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Author Topic: Do you belive in Science?  (Read 242 times)


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2005, 02:33:00 am »
Interesting that Denmark should have only 180 practicing Vikings. Following the last population census in the UK, 390127 people actually wrote 'Jedi' when asked to state wat reigion they were. . I am currently working on the design of a functioning light sabre, as the marketing opportunity here is just to good to miss. If I knock them out at say 50 Euro each, I could make a fair bit of cash.


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2005, 02:41:00 am »
May the force be with you in your task Rasterik. *bows* Just one little problem though, aren't all Jedi's able to build their own light sabers?


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RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2005, 02:54:00 am »
Harloff - 11/30/2005  11:41 AM

May the force be with you in your task Rasterik. *bows* Just one little problem though, aren't all Jedi's able to build their own light sabers?

heh well actually only when you go from padawan to knight do you build your own saber. Padawans don't make sabers.


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2005, 03:24:00 am »

>Humankind is starting to go beyond beeing dependant of it's environment in order to evolve.
>Actually molding it and recreating it whether consciously or not, on a planetary scale.
>How does that fit into your evolutionary thinking?

Well that my be us becoming Homo-Tecnia and no longer Homosapions
look into the evolutionary dabat on this.

Now You should ask you’re self
"Dos God evolve?"

So you don't like this one A don't won't to ask your self this one, like I always say Religen closes the minds it dos not open them.



RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2005, 04:24:00 am »
NEXUS7 - 11/30/2005  11:24 AM

Well that my be us becoming Homo-Tecnia and no longer Homosapions
look into the evolutionary dabat on this.

There has been much speculation on the evolution of the human spieces. Putting aside the extinctionist theory, and following the trend of adaptation to ones surroundings, mans continued reliance on technology will see him possibly become an extension of some machine. Will then,  man eventually lose his conciousness? and conform to that of a collective? Dispencing with belief in a higher being. As he has then become the collective higher being.?

Back on my medication now, everything looks fine and rosy


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
Resistance is futile


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2005, 12:40:00 pm »
Quick things first :p
Nexus, why would I bother typing this sentence: "And as long as your asking yourself does god evolve then you will be too busy to ask yourself how is man evolving. I'd rather work on the later as I am part of that race" to then what? Start thinking about it because you just restate the same question...I don't think so LoL  There is no point in asking yourself a question you cannot get an answer to, I'd rather waste my time on things that are constructive.  And if your way of answering someone is to do so by simply reasking the same question, then don't expect me to continue the same goes with throwing big theories out and never your own point of view.  By the way, in the sense that you understand religion, I'm about as religious as Lenin was and I'm not talking about one of the Beatles.

Now for the viking...If I typed ale, it's because you do/did.  Used to be only one type of ale as you remembered, where you used to live as well as typing ale a lot on this forum.  So in truth this is the FIRST time you talk about mead...which I really enjoy by the way but I have to go to renaiscance carnivals to get my hands on the good stuff *sighs*
Howevere, I don't see the point in typing things when you either do not take the time to read, mix-up what I write or just take bits and pieces to then type-up something to simply assert something you're saying, when I previously said the exact same thing or even worst, try at all cost to have me be wrong or you right. *shrugs*

All you've talked up until now, when speaking of religon, are Christianity's religions.  What you type and how you type it, makes me think that...and fallow the sentence correctly this time...In this debate we're having on religion, all you're writtings have focused on Christianity.  I have never said you define everything based on Christianity, who knows, maybe you think that, but that is certainly not my case.

Yup, Nordic theology is very interesting and would have loved to keep talking about that and others things with you but right now am no longer seeing any point to it (see above) who knows maybe I'm just tired, it as been a long day *shrugs*  

Red Monkey

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RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2005, 12:51:00 pm »
I really don't, the rules keep changing, are eggs good for you are they bad...BAH!

And this whole gravity thing, don't get me started.

*Falls up and out of the atmosphere*

Not agaiiiiiiiiiin!


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2005, 01:16:00 pm »
I think this thread has run its course and is no longer 'Just for fun'.


RE: Do you belive in Science?
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2005, 02:21:00 pm »
Im not going to post on this matter any more

This one is now ended
Could a GM Freze thanks

