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Author Topic: More RP tips from Pseudonym  (Read 137 times)


More RP tips from Pseudonym
« on: September 12, 2007, 10:28:38 pm »
Finding it hard to capture that quintessential compassion and grace that encompasses what it means to play an Aeridinite Priest?? Someone who is guided by love and compassion at all times, someone who turns the other cheek, someone who can always be relied on for a kind word and a gentle smile ...

Instead of saying, "You don't have a ******* clue, do you?"
perhaps try, "I think you could do with more guidance from the Lifebringer."

Instead of saying, "She's a ******* power-crazy, loot-grabbing *****."
perhaps try, "She sure is an aggressive go-getter."

Instead of saying, "**** off"
perhaps try, "I'm certain that isn't feasible."

Instead of saying, "Well, ***** me with a dire mace."
perhaps try, "Really?"

Instead of saying, "Tell someone who gives a ****"
perhaps try, "Perhaps you should check with the High Priest"

Instead of saying, "Not my ******* problem."
perhaps try, "I wasn't involved in that quest."

Instead of saying, "What the ****?"
perhaps try, "That's interesting."

Instead of saying, "Why the **** didn't you tell me that yesterday?"
perhaps try, "It will be tight, but by the grace of my Lord, I'll try to schedule it in."
Instead of saying, "He's got his head up his ****"
perhaps try, "He's not familiar with the issues."

Instead of saying, "Oi! ********"
perhaps try, "Excuse me, sir?"

Just doing my bit to improve RP on Layo.
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