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Author Topic: A brief Message  (Read 532 times)


A brief Message
« on: May 29, 2008, 04:14:11 pm »
I'm sure you have all heard of the recent tragedies that have befallen Leringard and Mariners hold. The flooding and vicious dragon attacks have left thousands homeless, shortages in food have led to starvation, lack of fresh water and poor sanitation have led to disease and death.
The relief efforts have brought many supplies to ease the pain of the many men, women, and children affected by these horrible tragedies.
But before you decide where your hard earned true should go, please, concider the following:

Quote from: Blackguy
*Lin'da see the note and adds a comment*

Im sorry to say so Shiff, we already got one in stock. And you are mistaken when you consider the Ravens rich.

*signed Lin'da Sul'kolindo*

Now, I know if your anything like me, you cant go on living one more second knowing that the Raven Trading Guild doesn't have Piles and piles of true, laying around their guild hall to bathe in, sleep on, and prop open the door of their multimillion true guildhall on a hot summer day.

Don't the many priceless artifacts they have strewn in the corners of their guildhall deserve to be decorated with huge piles of gleeming freshly minted true?

So please, before you decide where your hard earned true should go this charity season, concider the suffering of Lin'da, Angela, and the rest of the world leaders trading company.

Thank you.

*find print*

98% of the proceeds collected will go to the EINLALODAMAFRAE (Elgon In'darsus Needs Lots And Lots Of Diamonds And Mabey A Few Rubies And Emeralds) Fund
The following users thanked this post: Lynn1020, ShiffDrgnhrt


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 04:19:56 pm »
Hey, you know, the PWSFFAGAODoODSAD (Pallena Would Settle For Feldspar and Garnet And Only Dreams of One Day Seeing a Diamond) fund is a far more worthy charity, from what I hear. EINLALODAMAFRAE is saddled with a lot of bureaucratic overhead, from what I hear.


Edit (I seem to do this a lot): This post is intended in good spirits, I have no grudge against those who choose to work together whether in a guild or outside of one; Pallena is poor and a low-level crafter because she has a charisma of 8 and doesn't like to ask for help. But that's my choice as a player, if she had folks clamoring to help her gather CNR I might worry I wasn't RPing her well ;)


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 04:21:44 pm »
And what about Snsmfpshckf (Shiff Needs some Mithril Full Plate so he can Kill Fisterion) Fund?  I mean we all know its worthy, right?  >.>


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2008, 04:39:02 pm »
Funny? No..


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2008, 05:03:30 pm »
Funny? Oh come on it so funny my sides are hurting from laughter.

Now if you need a fund there is the WNGAGOPOGTBHSSBFTSM (Wren needs gobs and gobs of piles of gold to buy his soul strands back from the soul mother) Fund.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 05:15:37 pm »
The acronyms are amusing...

The digs at Raven and their membership aren't, and they sound from my perspective as OOC sniping.  Perhaps this was not the intent, but such is the view from my chair.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2008, 05:17:29 pm »
Dear Mr Thendor,

You soul strands are not for sale. They are currently being used to hold up the hem on my favorite dress.

Yours Truly,
Your S. Mother


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 05:21:54 pm »

Mithril armor will do you no good at all. I will crack it open and feast on the squishy stuff inside. That means you by the way.



Re: A brief Message
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2008, 05:33:21 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
The acronyms are amusing...

The digs at Raven and their membership aren't, and they sound from my perspective as OOC sniping.  Perhaps this was not the intent, but such is the view from my chair.

@dorg I dont think ill intent was meant here. It is common in comedic humor to poke fun at celebrities. Since this was in the "just for fun" forum I think it was just that, fun.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2008, 05:39:58 pm »
I thought it was funny :D.. but none of my coin will go for EINLALODAMAFRAE (Elgon In'darsus Needs Lots And Lots Of Diamonds And Mabey A Few Rubies And Emeralds) Fund, PWSFFAGAODoODSAD (Pallena Would Settle For Feldspar and Garnet And Only Dreams of One Day Seeing a Diamond), Snsmfpshckf (Shiff Needs some Mithril Full Plate so he can Kill Fisterion) or EVEN the  WNGAGOPOGTBHSSBFTSM (Wren needs gobs and gobs of piles of gold to buy his soul strands back from the soul mother) Fund until the ENGAGOPOGTBHSSBFTSM (Emie needs gobs and gobs of piles of gold to buy her soul strands back from the soul mother) is taken care of!! ;)


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2008, 06:13:36 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
@dorg I dont think ill intent was meant here. It is common in comedic humor to poke fun at celebrities. Since this was in the "just for fun" forum I think it was just that, fun.

In All Fairness, seriousness, and respectfulness, the Ravens DO have like...  at least four World Leaders AND the Highest Level PCs on the whole Server...  So, it IS true they could be called the "World Leader Guild"...  And I doubt Stolen meant anything mean by it.  The fact EventHorizon, akata, Weeblie, Pibe and Blackguy get to play together and help eachother with Quests/Adventures/Crafting/Leveling/Etc. is prolly more to their merit for being able to coordinate themselves and wisdom for making a guild of people in the samish playing Time Zone then to snipe at them.

Anyway, this IS the Just for Fun Forum, so all things here should be thought of as humor and in no way disrespectful.  But if someone does think this is a place to take malicious shots at other players/characters under the veil of humor, don't try it.  Enough of the leisures that everyone once enjoyed have been ruined by someone not thinking about what they are doing before posting/RPing/exploiting something that they know they shouldnt.

So, KICSWCAETFAGTPPITFTSWOTTWL (keep it clean so we can all enjoy the fun and games that people post in this forum to share with other they think will laugh!)

And please donate to the Snsmfp...  you know...  >.>

EDIT:  Forgot Fenrir/S0ul'z was a Raven too, but regardless.  I mean no offense or ill-feelings towards the Raven's, players or PCs, and I think I can speak for Stolen when I say this as well.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2008, 06:15:29 pm »
I'm glad some people get it.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2008, 06:32:41 pm »
Guess what...

No matter how many people "get it" (and I do, trust me), if someone is offended or feels slighted by it, it's not "fun".

But whatever.


Re: A brief Message
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2008, 07:04:03 pm »
if anyone feels offended by this they take themselves and this GAME way to seriously.

but your right...whatever