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Author Topic: How do you write your CDT?  (Read 283 times)


How do you write your CDT?
« on: August 17, 2008, 04:03:30 pm »
Hey hey,

I just thought it might be funny to see how the lot of us write their CDTs. I'll volunteer and be the first.

Location: Preferably outside on the terrace, else in my room
Time: Mostly after set of sun
Music: Motoi Sakuraba - "All is twilight", "Epic poem to sacred death" or "Valhalla"
Drink: Some tea or grape juice

That's how I usually write my CDT. Curious about how you write yours! :)


Re: How do you write your CDT?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 04:38:48 pm »
Location: In my cave of clutter I call my room.
 Time: Exceptionally rarely.
 Music: Often Alestorm (formerly Battleheart).
Drink: If it comes in a can and can be left on my desk, yes.


Re: How do you write your CDT?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 11:39:13 am »
Location:  on my big comfy chair with my laptop
Time:  Either right after whatever it is happened, or first thing in the morning
Music:  generally the TV with the Sprout channel on for my son
Drink:  if in the morning: coffee, coffee, coffee, if in the evening, water or nothing

