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Author Topic: Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible  (Read 176 times)


Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:22:49 pm »
I reserve the right to find this funny and worthy of being posted in this forum rather than in General Discussion.

For those not aware, in the sysadmin field of work, it is assumed to be common sense to re-install the OS upon any breach of security regardless of how "minor" the effect is percieved to be because... and to quote the fine article...

If it doesn't crash your system or cause your system to freeze, how do you know it's there? The answer is you just don't know.

*looks at his watch*

What year is it? 2006... right...

Anyways, there's lots of sound information in that article. Well worth the read!


Re: Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 04:50:39 pm »
OneST8: That link points to this post, not an article. ;)


Re: Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 05:36:19 pm »
haha, it was an empty href. hahaha I'm such a fool *chuckles*

Link updated.



RE: Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 06:15:41 pm »
Which is why I am pushing *HARD* for Wyse terminals and terminal services. I want to lock the user down so tight, they can see the pages I (we) authorize, and get the email I (we) have passed. I had a CS lady, who is great with the customers, Take this phone call..Keep in mind, I am standing at the desk next to her, hooking up a new printer.  *RING**
  "Susan speaking...Yes, we have a network.....Um, Office 2003, I think. (Keep in mind, I am standing RIGHT THERE.) Oh of course, it's SUser. S-U-S-E-R and the password is "bubblegum"...B-U-B-B-L-E-G-U-M. You're welcome.
  The call was over in 10 seconds. I asked who that was...She answers, "It was the IT department."
  I stare at her.
  She asks "What?"
  I continue to stare at her.
  She asks "Not the IT department?
  I reply, "Susan, I am standing right here. Let me ask you this: A) Why would I ask you what Office package we use, B) why would I ask for your password and C) We only have 5 peple in the IT department. Me, Debbie, Bryan, Thomas and Tom. Which one of us was that?
  She starts to look uncomfortable.
  We changed her password right there. Just for good measure, I changed all the other CSR passwords at the same time.