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Author Topic: The Blonde Moment  (Read 272 times)


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    The Blonde Moment
    « on: September 30, 2006, 12:17:16 pm »
    I flatter myself (and others flatter me) that I am a generally quite intelligent, perceptive person.  But sometimes... well, maybe more often than sometimes... I can be ~really dumb~.  I'm not talking about rolling a natural one on a sure thing, but about rolling ~a whole bunch of critical failures in a row~, when I really should be getting something.  I also include in this category the things I do such as forgetting what I've gone downstairs to do (I'm 21 and I seem to do that a lot more than anyone else I know) and, yes, forgetting to turn the doorknob so that I end up running into a closed door.  Since I'm blonde, everyone seems to think it's highly witty to blame such things on the colour of my hair.

    So... my ex and I once tried to work out a system whereby a percentage die roll could apply a significant penalty to both intelligence and wisdom for some length of time.  Possibly in return for a bonus to charisma, since everyone seems to find it highly entertaining, or possibly just in return for having blonde hair.  Anyway, this idea still swims around in my head and surfaces from time to time, and I find that I would really like to work out a reasonable way to apply it to DnD.  Not because I actually intend to apply it to DnD, but because... I want to be able to, should the need ever arise (and gods know why that would be).



    RE: The Blonde Moment
    « Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 02:28:57 am »
    the blond charisma bonus is not as good as it sounds.
    and i keep failing my persuade checks when i ask my friends to stop telling blonde jokes

    Grid Blader

    Re: The Blonde Moment
    « Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 11:52:26 pm »
    It is not so bad being blond.  I have done, well call it border line blond stuff.  I have forgoten to look both ways while crossing the street out side of a cross walk.  *smiles*  Poor little honda, who would think 4,000 dollars in total damage would total the car out.  Still have the court papers were they sued my parents home oweners and won (Only 14 at the time so they picked up the bill when the car insurance would not).

    My bum landed on the hood of the car doing damage to hood and the engin, my back broke the frount windshield, my legs took out the grill and a head light, the back of my head dinted the roof.  *grins*  The lady soiled herself inside the car, causing damage to the seat and carpet.  All why I slid off and land on my feet and walked safty back to the sidewalk.  With no injury to my self, except a little cut on my calf.   I am thankfull she had the car lowered just a few days before this happened.


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      Re: The Blonde Moment
      « Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 12:17:11 pm »
      Grid Blader - 11/19/2006  2:52 AM

      It is not so bad being blond.  I have done, well call it border line blond stuff.  I have forgoten to look both ways while crossing the street out side of a cross walk.  *smiles*  Poor little honda, who would think 4,000 dollars in total damage would total the car out.  Still have the court papers were they sued my parents home oweners and won (Only 14 at the time so they picked up the bill when the car insurance would not).

      My bum landed on the hood of the car doing damage to hood and the engin, my back broke the frount windshield, my legs took out the grill and a head light, the back of my head dinted the roof.  *grins*  The lady soiled herself inside the car, causing damage to the seat and carpet.  All why I slid off and land on my feet and walked safty back to the sidewalk.  With no injury to my self, except a little cut on my calf.   I am thankfull she had the car lowered just a few days before this happened.

      Haha, I am blond too and have an eerily similar story. Only I caused 2,147 dollars to a black caddy. Its not my fault, those things have their own gravitationally pull!


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      RE: The Blonde Moment
      « Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 06:29:39 am »
      laurabunny - 9/30/2006  3:17 PM  and, yes, forgetting to turn the doorknob so that I end up running into a closed door.
       I seem too have that problem a lot. Except I run into walls in my own house. I miss a step running down the stairs often. But then again... I laugh while doing it.
        I think blonde women are *THE* worst. Clumsy.. forgetful.. clueless.. and hilarious.
         I must say... Blondes Unite, Peace Brethren.  :D

      Praylor Falcus

      RE: The Blonde Moment
      « Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 10:19:19 am »
      *reads the above post and starts to form a reply........pauses......and thinks bad karma, bad karma........then hits the submit button by mistake.........doh !!*

      *immediantly runs to the bathroom to see if he's turning blond*

