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Author Topic: Guild Wars and greetings  (Read 114 times)


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    Guild Wars and greetings
    « on: March 07, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
    Hola!  I'm extremely new to Layonara but anxious to discover it's secrets.  I live in Japan, at the moment (I'm an English teacher), which is actually why I decided to try NWN at Layonara.  My current haunt in NWN, Borgo Pass, is a very good, mature player, persistent world.  Unfortunately for moi, there are not enough DMs, and my timezone creates much frustration as scheduled events always seem to come when there is little chance of me skipping work on a Monday morning to play a Sunday night event.  Don't get wrong.  Borgo is an excellent world considering you need no haks to play it and most of it's players are die-hard loyalists.  I still have a pc with a house there so I'm not completely abandoning it.  There are still die-hard loyalists to Borgo forums, but only sometimes players now, since even those old-timers have felt the void of too few dms.  We have taken to playing Guild Wars beta weekends, though, and I was wondering if any other players here do.  We could, perhaps, link up the Layonara players and Borgo players to either augment our current guild or yours or create a new guild.  Finding GW players to team up with who aren't complete buffoons is a rare thing and it seems NWN players on GW do particularly well together.  Ciao for the nonce.  Lancelot x


    RE: Guild Wars and greetings
    « Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 03:31:00 am »
    Long live warcraft! ;-)

    Didn't much like guild wars. Nothing beats layonara though.


    RE: Guild Wars and greetings
    « Reply #2 on: March 08, 2005, 04:53:00 am »
        I am afraid once you start playing here...  you will forget about your house in Bargo Pass.   Welcome to the World of Layonara.   Make sure you check around the site. Of specific interest to you would be the Calendar where you will see GM lead quests posted daily.  There are a good number of GMs here that will also run impromtu quests so you never know.  Along with quests you will find many many characters here willing to show you around and find adventure.  Roleplay is abundant and you will find many unique characters here to interact with.

        Have fun!