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Author Topic: Arter Pendragon  (Read 153 times)

Arter Pendragon

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    Arter Pendragon
    « on: January 13, 2007, 04:21:56 pm »
    Gamspai ID: pwnz0r_j00
    Karakter Nam: Arther Pendragon
    Gender: Male
    Race: demi-god
    Class: Paladin/Bard/Druid
    Alignment: pwnz0r/Chaotic Evil (multi class)
    Deity: Toren

    Ever since i wuz a child and drew Excalibur from the stone I knew I was destined for greatness. Despite defeating an invading army at the age of 5 all by myself with nothing but a sock full of gummy bears and my Kamehameha power technique. I didn't have a happy life.

    My father was king of the biggest country in the world but was killd by my uncle when he poured poison into his ear but I got back at him by killing him with one punch and became teh new king of the country.

    I used my power to bring my father back to life. But he and my mom were killed by bandits. So I brought them back to life but they were eaten by a dragon. But I punched the dragon in the head five hundred times in a second and killed it.

    Merlin taught me magic and how to use my Kamehameha power technique more better but I was better than him in magic and one week later we had a magic fight and I beet him i was now teh strongestest wizard in teh world.

    I got bored of being a wizard and Toren came and said I should be one of his paladins because I would be a very good paladin. So I became a paladin and showed Toren how to do teh Kamehameha power technique.

    Toren asked me to take the One Ring to Mordor where I would throw it in the volcano and rescue Verinia and save the world from Corath. Corath sent all of his armies to try to stop me but I beat them all using Excalibur and my Kamehameha power technique in one second.

    Melivar himself came to stop me but he got scared and stepped aside and ran away when I stared at him but he couldn't hert anyone cause I took his power away and I became a god too. I didn't put teh Ring in the volcano because I was stronger than it so I could use it for good stuff. Toran said it was okay. He was happy. Ilsare was glad I rescued her and we got married.

    But I decided I didn't want to be a god cause then I'd have to sit in a cloud all day and I can already do that with my flying nimbus cloud anyway so I said I would just be a demi god and fight bad stuff and stuff like that.

    So I created a dimensional gate and came to Layonara.

    Bio is done. Can I go in game and play now? Is it approved yet?


    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 04:54:46 pm »
    Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, our pantheon doesn't have room for demigods at the moment, but I'm sure some those of other world will have room.
    Luckily for you, your dimensional gate is still functioning, so you should be able to reach one of those other worlds without any problems.
    Safe travels!



    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 04:59:50 pm »
    Jearick Hgar, why would you post this? Or is this not you and instead is somebody on your computer?

    Jearick Hgar

    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 05:12:20 pm »
    lol. completly sorry. ya you nailed it. i live at a college dorm. my roomate and i like to trash each other for theg ames we play, all he plays are sport games and all i play are rpgs. i guess he went on and did that while iw as grabbing groceries. sorry about that lol. i'm gunna change his team name to the pansies color them pink and purple and giv ehis players gay names lol. but i'll let him know that was a little too far. sorry again and maybe you could use the character as an example of what not to put up? i dunno, sorry againt hough heh.

    Leanthar - 1/13/2007  4:59 PM

    Jearick Hgar, why would you post this? Or is this not you and instead is somebody on your computer?


    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #4 on: January 13, 2007, 08:52:16 pm »
    No prob. Understood as it does happen from time to time. :)


    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 08:52:30 pm »
    Moving to just for fun hehe :)

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #6 on: January 13, 2007, 10:28:37 pm »
    I thought it was hilarious!

    I haven't laughed this hard at a character submission since somebody tried to submit Trogdor teehehehe


    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #7 on: January 14, 2007, 05:28:55 am »
    Talan Va'lash - 1/14/2007  1:28 AM

    I thought it was hilarious!

    I haven't laughed this hard at a character submission since somebody tried to submit Trogdor teehehehe

    Oh, wow! I'll have to find that one. *Giggles.* Last one of these I saw was a while back... I need to find that one.

    D Blaze

    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #8 on: January 14, 2007, 05:49:22 am »
    Here was another fun little one from not too long ago.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 08:41:56 pm »

    Jearick Hgar

    Re: Arter Pendragon
    « Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 09:12:13 pm »
    lol, i liked the vesper oen and all the replies fromt he approvers. they sounded so serious lol. but really i can't beleive someone ptu in an application for Trogdor lol! he even said he was actualyl trying to make the char for real! LOL!

    though my fav part about this one is the alignment:

    Alignment: pwnz0r/Chaotic Evil (multi class)


