The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => Just for Fun => Topic started by: crazedgoblin on February 28, 2006, 09:36:07 am

Title: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: crazedgoblin on February 28, 2006, 09:36:07 am
mine has to be the kobold shamon, i have not exlpored to much but i do really hate these :D what do you all have a vengence for?
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Weeblie on February 28, 2006, 09:42:49 am

Or, more correctly, web!

This happens when one gets webbed:

1. No DEX AC bonus (hurts)
2. No spells which require hand-waving (hurts even more)
3. No "running away" (might even kill one)
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Niles09 on February 28, 2006, 09:55:18 am
The sharks at the bay on Dregar... I never think Ive died so fast :p
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: orth on February 28, 2006, 09:58:55 am
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ar7 on February 28, 2006, 10:00:30 am
Has to be the Gloom, every adventurer, no matter how experienced, runs and screams like a little girl when he sees one. *shudders* Nasty things.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: minerva on February 28, 2006, 10:01:18 am
Assassin Vines... in any of their forms....
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: osxmallard on February 28, 2006, 10:04:00 am
Slaads.  Any color, any size.  I hate that crypt with a vengeance.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: twidget658 on February 28, 2006, 10:05:10 am
Spiders and snakes!
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lalaith Va'lash on February 28, 2006, 10:06:13 am
Anything and everything with TS.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Nyralotep on February 28, 2006, 10:16:33 am
Has to be dragons and thier kin the Wyrms.  Although that one Orth showed would rank as a dragon kin for me.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Reventage on February 28, 2006, 10:17:49 am
It's really no competition. Rust Monsters and Delvers take the trophy with no effort.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ozy_Llewellyn on February 28, 2006, 10:35:53 am
Milara, he is upcomeing god of Rust Monsters and Delvers. Hes smart, hes Charismatic, hes a pain in the butt to kill. He will teleport away if he seems cornered, oh and he can play most people like checkers as well as Ozy does.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: aragwen on February 28, 2006, 10:52:33 am
Drow Master Rogue...those buggers have one nasty sneak attack and seems to have a liking in Jacchri. At least two tokens thanks to them.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on February 28, 2006, 11:30:55 am
Bats!  Cole spends more time cleaning guano off his armor, you just wouldn't believe!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: DMOE on February 28, 2006, 11:34:27 am
Giants....Ireth hates giants....I swear they like the smell of her
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: akata on February 28, 2006, 11:40:02 am
GM's *shivers* they always sneak up on me and drop a spider on me  :)
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Acacea on February 28, 2006, 11:46:41 am
Erm. Paladins...


Edit- And pygmies. Paladins and pygmies are tied for most hated creatures.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Guardian 452 on February 28, 2006, 11:47:33 am
Vampire Rangers (from Version 1 of Layonara)

Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Eight-Bit on February 28, 2006, 11:52:32 am
Acacea - 2/28/2006  2:46 PM

Erm. Paladins...


Edit- And pygmies. Paladins and pygmies are tied for most hated creatures.

AHEM! *Shakes fist in a most grumpy manner.*

And I would vote for anything from Bloodstone's army, or the Bloodwar Vet's. Mm hmm.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: LoganGrimnar on February 28, 2006, 11:57:20 am
Golems, i hate golems that cant be hurt with magic... gems golems.. things like that. And the Monk Giants in the drift lands.. they have very high saves so i cant finger of death em.

My fovorit monster is the rust monster, its the funneyst monster ever! Was on a quest onetime, huge party of like 30 or so chars, a long line of fighter and fighter types go rolling across the battle feild killing minotars when someone shots out "RUSTMONSTER!". That line scattered so fast i couldent belive it. 15+ guys ran from like 3 rust monsters. Couldent stop laughing.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ne'er on February 28, 2006, 12:03:20 pm
Heh, I'm pretty sure it's the Bone Dreagon Golem. Everyone avoids that thing as much as possible.

Never had problems with a rust monster before, probably because I never attack them. Heh, I can see why they would be hated tough.

Oh, and the lag monster. That's another I'm sure EVERYONE on Layo hates, and I'm sure EVERYONE has been killed by.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Stranzini on February 28, 2006, 12:08:20 pm
Sen hates those darn bird guys on the southwest of Rilara after the castle. Not at all like their cousins on Mistone...
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: FlameStrike on February 28, 2006, 12:16:00 pm
Used to hit me more, but the Crash Monster is also a nasty bugger. ;)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Talan Va'lash on February 28, 2006, 12:24:40 pm
LOL!  I'm surprised Lala didn't agree with you orth.  She had the same thing happen at least once, except she failed a very important d100 roll afterward.

For talan, its anything with a fear aura and monks.

Stunning fist and fear auras account for four of seven of his DTs, and they are the only things he's died from in a long time.  (excluding me being stupid once or twice.... or... more)


orth - 2/28/2006  10:58 AM
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Shadowblade225 on February 28, 2006, 12:30:21 pm
Anything that can beat Michaelis's AC which is pretty much anything
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on February 28, 2006, 12:58:30 pm
Hey!  I like the dragon bone golem!  Baggy Bones is the man!...errr....  dragon... thingy....
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Tobias on February 28, 2006, 01:59:55 pm
Dwarves..  Dwarves are Ruriks achilles heel.. "hey Rurik lad.. come over here and bring the baddies to us.."   Rurik- "Sure!, sounds like fun!!"

2 mins later....

Dwarf- "he was a good lad.. crazy but good"

bloody halfling can't say no to dwarves..
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Tobias on February 28, 2006, 02:00:41 pm
Oh and Maralith corrupters.. nasty nasty..
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Tobias on February 28, 2006, 02:01:50 pm
OH! That dragon we fought down in the UD on L's plot quest!!.. Mean sonofa_______!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: lonnarin on February 28, 2006, 02:02:45 pm
Captain Garent.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: KageKeeper on February 28, 2006, 02:47:58 pm
After a certain quest: SNAKES!

(was an awesome quest series BTW)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Gulnyr on February 28, 2006, 03:06:54 pm
I can't remember the exact name of it, but it's an Illithid Shadowdancer.  It doesn't tell you it's a Shadowdancer; you eventually just eliminate all the possibilities of what's going on and discover this must be true.  See, it hides in plain sight without ever actually hiding *shakes fist*, so your character stops fighting for no obvious reason.  This leaves you flatfooted and open to sneak attacks.  You attack, only to inexplicably stop attacking this very visible target, and are then stabbed in very bad places, and you reclick only to stop again.  This continues until you die.

To give this a reference point, I hate these more than an army of acid-axe weilding Dwarves left on an area transition.  I've felt cheated when I've faced them.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: lunchboxkilla on February 28, 2006, 03:09:58 pm
Any creature that casts spells and orges....Orge mage of the sky clan any one?
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Dezza on February 28, 2006, 03:37:52 pm
Lagg?....isnt that a terrible monster?

um otherwise Pygmies! Those nasty little fellahs rock!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Thunder Pants on February 28, 2006, 04:44:27 pm
i'm surprised there arn't more responses for rust monster, defenive when hit DC 20 reflex save or lose your weapon was always really nasty, well nasty so long as you didn't have a +19 or better reflex save heh
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Nyralotep on February 28, 2006, 05:05:11 pm
I'll revise mine a bit....he was the one I had the most trouble with in Beta 4 and the one I never want to see now......Fisty
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Wintersheart on February 28, 2006, 05:08:50 pm
Gulnyr - 3/1/2006  12:06 AM

I can't remember the exact name of it, but it's an Illithid Shadowdancer.  It doesn't tell you it's a Shadowdancer; you eventually just eliminate all the possibilities of what's going on and discover this must be true.  See, it hides in plain sight without ever actually hiding *shakes fist*, so your character stops fighting for no obvious reason.  This leaves you flatfooted and open to sneak attacks.  You attack, only to inexplicably stop attacking this very visible target, and are then stabbed in very bad places, and you reclick only to stop again.  This continues until you die.

To give this a reference point, I hate these more than an army of acid-axe weilding Dwarves left on an area transition.  I've felt cheated when I've faced them.

*grins* you are actually lucky Gulnur - I meet those on a quest - frooze, crashed and then then relogged in as dead. To actually see the stabbing would be a great improvement. Other happy memories include the flying swords: "look there is a sword! *freeze, chop chop* "Look there is mince!".

Though I would have thought the most hated creature was the soulmother or in Rolf's case the famous GS "Bug" (Anopheles Pestilencius Maximus).
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: ZeroVega on February 28, 2006, 06:15:09 pm
Hmm... most feared creature...  *goes off into "daydream" mode, projecting a wavey immage into everyone's minds* ...there was this one undead... let's just call him a Hunefer(SP?)... yeah, a few Greater Ruins, a Fear Aura with a Will DC of 35, and some nasty Summons later that was one of my least favorite encounters... ...then there was that time... *proceeds into a second daydream* know what, I'll just skip the story and leave you with one word...  Iron... *thinks his words contained a great deal of wisdom and depth* ...nuff said...
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lucius on February 28, 2006, 06:35:52 pm
I tend to hate anything that deals damage to me, but a special place must be saved for the gnolls of the Sielwood. I was wandering by the area and saw one. I thought "Oh look, effortless!", and shot at the thing with my crossbow. Five seconds and I was surrounded by 6 gnolls, while three more shot me with crossbows. Bad bad day.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: regnus on February 28, 2006, 07:00:23 pm
Ar7 - 2/28/2006  1:00 PM

Has to be the Gloom, every adventurer, no matter how experienced, runs and screams like a little girl when he sees one. *shudders* Nasty things.

I second this.  I remember seeing this thing just kind of materialize out of the darkness and I was like "Hey did that thing just appear out of the darkness?"  

Well actually it was more like "Hey did that thi......."

Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Rayenoir on February 28, 2006, 07:25:22 pm
Heh... the thing about glooms is that they want you to scream and run away.  It's easier to nail you with their sneak attack then... :O
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on February 28, 2006, 07:36:34 pm
Pyyran: Anything with high AC and AB, but low HP, that come in bunches.

Cynn: Anything that can make attacks of opportunity. @.@
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Marswipp on February 28, 2006, 08:17:55 pm
I would have to say the lag monster is what I dislike the most, especially if it gets me stuck somewhere, or warps me across (or in the danger-zone of) the area.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: xXDenizeNXx on February 28, 2006, 10:11:22 pm
People who invite you to dinner to in fact BE dinner.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Talan Va'lash on February 28, 2006, 11:36:10 pm
Thaaat would be... an Illithid Shokar Hunter.  Blame Ice hehehe *looks around shiftily for ice* oh good, she's not here.

While she's not here, I'll add another to the list.  Drakes!  *scampers off*


Gulnyr - 2/28/2006  4:06 PM

I can't remember the exact name of it, but it's an Illithid Shadowdancer.  It doesn't tell you it's a Shadowdancer; you eventually just eliminate all the possibilities of what's going on and discover this must be true.  See, it hides in plain sight without ever actually hiding *shakes fist*, so your character stops fighting for no obvious reason.  This leaves you flatfooted and open to sneak attacks.  You attack, only to inexplicably stop attacking this very visible target, and are then stabbed in very bad places, and you reclick only to stop again.  This continues until you die.

To give this a reference point, I hate these more than an army of acid-axe weilding Dwarves left on an area transition.  I've felt cheated when I've faced them.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Varka on March 01, 2006, 12:02:23 am
Delver...clearly the Delver - as I lost my helmet of armour to it.....
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: IceDragonDuvessa on March 01, 2006, 12:21:46 am
Talan Va'lash - 3/1/2006  2:36 AM

Thaaat would be... an Illithid Shokar Hunter.  Blame Ice hehehe *looks around shiftily for ice* oh good, she's not here.

While she's not here, I'll add another to the list.  Drakes!  *scampers off*


Hey you leave Ice out of this...

Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ozy_Llewellyn on March 01, 2006, 12:23:41 am
Thou she is the most fearsome monster in Layonara.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: EventHorizon on March 01, 2006, 03:11:53 am
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: freemen2 on March 01, 2006, 03:58:34 am
Ices' bloody pet snakes *grumbles* and aye, what Lal said too :p
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: SuperMunch on March 01, 2006, 06:24:20 am
  Nature's enforcer and number one on the Threat Down
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Harlas Ravelkione on March 01, 2006, 07:09:17 am

  The most hated creatures in Layonara are without doubt the race of traitors, the Duergar.
  The most feared creatures in Layonara are without ANY doubt the courageous, tough and cunning Dwarves.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: crazedgoblin on March 01, 2006, 08:19:02 am
akata - 2/28/2006  7:40 PM

GM's *shivers* they always sneak up on me and drop a spider on me  :)

Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: lunchboxkilla on March 01, 2006, 08:49:54 am
Oh....Ninja Pixies....the ones on Central in that forest... "Oh look I could take that!..." *pixie casts haste*    
*party is dead*
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Dorganath on March 01, 2006, 08:57:54 am
Without a doubt: snakes
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Filatus on March 01, 2006, 11:50:54 am
Medusa, TS and ranged weapon means death if you're an invisible mage not bothered about other wards, because hey.. I'm invisible I don't need protection.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: KageKeeper on June 13, 2006, 08:41:31 pm
That evil, EVIL Crawling Assasin Vine in the Broken Forest.


Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on June 13, 2006, 08:53:04 pm
I have to agree with Kage, though those Glooms... *He shudders.* Less-known, but much scarier. One hit. Blam-oh.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Thunder Pants on June 14, 2006, 02:38:41 am
BAH you people don't know real terror.....L we need a revival of the perpeller tailed, antenied rust monsters in every dungeon just to make everyone scared of them again.....well everyone but the 3 or 4 people on the server that have a reflex save of at least +19
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: minerva on June 14, 2006, 04:37:07 am
Alrighty TP.  *Nova dusts off Rusty for a re-appearance with the SetAppearance Dire Spider command*
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: lonnarin on June 14, 2006, 04:52:08 am
right now, whoever came up with the recipe for Papa Johns' Fajita Pizza...  Should rename it "8 slices of ex-lax"...
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Marswipp on June 14, 2006, 07:58:18 am
What about the "Go here and cast * spell on top of yourself because you are out of range." problem?
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: silverdraco on June 14, 2006, 08:38:19 am
I don't realy hate any creature. But Sonya DarkAngel has been killed by orge mages a lot. once even twice at the same spot in the same night and in the same adventure. That time was frustraiting. twice at almost the same spot can you believe it?

Oh, I also know someone who hates the crash monster right now. ;)

Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Faldred on June 14, 2006, 09:03:03 am
Playing mostly fighter-types, any magic-using creature that takes advantage of my woefully low Will saves.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: lonnarin on June 14, 2006, 09:15:53 am
I think when the rust monster ate my WOODEN staff of the hierophant with his rust attack, he topped my list yesterday :P
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Pibemanden on June 14, 2006, 09:35:25 am
orth - 2/28/2006  6:58 PM

I just remembered that I had a screenshot of the grave. And the party was fearing all sorts of demons and stuff but the thing to be feared was really the nasty griffon ;)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: darkstorme on June 14, 2006, 12:11:18 pm
Kell's not been around long enough to see some of those high-level hated creatures...  what he hates are nice, basic looking goblins.. who can cast Flamestrike, and deal 12-20 damage per swing with their axes.  Most unpleasant surprise EVER.  (No DT, happily, but still - Goblins?  FLAMESTRIKE?!?)
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lucius on June 14, 2006, 12:27:53 pm
12-20 slashes? You haven't seen the Deathgate clan! They deal far more, scare you with their diminutive size, and come in bunches. True  terror, believe me.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ne'er on June 14, 2006, 02:16:42 pm
I recall an incident from a quest of mine... the Magma Paraelemental. Ozy called it a God of Fire on two legs. Took out the entire party without taking a single point of damage.

And that was the smallest one, too. :P
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Eight-Bit on June 14, 2006, 06:18:20 pm
Nyralotep - 2/28/2006 8:05 PM I'll revise mine a bit....he was the one I had the most trouble with in Beta 4 and the one I never want to see now......Fisty
 I miss Beta 4. I remember the days when I could run up Grey Peak, grab the Epic Giant King with Dominate Monster, go and cast Flesh to Stone on Fisterion, and let them go to town. Always a good time.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Rayenoir on June 14, 2006, 07:39:33 pm
Ne'er - 6/14/2006  5:16 PM

I recall an incident from a quest of mine... the Magma Paraelemental. Ozy called it a God of Fire on two legs. Took out the entire party without taking a single point of damage.

And that was the smallest one, too. :P

aaahahahahaha... aaahahahahaha... Not the entire party. ;)

Oh man... I was laughing so hard.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Flaron1990 on June 14, 2006, 08:11:29 pm
I hate ALL undead!!! Or just anything immune to criticals, and sneak attacks.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lucius on June 14, 2006, 08:32:52 pm
Nothing against undead. Actually, I can bash them pretty well :)

I love spellcasters, monks are tailored to destroy those. Monsters I hate the most are those heavy armored high-AB ones, such as fighters. I can't even hit a non-moving tree, a moving stalwart of armor is impossible for my puny AB :(
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Varka on June 14, 2006, 09:56:06 pm
The deer by the clay deposits - near to Hlint
They are the most cunning and vicious of them all.

Be aware – they seem to allied with Blood

*Varka steps into the shadow*

Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Eorendil on June 15, 2006, 06:36:38 am
Hmmmmmmm.. I'd say Rust Monsters but my characters haven't had the severe displeasure of dealing with them yet. Really.. when they strike an armored foe they ought to have a chance to destroy it if its plate... hehehe..
  Anyway.. I'd say, for me, it'd have to be a particular dark elf arcane archer assassin... rumored to be around lvl 40. Plink plink, ... and death.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: ZeroVega on June 15, 2006, 07:56:42 am
I'd say it's a tie between the Iron Collosus constructs and the Dark Elf Guardian Monk (rumored to be around level err... 60?). Yeah, mad SR and spell absorbtion, purely insane damage and number of attacks. An AC that is through the roof. They're both a wizard's worst nightmare and the only things that I've seen able to bring them down are Epicly Buffed Clerics and Paladins, which is a shame.

Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: EdTheKet on June 15, 2006, 09:03:12 am
The Rust Monster
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Slade8833 on August 02, 2006, 02:28:22 am
The coffee monster.. and its family . the soda pop monster and the tea monster..

any cafine drink that you drink to stay up playing Pen and Paper Rpg's  cause no matter what you do.. sooner or later you will spill your drink on something...

 lost alot of characters

oh and this thirs the one that ruined a character to the point where it could not ever be re-written... and that was when i got drunk and throw up on all the character Sheets... Behold might King Cobra Monster... to this day i prefer whiesky

er,, as for neverwinter nights ... anything that cast anything where you lost control and just have to stare at your screen as your character stands there and gets beat to death.. or better yet beats up the people in your party
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Chase on August 02, 2006, 02:49:41 am
well not met a rust monster yet, if i did it would be top of my list.. for now it would be the Xorn (sp) first guy in the nameless dungeon.. rated only a few lvls higher than me and cast earthquake ... *frowns*
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: crazedgoblin on August 02, 2006, 02:57:52 am
i have a new one..... Dire Boars, especialy with low level charcters, you stand their chopping wood after getting attacked by spiders.They walk up to you then walk off, then they come back, go into a rage!, then walk off, then as you head off while carrying all those logs THEN they attack....
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: darkstorme on August 02, 2006, 08:06:22 am
If you survive the spider attack I think you're talking about, a Dire Boar ought to be the least of your worries.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: J-ser on August 02, 2006, 11:01:20 am
I've seen a rust monster, not too scary. So what it ate my copper short sword? I'll beat it up with my fists. My Helmet of Armor is still safe.
Anything with true seeing is evil, and it's even worse if you can't sneak attack them.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: crazedgoblin on August 02, 2006, 02:00:27 pm
darkstorme - 8/2/2006 4:06 PM If you survive the spider attack I think you're talking about, a Dire Boar ought to be the least of your worries.
 i guess but running away on half health and just waiting for the str disease to hit me at the most inapropriate moment!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Ne'er on August 02, 2006, 03:50:06 pm
What's funny is I had Jet face-off with a Bugbear Warlord of the Eternal Flame once, and I didn't get nervous about the fight until a Dire Boar ran up and started attacking me.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Emerald Skye on August 02, 2006, 03:55:29 pm
Did I hear Rust Monsters!! *runs the other way screaming*  "NO YOU CAN"T EAT MY SWORD AGAIN!"
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Filatus on August 02, 2006, 07:41:36 pm
Ne'er - 8/3/2006  12:50 AM

What's funny is I had Jet face-off with a Bugbear Warlord of the Eternal Flame once, and I didn't get nervous about the fight until a Dire Boar ran up and started attacking me.

Yeah, those dire boars are experts in flanking. :)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Nook on August 02, 2006, 07:46:41 pm
I haven't seen most of these creatures, thanks to my insanely low levels, however...are there beholders or say, a beholder mother in this game???  I just love those things.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Leanthar on August 02, 2006, 07:56:45 pm
"....however...are there beholders or say, a beholder mother in this game??? I just love those things...."

Yes, and yes.  And you won't love them. :)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: PsychicToaster on August 02, 2006, 09:07:22 pm
Currently, Griffins.  They make general travel a pain since you can't see them coming, even after lowering the camera angle.

However, after having spent several hours on level 9 of Eye of the Beholder loading and reloading because of Rust Monsters, they have a special place of hate.  :P  I loathe the day I meet one on Layo where I can't just reload after losing a +3 Greatsword with acid.  0.o
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Xandor Loriland on August 02, 2006, 09:25:31 pm
The fear of a rust monster is directly proportional to the cost of your sword.  4th level fighter copper long sword, no fear.  19th level fighter adamantium greatsword with level 4 electric and level 4 titanium enhancements, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!  Or just unequip the weapon and beat it with your fists.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: LynnJuniper on August 02, 2006, 09:34:26 pm
Does Epheris count as a creature?
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Variable on August 02, 2006, 09:53:25 pm
I think the most feared creature in layonara is and rightfully so... The Wild Chicken.

The Archenemy of the Chef!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: EdTheKet on August 02, 2006, 11:24:16 pm
Fisterion the Red, King of Dragons, possessed by Pankoki or Rhizome.
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Talan Va'lash on August 03, 2006, 12:27:09 am
EdTheKet - 8/3/2006  12:24 AM  Fisterion the Red, King of Dragons, possessed by Pankoki or Rhizome.
  *votes for rhiz*
  (but I've never seen pan play fisty so....)
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Diamondedge on August 03, 2006, 03:36:23 am
Every adventurer should carry a club or staff if your'e going to deal with Rust Monsters.

Turor's most hated and feared enemy? High level wizard PCs that either A) like to throw fireballs and ice storms and that stupid withering spell into the middle of the melee, or B) Aleister when he got cockey and casted them daze spells and whatnot on Turor, leaving him to fend for himself in the wilds... Turor buried an axe in the side of Al's house for that... Muah ha ha!
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: thekevmon on August 03, 2006, 04:08:50 pm
I'd have to say my most hated enemy is the bodak. Death gaze = bad
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: DeadHead Fred on August 03, 2006, 07:07:29 pm
I'm pretty sure our Layo rust monsters like wood and leather also.  So your club and leather armor looks tasty too.  Not certain, but I think so.

Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Desicardo on August 03, 2006, 08:28:08 pm
Badgers.. I hate badgers.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lord Dark on September 01, 2006, 12:32:51 am
Relyt hates goblins and ogre berserkers
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Force_of_Will_ on September 01, 2006, 03:17:09 am
The Lag Monster.

Milara and his wonderful Hellballs.
Title: RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Wraithdur on September 08, 2006, 06:17:04 am
any scarecrow i cannot bend to my will! >:/
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Lilswanwillow on September 08, 2006, 08:21:16 am
that roc that killed almost the whole party...

and afterwords we were told that we shouldn't have gotten so close...  was that Pan or Storms quest?

with the pygmies!!!  AHHHH
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Filatus on September 29, 2007, 05:10:40 pm
Paragon Mindflayer.

I felt it was necessary to bring up this post again to give his creature the rightful place it deserves,
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Acacea on September 29, 2007, 05:45:36 pm
*Remembers all the paragon mindflayers that were in the Minaret of Symphony and makes a face* I still think it's the skunks...stupid skunks...
Title: Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
Post by: Black Raven on September 29, 2007, 08:03:02 pm

Especially those in the temple of shadows mean buggers with speed from hell.....

For once I want one to fall over his shoe laces