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Author Topic: Rare find!  (Read 629 times)


Rare find!
« on: January 08, 2006, 04:50:00 am »
Ahhh the gold old days of my fond youth have come flooding back to me.
a day ago I found a DVD box set that was on sale at Best Buy. If any one is young enough and watched saturday morning cartoons will remember the 90's era of CG cartoons, War planets, Reboot and my personal favorte Roughnecks.

So after gathering my jaw up I bought the set.. 45$ and a nice smoking hole in my wallet.

Ahhh blissful youth..
Next week I'm gonna have to hunt down reboot and war planets *grinning*


RE: Rare find!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 05:09:00 am »
What you mean good old days I can rember them like well a few years back
Roughnecks was good as was reboot, the MoCap CG was ok and things ahve moved on a bit now
FilmBox bye Kaydara was the main tool used which is now part of MAYA for you CGI nuts out there.
The blend tools a very good for IK rigs.

Are the good old days when Mocap was not all done thow MachMoving. If any of you like the Idaer of making your
Own CGI show a very cheap way to do the CG is to ues the new tools in realViz.

This is how to do the MoCap

1 take you mate and put him in a body suit.

2 get drunk

3 Stick Ping pong balls on the points of his body that will drive your
IK chain.

3 get hold of some chap DV cams I use JCVs 240's at $300 a time (you can like ILM use HDTV cams at $12k a pop)
4 to 12 will do it.

4 Set them up so you they can see as many ping pong balls each as they can

5: If you need to sink the frames place a number of flashing ELDS in the frame or on your mate (which is more fun as your drunk)

6 Film him doing the animation you need.

7 feed footage into RealViz Motion capter tools

8 Muck about trying to get the F curves out with a resolve that is a bugger to get with all the mition blur and low rez images.

9: Feed them into Maya, taking out the bad data and link it to you IK rig

10 Render out as longform.

11 colect Emmy

o well thats the plain

Or you could just 2d the hold thing and use real animatars who get the timeing right

I work with A nice chap called Mike whos with me and sme others did Walking with Dinos
Once apon a time we where going to mocap Eliphonts.

Mike did a nice peace on Mocap which was being done around the time of your TV shows



RE: Rare find!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 05:52:00 am »
*sighs* too bad the show was canceled.. far too violent..

Huge opening at the end... I was smacking my head on the dest or about 10 minutes before I realized that this is just "Maybe" the first sason so i gotta keep my eyes peeld for if there was another season.


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RE: Rare find!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 06:21:00 am »
War Planets... bah.  Once that show came out, Trendmasters trashed the superior line of battle playsets and started producing the half-rate action figures.  Bah!


Guardian 452

RE: Rare find!
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 08:03:00 pm »
War Planets (Shadow Raiders) was good.... ReBoot was better  ;)