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Author Topic: PPD  (Read 265 times)


« on: August 16, 2005, 02:33:00 am »
Paranoid Personality Disorder


Paranoid Personality Disorder essentially is an ongoing, unbased suspiciousness and distrust of people. Along with this, the person suffering from PPD is emotionally detached. In order to have this diagnosis, the person would have to have seen others as having malevolent intentions, by early adulthood in different situations, as indicated by a number of different factors. These factors include: suspicion that others are exploiting, or deceiving them, that others may not be loyal or trustworthy, believes there are threats or attacks on their character in innocent statements that others do not see, and bears persistent grudges. Additionally, this is not a diagnosis which would be used if the person also has Paranoid Schizophrenia, a separate diagnosis, for example, among other diagnosis which would exclude it.

See: Forum Readers. *snicker*