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Author Topic: Windfall - I need movies!  (Read 578 times)


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2008, 08:45:32 pm »
If you like older movies:

Robin Hood
The Vikings

A little more recent:

Remo Williams
Romancing the Stone
Independance day
13th Warrior


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2008, 01:52:33 am »
I can't believe no one here has mentioned:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2008, 02:05:42 am »
Well, the idea was "that I haven't seen."

And the movie club hasn't called me back. >:( I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to get that prize.


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2008, 05:43:25 pm »
Let's see... some more from my latest netflix

Gattaca- A story in the near future where genetics is everything, and only people who were genetically engineered are accepted into most jobs once employers are given carte blanch to discriminate.  The main character is a "Faithbaby" who was born via natural union and faces life as a janitor, so he manages to swap identities with a genetically "superior" man who managed to mess up his life despite his genetics.  The whole thing reminded me of 1984, especially the romance he has with Uva Thurmon being forbidden love and all, and the tale has a pretty strong stance on nature vs nurture.  Pretty recent with a modern cast, so they probably have it, though no point in buying it if you have netflix instant-access to it online.

A Boy and His Dog- a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland is mostly inhabited by mad max vagrants and mutants.  The protagonist is a loner trying to suvive with a telepathically talking dog many times wiser and more educated than he.  They wind up battling Utopian conservatives armed with killer robot clowns... very weird movie, doubt they carry it.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre II- only if you like really REALLY bad movies.  Dennis Hopper's most embarrasing role ever as a crazed sheriff who dualweilds two chainsaws at once, wreaking vengeance on Leatherface and the family.

Memento- movie about a man who can't make new memories ever since he suffered head trauma.  The last thing he remembers is his wife dying.  In order to cope with his condition, he documents and makes notes on everything to warn himself of danger and clues as he searches for his wife's killer.  Very non-linear sequence of event, have to see it a few times to get what some scenes really mean.

Omega Man- Charleton Heston vs post apocalyptic albino nuclear fallout mutants... need I say more?

Logan's Run- Classic Sci-Fi oldie, all people over 30 years old are put to death, so Logan flees the utopian euthanizers to explore the wilds.

ALL of the Planet of Apes series: one of the best sci fi series ever.  Two Astronaughts land on the Planet of the Apes and meet Cornelius to oppose the Gorilla Warlord Urko and help the enslaved humans.  Strangely enough, almost all humans talk in this version and live as slaves, though it helps the plot somewhat.  Some of the best classic 70s scifi dialogue in these episodes and philosophical plotlines.  I love a good spirited monologue... also what makes most of the Planet of the Apes movies so good.


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2008, 07:07:45 pm »
If you're into mini series, I'd suggest Cambridge Spies. Tom Hollander is very good in this.


Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2008, 07:10:37 pm »
If it doesn't chew through your coin too much to buy a TV series boxed set versus a feature film i'd certainly point you in that direction. I can't think of too many movies in the last five years that have really blown me away (though I must confess to being a little bit of a fan of the Apatow films).

TV series that I have liked however.

Firefly (thirding Honora's and cbnicholson's recommendations)
The Mighty Boosh (UK)
And, if you never watched it when it was on, buy the entire Sopranos series, take the phone off the hook and sit back and enjoy (for a week or two). Same for The West Wing but maybe that was just me.