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Author Topic: That Which Falls Twixt D And F  (Read 496 times)


That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« on: April 16, 2009, 09:15:27 pm »
On a recent trip to the Deep, Jaelle decided that a fretful Acacea needed distracting, and that she was just the person for the job! She came up with the idea of playing a game with her halfling friend. This was the game they played. (Though the log is heavily edited, cutting out a lot of back chatter and unnecessary emotes)

How would you do at this? *throws down the gauntlet*

Jaelle Thornwood: A task for you, small halfling maid: Can you talk without inclusion of that most common glyph which falls twixt d and f? I say that you cannot! *sticks her tongue out at her* **her tone suddenly enticing** But show this woman that what I thought was wrong and you shall obtain a just bounty for your triumph! So, what say you, maid of winds, music and magic? Shall you and I play at this pursuit a bit? I think I shall most viciously trump you! *waggles her toes at her*

Acacea Thistletounge: *Her eyes flicker again and she straightens a little, looking with interest again at the illusion* What would I win?

And spoil this lark's surprising conclusion? Nay! I shall not say. Play or not ... but it is your only way to know what you could win!

I didn't spot any larks... Too far down... *Her eyes glance up again then*

A lark! A bit of fun ... halfling vocabulary shows its lack! Alright, alright, I shall show good will and good faith by going first, hmm? Mayhaps you would fancy a story?

*Her eyes brighten a little* What kind of story?

*grins, knowing she's hooked* Allow a lady an instant or two to think of a fitting topic for my narration. A drama, mayhaps? A saga of a luminary of our lands? Ah, no, I know ... I shall acquaint you with this distraction's history! Shall I go on? Will that do?

What sort of history?

Why, a history of a match of wits! Did I say that it was this ability that won my husband? His clan in Krashin hosts annual sports of wits. I fought in such sports, amongst many rivals.

And so soon a widow? *She shifts her increasingly illusion-fascinated eyes from the separated spheres to Jaelle*

Ah, it is truth that you say. But this was prior to that. Do not go too far on, or you shall miss the story! Many from south lands did sail to Krashin for this match, including I. Our first trial that annum was a boasting match. All participants in this match said loudly his most amazing and astonishing acts of valor. Such things I caught wind of! Stunning and startling, miraculous, wondrous or ridiculous ... boasts of all kinds.

*Confidingly to Jaelle* Your companions lost quickly.

**grins at Acacea* Again, you try to spoil my story's conclusion! Hush, Lucinda's darling! Nay, not Birdlord nor that indigo warrior was with this wit. But back to boasting! I admit also that it is my suspicion that not all that was said was wholly truthful! Still, it was amusing.

Indigo... a poor switch... boasting *She nods a few times*

I did alright (I usually hold my own with words), though I did not finish in front. But it did gain this lady a spot in round two! Can you fathom what that round was?

But what was round two? Riddling? *She asks hopefully*

Smart bard!*grins* Good work, aala. Round two was full of that which twists minds: labyrinths of words. No doubt all of you hold an amount of familiarity (and mayhaps also utmost facility!) with such cryptic inquiry play? Naturally, such pursuits afford dull minds a lark! You, child of rascality, worship such fun, I know. Anyways, an hour or two did pass by which saw  my rivals and I riddling and puzzling until our poor minds did pound and throb and spasm and twitch and hurt! And it was at this conclusion that I found that I had won my slot for our last round. As I did not think I should attain this last trial of wits, I did know much shock at this. Shall I inform you now of who took part in that last round?

Yoa *She cheats*

Alright. *grins* First among us was that infamous wizard of Lucinda, Storold. Oh! I did not say what my boast for him in that first round was, did I?

Nooo... *Her eyes look shyly up to Jaelle's again at the question*

Poor Storold was in awful want of aid--his boast was dull. *grins* So I said that in that span of chronology during which our sky was dark, an unknown but bright young man did flash his torch onto Storold's bald poll. That is, that shining skull so unusually vacant of hair ... and lo, but its rays did carom and fly off that odd mirror of his and light our world again!

*She covers her mouth, giggling a little*

**she leans in to Acacea, her tone confiding as she wiggles her toes back** That got many laughs ... though not from him! But back to my story, hmm? Anyway, on my right, across from that wizard, was Ahrail'lan (of a most famous Orc Bashing guild, you might know!) And that is all--two only, my rivals!: Gomo, patriarch of my husband's clan, brought forth a man ... this was our third round, naturally. This man, said Gomo, had lost a thing, and first among us to rightly say what it was would win that last round and our witful jousting, that annual match of minds, would find its conclusion.

A spray and salt maid of his own?

No! Try again! Or shall I just say? Gomo's man did start to say what it was that was lacking and my rivals and I hung on his words ... as did my companions .... Awfully soon I was cognizant of what was amiss. Such a small thing, in truth! I shall say that my companions did not catch its lack ... but I, I had found our solution! So ... what was missing? Do you know?

I don't! Mind? Balls? Oft lacking parts, I know...

**snickers at Acacea's guesses** Nay, my darling rascal! 'Twas not balls, nor wits! Why, 'twas just that which I avoid now--common's most ubiquitous symbol or glyph!

*She covers a laugh with both hands at that*

Anyway, I said without thought that which was on my mind, and to much clapping and acclaim I found I had won! And my trophy, you ask? Why nothing short of that clan's patriarch's only son! Momo (son of Gomo) and I took vows that day. Or ... so it would go in any dissimilar land In Krashin, Gomo only took a band of wood and slid it onto my wrist and said his words and it was through! Fathom my shock, if you can!

Fathoming! *She eyes their feet suspiciously*

**She tilts her head to Abiorn in a "Come play with us" gesture** Join us, gnomish illusionist!

Abiorn Rukrym:  *steps forward twice* I b... will *squints, clearly in concentration on her words*

Know you what my halfling companion and I now shun? Say it not, or you shall not win!

*She looks to Abiorn when Jaelle addresses him, eyes alight with laughter at the question*

Abiorn Rukrym:  *smiles a bit,* I shall not

I find it most difficult! I am fond of it *She nods several times*

What of you, mask man? Birdlord? Gold dragon's most faithful knight? Will you play with us?

Plenarius Ashaley: I think I'm rather late to the game

Jennara Creekskipper: [Whisper] I do not know that I am most faithful.

Steel: **leans on the makeshift oven** Is it a game I can win?

You lost...

**laughs** Oh, warrior of navy skin ... If your sword was as dull as your wit, I should worry for you in a fight, for you would lack a tool that could cut all but your most trivial rivals and antagonists! **her eyes sparkle at Steel as she teases him*

Navy! A switch most apropos, naturally in comparison to indigo

Plenarius Ashaley: That didn't sound like a compliment Steel

Steel:  If it were compliments I sought after, Plenarious, I would have long since withered from despair.

**turning back to Acacea** Anyway ...  Our visitors did fancy clan hospitality, though, and took joy in much food and drink until stomachs did groan in outcry and complaint. And that is my story of how I was knit to Gomo's clan and found a husband from Krashin's north. *grins* I think it is your turn now, halfling ...

And as for widowing??

That is a story too ... but not for today. I will put forward a proposal: during this sport, I call upon you to accomplish an additional stunt of wits. I hold in my pack a commodity of curious worth—a doodad, a thingamajig, a whatchamacallit ... say only its alias and it shall pass to you! But mind, say not that which you and I vow to shun, or I shall maintain my hold on your bounty! What say you, hmm? Will you play?

The "game" went on for nearly an hour, progressing into a guessing game where the participants had to guess an item that Jaelle held in her pack. Acacea eventually won ... though I won't say what the "bounty" was! If you wish to know, guess for yourself

... but do not fail to shun that which falls twixt d and f!
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, Thak, Nehetsrev, ShiffDrgnhrt, Script Wrecked, Link092, geloooo


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 11:10:01 pm »
Although, I think I spotted an error in Jaelle's second set of blue text... she uses the word 'the' in the phrase, " is the only way you shall know what you could win."


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 12:43:23 am »
As clever as that is, you realize that it's only plausible in a text based conversation?  Can you imagine actually having o think about EVERY word you say to make sure you don't use 'e'?  and then how would you police it?  gonna carry around a dictionary and thesaurus?


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 01:02:35 am »
*gasp!* this frivolous play that lacks which lay twixt D and F, has brush upon its finality within only a small amount of that which clocks track. Such prolix dialog shall bring pain upon my cranium, so frail and tiny. thus, I shall hush with this tautological babbling.


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2009, 01:20:58 am »
Jaelle ended her statements:   "Will you play with me?"

Clearly Acacea were the winner.



Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 04:19:22 am »
Bah! A moral found, I think: this poor lady, lacking in dozing, should not post until Sandman has paid a visit. My dubious thanks to our nitpicks for catching that! I am happy to say our halfling won, anyway--a most satisfying victory for that rascal!

And Shiff, find a day on IRC to ask that which you want to know. You will find, I think, that my facility at this particular skill allows it work. Dorganath and that halfling bard can both vouch for this!


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 04:38:55 am »
Oh, and darling nitpicks, if you spot a fault you may say ... but to do so without shunning that ubiquitous glyph is poor form!

First nitpick might say: "Although, I think I spot a fault in Thornwood's navy words. That lady said a common word that starts with th and contains that which Thornwood shuns at its finish! (Navy paragraph two, if curious)"

And DV also! Why not try "You finish your oration (most pompous, I might add!) with that which you claim to shun. Do you not think this an ironic twist? It is most obvious to all that you lost and halfling won."

If you mock, do so in fitting form! Or do substandard minds lack skill to do so? *grins*


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2009, 07:45:06 am »
My mind lacks not yonder skill of glyph-shunning, it just has not thy will in wishing to try...


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2009, 10:17:49 am »
I admit my passion for this sport is odd! (Also, fifth word wants work, but it was a grand try)


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 11:47:47 am »
At 1:20 AM I lack most all skills worthy of notation.

In my form most high, you and I, both know I can not put glyphs in right form and quanity.  I most admit if that skill counts, I would hold no worthy sport for you.  I can not push buttons on my glyph board without commiting a grand atrocity in two of four rows.  

With all such said if mayhaps such joust is put in front of my toon with orbs of gold.  Such foil toting form might find fancy in such sport.  If gifts for victory and loss spark his fancy. That dashing fop is famliar with loss to a particular maid of Mist and would risk it again.  

At minimum it sounds chalk full of fun.  

If my proposal of risk is too high! I would gladly pass on an additional tax upon my brain!

Known it is, that such RP and sport I did not shy from.  I just pray, that gratutious rolls of will and skill will not play.  Or with many disastrous conclusions will a champion of vitality fall.

If I am lucky mayhaps... I did commit a faux paus in this post and did thus grant you victory at this junction.

So to you I say, will you play with me? *coughs a bit* Him? *grins*

P.S: I am so curious what a DV is. It sounds most annoying that I will say!


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 11:59:28 am »
I did not want to adjust my post I just put up, for you might think I had to adjust it.

But I did also adjust my first post to a form I think you will find in humor to your goals.  It was almost in such form as it was, just a minor addition and switch, and it was grand.  I know it was short, but I had to work with what I did put.  I pray it now finds your approval.


Re: That Which Falls Twixt D And F
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2009, 12:04:15 pm »
Or do substandard minds lack skill to do so?

