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Author Topic: I Must Not Fear... Back in action!  (Read 112 times)


I Must Not Fear... Back in action!
« on: April 05, 2008, 01:13:20 am »
Well, I picked up the "I Must Not Fear" extension for Firefox a few years ago - you know, the one that added an option in Tools to pop up with Frank Herbert's Litany Against Fear? However, Firefox was updated, and updated, and the extension was never kept up.

So, finally, tired of not having it, I searched... And searched... And finally tried hacking apart a few Hello World extensions to see if I could make them do what I wanted. In the end, I found the original extension, and altered the version it says it works with - as nothing in the extension is at all version-dependent, so it'll work with anything. I was just that one little limiting number.

After a few (three) hours of fighting with .zips and .jars and .jses, and .blahblahblahs... I finally managed to make an XPI that'll work on my version ( - or, really, any version up to 3.0.

And here it is, on the first fileserver I could find that was hassle-free:

imustnotfear.xpi - Whenever you need it.... Right in your Firefox Tools. - BADONGO

If anyone cares to host this themselves, I'd <3 you forever, as I'm not sure how long Badongo will continue to host this file.

