... Fiction? No longer!
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2008, 07:02:52 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
On a side note, does anyone recall a specific series that a bracelet-PC sort of thing has made an appearance in? I've got a fairly vivid image in my head of someone pressing a button on a large bangle, and then pulling a cord out to hook into another computer...

I know the humans who served the aliens in Earth Final Conflict had some sort of communications wristband.  They also had these weird little pinkish symbiotes latched to their arms that let them shoot energy rays.  Possibly from there.

oh hey, and the link you showed says "Earth: Final Conflict", lol

Man I miss that show.  But then they lost Agent Boone and replaced him with that weird half-breed guy, D'ar turned all evil and the other aliens started attacking and I lost track.  At least they kept Sandovar though, he was one of my favorite characters.

One thing's for certain though... 2nd BEST SCIFI SERIES THEMESONG EVER!  Here's a link.  The only one that can top that is maybe... Dr Who!

YouTube - Earth: Final Conflict Season 1 First Intro (brief flash of that wrist-pc & symbiote at 0:39!)
YouTube - Doctor Who Theme Music - Original Series (because its the best song in the whole bloody world)


Re: Science... Fiction? No longer!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2008, 10:09:20 am »
The Doctor Who theme (in just about any of it's versions) has always been a favorite of mine.  It truly exemplyfies the mystery and wonder of the sci-fi genre in my opinion.

And, while the show goes through some pretty cheesy times, it's still one of my favorite sci-fi series of all time.  Before Star Trek was ever broadcast, Doctor Who had already been around for years, and is still going today thanks to a recent revival of the series.

Fireflies and Stargate SG-1 would be my picks for second and third best sci-fi series, and I like the theme music from both of those as well.