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Author Topic: Time for the war of fluff...  (Read 134 times)


Time for the war of fluff...
« on: February 03, 2007, 02:48:15 am »
Ok after a 3 hour heated debat with a games workshop guy...

it seems there is a rumor that Sigmar is the lost primearch of the Emperor from 40K on some forgotten planet and that an eldar warpgate is the cause for the surge of chaos into the world.

That is why there is no history of an emperor on terra ruling the planet nor the fact that warhammer is set on terra...

there are a few characters that have POWER FISTS AND CLAWS....

Now then down to the dirty part...
The Elder are the cause for the eye of terror and  (can't spell her/his name right now) the birth of the mad god of pain, pleasure, and forbidden knowlege.. (sounds like xeen and lucinda into one doesn't it?)
Tyrinds were created by the necron to kill the orks

orcs were created by the elder to combat the necrons
Orcs have a mild Psyker ability... Like why their guns shoot better in their hands but seem crude and poor by imperal standards... all war machines made by the orcs are painted red because they think red makes it go faster thus their psyker ablity makes the thing go faster (look in the rules and make it orky)

The tau are not the good guys... they are like the Soviet union during the cold war, except they got mind contoling spores int he air, they will kill trators and using a malled fist to make peace isn't for the greater good...
onto the impreral side...
IG is a death sentance.... An Imp guard's life span is 15 hours after they are sent into battle. the main reason that Imp guard were fonded was A) turning 1 millon+ soldiers into super human marines was far to costly B) not every human can go through the geno process (the death rate is about 40% after training) C) planitary population control, when planets get to the blillon mark, your kids now work for the Emperor till it drops D) meat shield.

Space marines.
4 of the 13 (i maybe off here) Primarchs are still alive, one is hidden on the home planet of the dark angels becuase he tried to kill the emperor so that he could cast of his mortal shell to accend to being a god and destroy the chaos taint from the warp. 2 of them are MIA, Leman Russ of the space wolves.... and...........Sigmar (i never got what chapter he was from..) the 4th is Guliman of the Ultramarines he is healing in a stasis field in the chapter's cictadel.
The Emperor of mand kind MAY NOT be sitting on the golden throne...we was placed ther by guliman inoder to save his life after. 10,000 years of feeding of psyker souls he may of gotten healed up and a small rumor stating that he walk among his subjects as an old man or due to youth recovering drugs as a young Imp guard wandering about.

Space wolves have broken the chapter rule of hnot having over 1000 Marines... they number in the tens of thousands

Dark angles take children at birth into the chapter and start radical gene theripy (spelling?) at a young age

Iron Falcons are absoulte nuts... once in the chapter your right arm is cleaved off and cyber implants are used...

Ultra Marines the gunlates of ultramar used by Calgar are weapons stolen by Guilman when he fought one of his primearch brothers that was warped by chaos... and the guntlets are still taitned with evil from chaos..

Blood ravens who have no ties what so ever to the blood angels, were once part of the thousand sons legon and slowly are being turned into the next chaos legon (this was shocking to me.)

There are two space marine chapters on terra This iorn Fists and the Imperal Custodes (again spelling?) The the IC were last see fighting hourus they have never left the Emperor's throne in tibet they will not take order from the inqustion and will kill them on sight they will only take orders from the Emperor and are the only ones to look upon the golend throne.
90% of the imperal technology was stolen, traded and bartered off the eldar and infact the great farseer of the eldar helped the emperor in creating the space marines, primearchs, and the golden throne its self.

on mars. the Machine cult worships the 4th C'tan (necron leader) though put in a stasis field he could easly get out but is favoring the fleshy living ones (or using the humans for his down needs)
The machien cult does trade off psykers to the C'tan for information on building things from ships to titants to dreadnoughts.
tech priest can't cut off parts or replace their flesh with machine parts. they only "upgrade" when it is needed and it is a form of rank... the hight the rank you are the less human you are untill there is a brain inside the body of a robot.

there are only 4 emperor class titans in the whole legto Morta (titan army)

Even farl less titans controlled by chaos

and maybe one warhound titan by ocks per planet (though extreamly rare)

all of this is rumor and yet there is evidance pointing to them.

But nonthe less rumors are rumors and this is just fluff from warhammer

