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Author Topic: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ  (Read 834 times)


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2008, 05:13:29 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
Speaking of Aussie barbecues, I read in an article that kangaroo is farmed for meat.  How's that taste?  Is it actually popular enough to find in a grocery store?  Here in Florida we have some restaurants that serve gator, and it mostly just tastes like the thin-sliced roast beef they use in Arby's.  Not really in any of our grocery stores... you need to find some themed bars and restaurants to get it.

Ah yes, and one of my Aussie college friends says that Fosters is rarely popular beer there, considered more like Americanized "gimmick beer".  True or not?  Which beer was the beverage of choice for the barbecue?

Kangaroo is indeed farmed for meat! Not many countries can boast that they eat their national emblem! It is actually very nice, a very lean meat with little to no fat. It tastes slightly different to normal beef or lamb and such and takes a little to get used to but once you do it is very tasty.

One point needs to be cooked precisely, too rare and its tough as nails, too much and its tough as nails, it's got to be cooked...just right.

Most supermarkets stock and sell Kangaroo meat.

Fosters is one of the most popular beers here yes but in the last few years there has been an explosion of new aussie beers which have also become very big on the markets, like Carlton Cold, Blonde, etc.  Fosters is one of the older beers which is also very popular in the Mother country...Britain heh.

We actually eat a few other native animals but you can only find Kangaroo in supermarkets. Crocodile and emu can also be found but only in 'Modern Australian' classed restaurants.

Hope that helps!


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2008, 05:48:06 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
Speaking of Aussie barbecues, I read in an article that kangaroo is farmed for meat.  How's that taste?

I've had kangaroo. It's tasty.


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2008, 05:48:41 am »
Quote from: Dezza

Fosters is one of the most popular beers here yes but in the last few years there has been an explosion of new aussie beers which have also become very big on the markets, like Carlton Cold, Blonde, etc.  

I thought blonde was from Denmark... O.o


Anyway since there's so many fine Layonarans in Australia, I put it to you to decide which one of you lucky people will host me when I come to your fine land (eventually). I promise I'm not even 1% as grumpy as Fenrir...


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2008, 06:58:47 am »
Even 1% as grumpy as Fenrir is grumpier than a 'normal' man.


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2008, 11:27:15 am »
Quote from: Pseudonym
Even 1% as grumpy as Fenrir is grumpier than a 'normal' man.

Sidetracked! Pictures!


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2008, 11:34:49 am »
*cheers Ed on*


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2008, 08:45:57 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
Sidetracked! Pictures!

*wonders if Ed got results...*


Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2008, 02:52:08 am »
Quote from: Link092
*wonders if Ed got results...*

I was actually thinking about that yesterday!!!



Re: Inaugural Australian Layonaran BBQ
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2008, 12:26:15 pm »