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Author Topic: A Wizard's Musings  (Read 249 times)


A Wizard's Musings
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:30:40 am »
Extracted from the journal of a prominent wizard who will remain nameless, here are some useful hints, written, it would seem, as notes for treatises or dialogues, for those who must deal with spellcasters on a day to day basis, occasionally, or at all...

On the Difference Between Wizards And Dragons

"In what way," asks the young adventurer, "Is a wizard different from a dragon?  Scales and fangs and tails and wings aside, they both may have massive strength (the wizard aided by magic, the dragon having it come naturally), they both use magic to some degree of effectiveness, and they both can project some form of elemental damage - the dragon with a breath weapon, the wizard using a fireball spell, or an acid sheathe, or whatnot."

Questions like these simply show the lack of the young adventurer's understanding about how both wizards or dragons work.  Indeed, the role of any upstanding wizard is to instruct, or inform, whereas many dragons spend a good deal of time eating.  If you do not think this sufficient difference, consider this.

If you have just cheeked a dragon, the dragon may well eat you.  If you have just cheeked wizard, the more rambunctious mage may cast a slaying spell, or convert you into a pile of ashes, or perhaps skip the middle man, and simply turn you into a toad.

Either way, you are no longer a cheeky young adventurer.  In this way, dragons and wizards are very much the same.  However, the difference is this.

Regardless of the fact that you have just cheeked the dragon, it may well have just eaten you because it was hungry.  The wizard, on the other hand, has doubtless performed his or her action in order to instruct you.  Or perhaps those around you.  At the very least, your next of kin will think twice about cheeking a wizard in the future.

What?  You disagree?

How well do you like the taste of flies?
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Re: A Wizard's Musings
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 01:45:21 pm »
On the Proper Way to Address a Powerful Wizard

I am asked, more often than I care to contemplate, about the proper way to address a powerful wizard.  I would like to state here and now, that there is no good reason why a wizard should require some special form of address.  Certainly, as with all dealings with powerful individuals, it pays to be polite, but that isn't to say that there is or should be some particular phrasology for mages or mage-kind.

Really, the true question of 'how to address a wizard' depends upon the nature of the wizard being addressed.  Your average mage will likely respond well to common courtesy, and a friendship with a mage may develop the quirks and mannerisms that all friendly relationships develop.

What's that you say?  How to address an unfriendly mage?

Ah, again, my experience in such matters may be of use.  In my experience, the best way to address an unfriendly mage, would be again, politely.  Also, from a distance.  For preference, some twenty years or so after the wizard is already dead.

