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Author Topic: Time travil..  (Read 500 times)


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RE: Time travil..
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2005, 06:48:00 pm »
Shotgunbunny - 9/10/2005  1:51 PM

Ranting time!

Actually, in your mind you already timetravel when you go to sleep, i mean, for yourself, the moment you fall totally asleep to the moment you wake up is almost instant (unless you have a dream)So in that case you could put someone in an long coma in a secure enviroment and when they wake up, they're in the future!

Ranting time over..... *sob*  :)

that is not true time travil though, your body will not survie the long years (100+) that i make refernece to. now if this could be fixed.... such as the cryogen lab that can be automated. so in 300 years it will revive your body automaticly with no assasstence from outside sorce, you would have to have it placed in a secure location that will never in 1000+ years be altered by other men. You could get a generator of sorts to hold the power over the years and then turn on when the time has come so you have selfsufecent power in the years to come... hum that is highly possable... *starts thinking up plans*.. anyone want to come with me if i figure this out?


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    RE: Time travil..
    « Reply #21 on: September 11, 2005, 12:00:00 am »
    How about this one then.....

    If you are in a travelling device of some sort that can go much faster than the speed of light. Before you take off you wave to nobody then at rediculous speeds your circle the earth. When you come back to the original spot would you still see yourself waving? And if you could travel at 50 x the speed of light would you see 50 of yourself? Now that would be looking into the past would it not?


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    RE: Time travil..
    « Reply #22 on: September 11, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
    interesting idea... BUT the G force that you would encounter from going from 0 to..rediculose speeds, and then from said speed to 0 again would turn you into jello. now if you did that with a computer r somthing that could withstand the G's then maby... maby it would work. Its kinda like the old trick that gose somthing like "im the fastest person in the world, watch ill run all the way around the world, you ready, watch close, okay here i go. So wasent that fast, dident even see me move did you, thats becouse im so fast."


    RE: Time travil..
    « Reply #23 on: September 16, 2005, 11:19:00 am »
    Consider Einstiens Theory of Relativity... in my opinion.. it does NOT lend to time travel in the sense of leaving the present to visit the past. It only says that time is considered from a relational stand point... change the object to which time is refrenced and your sense of time will obviously change... you do not change time itself... only how your observe it, you will always be in the present time. Only your consideration of passage will. To make it less confusing... you count oranges at a steady rate... everyone else count's oranges too... you count apples and it takes longer so everyone else is counting oranges faster than you... they count 4 you count 1 ... they are thee units in the future... but you all all still in the present... just counting diffent things as your "unit"... they look at you like your an idiot... you count lemons and it takes less time... .. they count to 6 and so do you... you say "Wow! I saw 4 twice!"... they lock you up in a padded room...


    RE: Time travil..
    « Reply #24 on: September 16, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
    incidently... we use light to guage the passage of time... if we change our perspective of light... we do not change time itself... only that which we guage time with.

    creepy note... everthing in the universe is in a state of decay... orbits slow due to friction.. light slows for the same reason... the concept of time does not....

    creepier note... For the concept of time to work.. it must start and stop... a beginnin with no end has no progress as all points are forever reaching the point at wich the end... (you play NWN at 3:00am and you will stop at 6am... with no end point to time... you will spend eternity reaching 6am.) and with no begining.. all of time will be stuck at it's completion... (you plan to start at 3:00am but it's already 6:00am), only a begining and end will allow for consecutive points on the time line... even a segment of the previous timelines will be eterninty between. You can divide time into infinitly small pieces... yet you will progress through at the same rate reguardless (save for the above mentioned). So the question is... what started time... and what will end it? only something outside time can affect time since no singe thing subject to a condition can wholy affect the condition without affecting itself... time cannont create it's self.. since it could not exist before it's own existance.


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      RE: Time travil..
      « Reply #25 on: September 16, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
      Now I have a headache


      RE: Time travil..
      « Reply #26 on: September 18, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
      I've always thought time travel, as in moving back through space to events that have already happened, wasn't possible.  Mostly because time is a tool that we humans invented to measure the passage of celestial bodies - aka planets orbiting the Sun.  Though I do believe that backward causation is possible to an extent.  I don't believe that the theroies of using backward causation to move forward, because I don't beleive in fate.  Fate as being our futures being predetermined.


      RE: Time travil..
      « Reply #27 on: September 20, 2005, 11:37:00 pm »
      please take two asprin and re-read what I posted before.


      RE: Time travil..
      « Reply #28 on: September 27, 2005, 05:36:00 pm »
      Not visiting the forums because of school makes me feel like I have travelled through time... :|
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT

      Kapitän Awesome

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        RE: Time travil..
        « Reply #29 on: September 27, 2005, 06:39:00 pm »
        I never really understood time travel....It seemed to me that, if you moved backwards, you would eventually get back to where you started, and go back in time once again, and again, and the loop goes on forever. The future would be held up because you continued to go back over and over again.

        (I say this because I think that, if something happens, thats the way it happens, and if you go back, it isn't going to change that much...guess i'm a bit closeminded that way)

        By the way, you all have very intriguing ideas...I'll have to consider some more deeply