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Author Topic: Parental Quote of the Day  (Read 10180 times)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2010, 02:22:13 pm »
4yr old:  Mommy... Hey Mom, look at me, I have a bear on my head!

Me:  I see that.. why?

4yr old:  Because I wanted a bear on my head.  *duh look*

Me:  well... that makes sense then...


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #61 on: November 19, 2010, 06:28:48 pm »
*Bed time at the Pseudo household. Pseudo is saying goodnight to 7 year old daughter*

Pseudo - "Nigh night sweety."

Daughter - "Dad?"

Pseudo - "Yep?"

Daughter - "Some people think war is this great big adventure  *lengthy pause of consideration*  but they don't know what war is really like."

*Pseudo leaves, wondering how a 7 year old girl knows what war is really like ...*


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #62 on: November 19, 2010, 10:08:14 pm »
*Aerimor and Alatriel's four-year-old comes home with his daddy after his soccer game...*

4 yr old:  Mommy, when I get to be a grown up I'm going to have three babies!

Alatriel:  Really now?

4 yr old:  Yep!

Aerimor:  Did you tell mommy what happens if you don't wait until you're a grown up to have babies?

4 yr old:  Oh yeah... if I don't wait until I'm a grown up to have babies, Daddy says he'll kick my butt.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #63 on: November 25, 2010, 08:32:29 pm »
Trey:  "Daddy, if you play Raz next time, I'm not going to sit on your lap."

Aerimor: "Why not?"

Trey:  "Raz isn't very good at... um... turning into things."

Aerimor:  "Yeah... Raz is, um, happy with the way he looks."

*a few moments later*

Aerimor:  "*sigh*  See, even my four year old doesn't like Raz."

Trey:  "Yeah, I like Aerimor."

Aerimor:  "It sucks to be Raz."

Trey:  "Yeah, it sucks to be Raz... it doesn't suck to be Aerimor."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2010, 03:17:33 pm »
*Riding in the car past fields of cows*

AJ:  Pows!

Trey:  Not Pows, AJ, those are Cows.  Cows!  Can't you say cow?

AJ:  No.  Pows!

Trey:  Uuuuugh.... Cows!  

AJ:  Pows!

Trey:  Mommy, can you tell AJ to say cows?

Mommy:  AJ, do you like pows?

Trey:  Cows!

AJ:  Pows!

Trey:  *sigh*  fine.  One day, I'm gonna ride a horse, then I can ride it around and scare the cows to go where I want them to go.

AJ:  I gonna ride a pow.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2010, 05:39:50 pm »
Mrs Pseudo (responding to some wrongdoing) - "If you're naughty, then Santa doesn't bring you as many presents."

Pseudo's 7 yr old daughter - "I don't believe that, I think that's a myth."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2010, 06:19:42 am »
*learning letters with 5 yr old daughter (ie. the 7 yr old cynic's little sister)*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'A'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'A'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'A'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'a'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'B'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'B'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'B'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'b'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'C'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'C'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'C'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'c'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'D'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'D'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'D'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'd'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'E'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'E'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'E'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'e'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'F'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'F'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'F'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'f'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'G'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'G'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'G'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'g'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'H'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'H'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'H'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'h'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'I'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'I'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'I'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'i'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'J'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'J'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'J'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'j'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'K'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'K'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'K'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'k'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'L'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'L'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'L'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'l'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'M'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'M'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'M'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'm'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'N'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'N'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'N'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'n'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'O'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'O'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'O'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'o'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'P'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'P'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'P'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'p' (after stifled giggle)*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Q'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'Q'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'Q'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'q'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'R'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'R'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'R'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'r'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'S'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'S'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'S'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 's'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'T'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'T'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'T'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 't'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'U'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'U'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'U'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'u'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'V'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'V'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'V'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'v'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'W'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'W'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'W'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'w'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'X'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'X'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'X'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'x'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Y'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'Y'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'Y'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'y'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Z'"
5 yr old daughter (outraged) - "Hey! You're getting me to do the whole alphabet!!"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #67 on: December 28, 2010, 03:11:27 pm »
Trey (5 yr old):  "Mommy!  I figured out how to turn on the light in my room!"

Me:  "How?  How can you reach that?"

Trey: "Um... I'm not going to tell you because it sounds bad."

(the only way to turn on the light was by the pull string... from the fan.... on the ceiling...  I still have no idea how he did it, but we have since extended the pull string to prevent whatever it was)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #68 on: January 28, 2011, 03:11:39 am »
*Dinner time in the Pseudonym household. 3 x kids gathered at the table eating away happily, discussing whatever kids discuss ... until*

7 Year old daughter - "Daddy, what size underpants are you?"

Aaah, so many lines. None of them appropriate.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #69 on: January 28, 2011, 08:08:46 am »
My nieces, ages 7 and 8 were discussing what would happen to them or where would they go should something happen to their parents.  One of them is my brother's daughter, and the other is actually a ward of my parents that used to be a foster sibling (long story, too confusing)  My mother's birthday was this week and my brother's daughter said to the other "Well, if something happened to my parents, I could come and live here with Memere and Grandpa, but if something happens to them... where are YOU going to go?"  My mother (Memere) ended up overhearing and asked why they were discussing her death because she could easily have another thirty or more years left in her, maybe even more.  My brother's daughter said, "Well, Memere, you are kinda old...."  

My mom looked at her and said, "Ashleigh... I'm only fifteen years older than your mother."

Then she looked at Melina, her "daughter" and said, "Seriously... how old do you think I am that you think I'm going go keel over and die tomorrow?"

Melina looked at her a few moments and then said, "I dunno... like... 12?"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2011, 11:38:32 am »
5yr old:  "Look Mommy!  We're feeding the dinosaurs!"
Mommy:  "Um... What are you feeding them?"
5yr old:  "Man."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #71 on: February 01, 2011, 04:28:27 pm »
this thread almost makes me want to have kids.... almost.



Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #72 on: February 23, 2011, 04:36:35 pm »
Me:  "Hey AJ, who do you love?"

AJ:  "I don' wub poop."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2011, 09:15:30 am »
While trying to get my 2 yr old to eat his dinner last night, we were attempting to use some "reverse psychology"

So.... I told him that it was his last chance, and if he didn't want me to eat it, he'd have to eat it.  So... he let me put a bite in his mouth.  Grandpa said, "Hey!  That's mine!"

So, AJ took the bite of food back out of his mouth (a piece of pork) and handed to his grandpa saying, "here you doh!"

Yeah... we didn't get him to eat last night.

psychology fail.


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #74 on: February 28, 2011, 12:36:15 pm »
7 year old son playing the piano this morning, dad comes out of the bathroom and says "Hey son thank you for the wonderful music this morning." To which he replies "You're welcome daddy, did it help you poop?"


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #75 on: March 01, 2011, 01:31:10 pm »
This is what was on my son's drawing he brought home from school today:

"My favorite animal is.....a Dragon!

The red dragon is casting fire!

My green dragon is passing gas, cause that's what green dragons do."


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2011, 04:38:58 pm »
He'll be a good RPer yet ;)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #77 on: March 07, 2011, 08:30:19 am »
Me to the 2 yr old:  "AJ, what is in your mouth?  Spit it out!"

The 2 yr old spits out the top to a plastic water bottle.

Me: "AJ don't chew on water bottle caps.  Do not put these in your mouth, okay?"

2 yr old:  "otay Mommy."

Me to the hubby:  "You know he gets this from you, don't you?"

Hubby, while, with a pathetic attempt to look innocent,  he moves a bottle cap to his cheek that he's been chewing on,  "What?  I don't know what you're talking about...."  *shifty*


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2011, 11:52:01 am »
While getting in the car today:

AJ:  "I has wots o' toys."

Me:  "yep"

AJ:  "You has wots o' narn." (yarn)

Me:  "yep, I do."

AJ:  "Daddy has wots o' pood."  (food)


Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« Reply #79 on: March 13, 2011, 03:41:36 am »
5 yr old daughter - "Daddy, what is Heaven like?"

Pseudo - "No-one knows exactly for sure."

7 yr old daughter - "I do"

Pseudo - "Oh really? What's it like?"

7 yr old daughter - "It's just like Earth except they don't have cars, they have carts ... and you can walk through walls."

5 yr old daughter (outraged) - "What about changerooms?"

7 yr old daughter (smugly) - "Of course it's except for changerooms."

