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Author Topic: Mid-day amusment.  (Read 182 times)


Mid-day amusment.
« on: May 23, 2006, 12:55:20 pm »
I IMed my father a few minutes ago, feeling a tad hungry. This is what happened...  (15:44:59) RdMgcn: Workin' hard?  (15:45:09) S Adam Zuckerman: yes  (15:45:13) S Adam Zuckerman: what's up?  (15:45:17) RdMgcn: Just saying hey.  (15:45:41) S Adam Zuckerman: you must be bored  (15:45:52) S Adam Zuckerman: you almost never say hi to me during the day  (15:45:59) RdMgcn: Not really. Just saw you, thought, "Hey, let's see if Dad's alive."  (15:46:11) S Adam Zuckerman: hmm  (15:46:12) RdMgcn: I usually don't say Hi because I don't want to bother you.  (15:46:23) S Adam Zuckerman: I am still kicking  (15:46:24) RdMgcn: Hunger led me to contacting you today.  (15:46:31) S Adam Zuckerman: hunger?  (15:46:34) RdMgcn: Bring something home with you, okay? @.@ I'm dying.  (15:46:39) S Adam Zuckerman: whose, yours or mine?  (15:46:50) RdMgcn: There's nothing here to eat.  (15:46:55) RdMgcn: Or at least, nothing terribly edible.  (15:47:26) S Adam Zuckerman: have you scarfed down the microwaveable croissants?  (15:47:33) RdMgcn: Ayup. Though I hate the ham ones.  (15:47:48) S Adam Zuckerman: I am not a big fan of them either  (15:47:54) RdMgcn: The garlic-stuffed olives... Och. I can only eat one of those per week.  (15:48:07) S Adam Zuckerman: why?  (15:48:15) RdMgcn: Vienna Sausages packaged in barbecue are disgusting, quite frankly. As to the olives... They're potent.  (15:48:28) RdMgcn: And I'm not a big fan of olives.  (15:48:32) RdMgcn: Green ones, anyway.  (15:48:34) S Adam Zuckerman: me either  (15:48:41) S Adam Zuckerman: of any color  (15:48:55) RdMgcn: Get me some pickled garlic, though, and I'll chow down enough to make myself sick in five minutes.   (15:49:00) S Adam Zuckerman: have you looked in any of the freezers?  (15:49:04) RdMgcn: But I'll be happy, even then. Hm?  (15:49:38) RdMgcn: Yes. I've found a couple of TV Dinners that I know for a fact have been totally thawed and refrozen a few times in the seven months or so they've been here.  (15:50:04) RdMgcn: There's a HUGE pile of frozen, uncooked meat...  (15:50:11) S Adam Zuckerman: probably not good for you ten ((SHOULD BE: "then"


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2006, 09:49:12 am »
... :|
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2006, 10:55:29 am »
Just thought that the lack of food in the house might be amusing.


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2006, 12:23:41 pm »
what you need is backup food.  Pasta, cans of spagetti sauce, a big 10lb bag of rice, some powdered chicken bullion, Ramen.  That stuff can last you 2 weeks on a college budget! (groceries=beer)


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2006, 01:00:47 pm »
13 cents for a packet of ramen?! It's insane! How can they afford to sell them for that cheap?! Heck, even I can afford that!

P.S. Running out of food at my house, is so common, it's creepy. Try 8 gallons of milk per week. Probably close to 200lbs of food (and half of that is dehydrated... immagine it when it's rehydrated!)


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2006, 01:14:43 pm »
How many people live at your house, ZV?

Talan Va'lash

Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2006, 06:44:33 pm »
ZV is the 14th of 20 children.


Re: Mid-day amusment.
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2006, 08:01:51 pm »
Har har har Talan, very funny. No, actually I'm number 2 of 6 kids, and there are 8 people in the house total. We're big on cold cereal (thus the milk), and we buy lots of canned and frozen foods. Plus of course the rice and pasta which is present at every meal. So yeah... the 200lb thing was probably a bit of an exageration, but I'd say at least a good 100lbs of food (being that I carry most of it in my self)... so, I'll weigh it next time I bring it in and let you know.  ;)