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Author Topic: Parental Quote of the Day  (Read 9252 times)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #120 on: December 05, 2011, 07:15:34 pm »
"Don't erase the dog."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #121 on: December 16, 2011, 10:49:37 am »
Last night, AJ to Aerimor:

"Daddy!  Whap me in the face again!"

(he'd been playing with him with a sock...)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #122 on: January 09, 2012, 10:50:54 am »
This morning, while snuggling with the youngest on the couch, I whispered in his ear "I love you to the stars and back."  He responded, "I love you to the dog."

The dog was 3 feet away.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #123 on: January 09, 2012, 11:52:14 am »
Aww!  But look at it this way!  After he gets up to hug the dog he'll come right back to you! :)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #124 on: January 30, 2012, 08:04:46 am »
Trey (Age 6):  Mom!  Where'd you get those cool hand scanner lights?

Me:  What are you talking about?

Trey:  The lights!  There's one in my bedroom and one in the bathroom.

Me:  You mean the new nightlights?

Trey:  Yeah!  They're hand scanners!

Me:  Um... well...

Trey:  Yeah, I put my hand up to them and it scans it and then the light comes on!

(light sensing led nightlights apparently -do- look like hand scanners)

And the other one...

AJ (Age 3.5):  I want to be a ninja!

Me:  You are a ninja.

Trey:  Yeah, AJ, you're a ninja except you don't say "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhhh!"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #125 on: March 05, 2012, 01:33:09 pm »
From the Knowledge and Motivation files, Fail section (words are my husband's, not mine):

ARGH! I am trying to impress on Ethan the importance of brushing his teeth, so I made an analogy: Your mouth is a party. All these bacteria decide they want to have fun in your mouth, so they eat the leftover mac and cheese you had for dinner. What happens after you eat? You poop. So all these bacteria are eating and pooping eating and pooping when they realize that this party would be morefun if there were more of them. So they divide. Where there was one, there are two. Where there was two, there are four. Four become 8, 8 become 16, 16 become 32, 32 become 64 and so on until there are billions of bacteria eating and pooping in your mouth. Know how you make that stop? Brush your teeth.

Me: 'Wanna brush your teeth?'
Him: 'No! I want mac and cheese!'


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #126 on: March 06, 2012, 05:44:21 pm »
This thread is great!

Mine is 2 (Olivia, we call her Ollie)...Just started talking (and talking and talking) but, have a few of these...

When I explained to her one night that the sun goes down at night and comes up in the morning, she immediately started digging for the sun.

She is nothing but Ollie in her mind....Example: "Meow Meow", I say "Oh are you a kitty?" she says "No! Ollie!" or...I say "Ohhh, are you my cute baby?" "No dad, Ollie!"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #127 on: March 06, 2012, 05:54:22 pm »
Me:  AJ, if you have one apple and you add one more apple, how many apples do you have?

AJ (age 3 1/2):  Two!

Me:  Good!  Okay, if you have two apples and you add two more apples, how many do you have?"

AJ:  Four!

Me:  That's fantastic!  So if you have those four apples and you add two more, then how many do you have?

AJ:  That's a lot of apples!


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #128 on: March 31, 2012, 11:06:19 am »
We're going to head out on our weekend camping trip, and we've decided that we'll work on our PnP campaign world that we've been slowly writing up forever... unfortunately it's been a long time since we've worked on it and we lost some of our write ups.  So I looked at Aerimor and asked him:

"Hey, do you remember what our world is called?"

AJ (3.5), excited that he knew the answer, quickly answered.


Lance Stargazer

Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #129 on: March 31, 2012, 11:40:51 am »
And you dared to call me Dork?  



Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #130 on: June 08, 2012, 10:34:05 pm »
Tonight, 5 minutes (literally) after I put the kids to bed.

Trey (6.5):  *Coming down the stairs*  Mom, I can't sleep.
Me:  You haven't been up there long enough to go to sleep, go back to bed.
Trey:  No, it's the station, it's making too much noise.  It keeps talking.
Me:  The what?
Trey:  The Transformers station... you know, the one that AJ got for Christmas?  It keeps making noise and talking.
Me:  So turn it off and then go back to bed.
Trey:  No, I don't want to get out of bed!
Me:  You got out of bed and came downstairs to tell me you don't want to get out of bed to turn off a noisy toy?
Trey:  Well... yeah...


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #131 on: June 09, 2012, 06:11:20 am »
Isn't it nice to be wanted?  Remember this in about 5 years.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #132 on: September 04, 2012, 06:27:21 pm »
I don't have kids but my clients do
 From  a 7-8 year old child with a very serious question.

 Mom- if they take out a dog's universe but leave in the overalls - can she still have puppies?"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #133 on: September 11, 2012, 07:33:12 pm »
I come home from work to find my son's Halloween costume has arrived. Immediately he puts it on (Thor) and starts stomping around the house waving his plastic hammer in a way that made Thor's mother giggle uncontrollably.  This made Thor scowl and flex his padded cloth muscles.  Thor, however, must still do his chores and so I instruct him to do so to which he replies,
 "Superheroes don't have to do chores."
 "Oh, really.  What do superheroes do then?"
 "Go around helping people.  And read comic books!"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #134 on: September 25, 2012, 02:42:41 pm »
AJ: Mommy, my teacher's birthday is next.
Me: Yeah? How old is she going to be, did she tell you?
AJ: Yeah! She's going to be a hundred!


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #135 on: October 23, 2012, 11:54:43 am »
Some quotes from our recent camping trip:

Random man walks past us near the top of the waterfalls and sees Aerimor's Michigan t-shirt.  Man says to Aerimor, "Michigan State is better."

Aerimor grins a bit and says, "Well, I guess we'll see on Saturday!"

AJ (4 yr old) starts muttering under his breath, "He's going to lose."

Aerimor and I start to laugh and tell him he should tell that to the other man.  

AJ turns to the man and points at him and shouts "You're gonna LOSE!"


We were in the car at the state park and we said "Look!  There's a deer!  Look at the deer boys!"

AJ:  "Run it over with the car!!!"


Trey (6-1/2), while looking at one of his grandfather's trains:  "This is so cool, Grandpa!  I like this train, where did you get it?"

Grandpa:  "Oh, that's something Memere (grandma) got for me, and I'm not really all that fond of it I guess."

Trey, with a very leading tone:  "So....  Do ya... want it?"

(5 minutes later, the boys had managed to break it)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #136 on: October 31, 2012, 01:46:50 pm »
Just one of those things you catch yourself yelling and thank god no one else is there to hear it...
 "ETHAN! LESS HAMSTER! MORE CLEANING!"  (Zhu Zhu pet, for the uninitiated).


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #137 on: October 31, 2012, 02:56:22 pm »
Quote from: Honora
Just one of those things you catch yourself yelling and thank god no one else is there to hear it...
 "ETHAN! LESS HAMSTER! MORE CLEANING!"  (Zhu Zhu pet, for the uninitiated).

I've said something similar... but it was my son's hamster on


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #138 on: January 18, 2013, 06:11:24 pm »
Lianna calls Nancy into her room to look at a drawing saying, "Hey Mom!  Come look!" So, Nancy goes in and stares at the paper for a second or so and says, "So I've come in here to look at a green line?"  To which Lianna responds, "Yeah, but there's gonna be more!"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #139 on: February 14, 2013, 08:05:35 am »
AJ's playing with his Playmobil knights this morning and this is the conversation he's having:
(in a deep voice): You trickful zombie, why did trick?
(in a high pitched voice): Because my master told me to!
(in a deep voice): That is bad... you must be destroyed!!!

Yes... he's turned half of his Playmobil people into Zombies with their arms straight out in front of them, and he's having the rest of the knights go destroy the undead.

I think I'm sort of proud.