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Author Topic: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb  (Read 447 times)


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    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #20 on: October 26, 2005, 03:59:00 am »
    Fear reach forest, full of satyrs. Cast resistance to prevent their spells. They managed to cast fear on me.

    All was fine, standing by the tree screaming "AHHH!" and no one was attacking, until a Satyr came along, and as I was scared ran from it, and run into a circle of archers who shot me down.

    1 unavoidable DT. :(


    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #21 on: October 28, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
    Another good one:

    I'm at the bottom of the Haven mines trying to get the head of the ogre leader. I was level 7 or so and with a huge party so I felt pretty safe. well, most of us died, but I somehow managed to survive. It was a dead sprint to the exit. Of course, I went the wrong way and got trapped in a small circular room at the end of a hallway. The ogre berserkers lined up in the hallway and started coming at me one at a time. I killed about 3, then they stopped coming because they were now 2 wide and couldn't get through the door. I made it out due to a sorceress coming through the ogres with invisibility and casting invisibility on me.

    Not really a death, but a great tale of a near death.

    Thank you A'arna. ;)


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    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #22 on: October 28, 2005, 06:31:00 pm »
    I actually just thought of one of Yash's.  It was her 2nd DT.  It was just after we switched to the current death system and there was a bug with the recovery.  It was when G. was still a DM as "Queen of Chaos" I think.  Anyways, a group went to the Serpent Ilses and some of us died.  In interest of testing the recovery bug we were opting to die again by the hand of a DM to see if getting our grave would yield a full recovery.  It was a time when the DT would be removed because it was for the sole purpose of testing the bug, no actual playing was going on.  I opted to not do that.  The short of it was I got tired of that long wait for recovery, went outside Leilon and let myself die by the bite of a wolf and got a token.  That was the last time I opted to not take the advice of a DM.


    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #23 on: October 28, 2005, 06:52:00 pm »
    "...That was the last time I opted to not take the advice of a DM..."
      *chuckles* :)