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Author Topic: Spells You Won't Likely See  (Read 304 times)


Spells You Won't Likely See
« on: September 09, 2007, 02:34:11 am »
Some spells made it into NWN.  Generally, these are combat spells, but there are a few utility spells that made the cut.  Other spells didn't make the cut, because there was no good way to express their game mechanic - spells like 'Speak with Dead'.  Besides, it'd ruin a number of the murder plots.  And then there are some spells that are just too gosh-darned silly to make it in.

These are the third category.

1.  Isaac's Greater Whoopie Cushion  - Good for prankster mages, bad when in a temple of one of the more poorly-humoured gods.

2.  Chain Lightning-Letter - Take 1d6 electrical damage/caster level, and pass this spell on to ten of your closest friends and relations.  Do not break the chain.  Bob the orc broke the chain and got incinerated.  Or maybe it was the other way around.

3.  True Scent - Originally slated to be included, but made superfluous by 'True Sight'.

4.  Bigby's Crushing Tactical Nuke - Also originally slated for inclusion, but someone complained that casters were overpowered.  Plus, magical fallout is nasty.

5.  Tenser's Bandage - Good for sprains.  But more of a cleric thing.

6.  Tenser's Fermentation - Someone decided that alcohol plus the ability to rend asunder the very fabric of the universe was a bad idea.  Who knew?  (Particularly in conjunction with #4)

7.  Senior Moment - Like cloud of bewilderment, except..  um..  I can't actually remember the difference.  Back in the day, we had more clearly defined jokes...

8.  Baleful Polymorph - Because the ability to turn other PC's into squirrels doesn't actually mean never having to say you're sorry.

9.  Power Word: Play Online Fantasy Roleplaying Game - Bioware hates recursive spells.

10.  Bigby's Impolite Gesture - Because even if that oxen-herder DID cut you off, this is a FAMILY game.
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Re: Spells You Won't Likely See
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 12:55:57 pm »
Awww come on, we have to get some of these In Game... I can think of at least fifty occassions when I could have used # 10 :D

