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Author Topic: A tinkerer's tale  (Read 115 times)


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    A tinkerer's tale
    « on: July 14, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
    HeHe. My computer was constantly getting so hot an alarm would go off inside and it would freeze. My room is really hot as it is at the top of the house and it's like a greenhouse (no really, you should see the size of my tomato plants). Finally today after it beeping at me for the umpteenth time, I actually took it apart and cleaned it and put it in a case I had got when a company down the road had thrown away an old computer.  Below is my slightly fantastical account. :)

    Bizza sighed as the alarm rang through the workshop and the image on the crystal froze. This was the fourth time today that the arcane box for information and inter-planer viewing had exceeded it's maximum temperature and, in an effort to protect itself, set off it's alarm and ceased operation. The workshop was especially hot this year and the summer had been particularly unrelenting. After desparately fanning the box and blowing at it till he felt quite light headed, Bizza resigned himself to the defeat and turned the thing off.

    "What to do now?" he thought. He had purchased the box from a wizard-cum-salesman who had told him the small design would mean it be an unobtrusive element at home. Looking around, Bizza realised that in fact he had loads of space and could have happily had one twice the size without it being obtrusive. He also remembered that, last week, he had picked up an old box from a merchant who had throw it away for a better one, true the components inside were obsolete, but the casing itself was that much larger, "I wonder" thought Bizza.

    Being a man of a tinkering nature, Bizza set about dismantling the arcane box and re-assembling it within the larger case. With care he removed the outer cover. Once inside the sight that greeted him was none too friendly it was like a crypt, not the well kept family tombs in the church yard, more like the mazey catacombs beneath the larger cathedrals that were the communal graves for the poor, the criminal and the insane from so many centuries gone by. Thick dust and grime coated nearly evrything and it seemed apparent that the rehousing would also require a damn good clean. "Blast" thought Biz "I hate cleaning".

    First out was the magic regulator, this powerful box would draw in the raw magical energy, filter and refine it for use by the other components. Knowing that these devices were positively saturated with raw magic he carefully removed the cover and began to peel away the many layers of dirt. After this none too trivial chore he proceeded to take the other wonderous components out, most were easily cleaned with a quick dust down, but there was one component that this wouldn't be sufficient, the arcane rune itself.

    This hub for the magic that ran the box had a large silver heat diffuser attached to it, atop this was an intricate fan, made up of many cogs and gears. "Must have been a dwarvish design" thought Biz as he began to dismantle this most delicate of devices.

    Once the cleaning was complete he re-assembled the box within the larger casing. Finally he re-attached it all in it's original spot; saying a small prayer to the gods he pushed the button to start it up. How pleasantly surprised he was to find it all worked staright away! Something was always not quite right when he had attempted similar tinkerings before, Bizza was well pleased, grabbed himself a beer from the pantry and set about re-connecting to his favourite plane, Layonara.


    RE: A tinkerer's tale
    « Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
    Hehe...wonderful spin on the technical aspect. Great read!!

    Thanks for this. :)

