The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => Just for Fun => Topic started by: LynnJuniper on August 31, 2007, 07:41:02 pm

Title: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: LynnJuniper on August 31, 2007, 07:41:02 pm
New World Leader Application: Squishy
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  [FONT="]Name: [/FONT][FONT="]“Squishy” Kuala’shtus Mela’fulumus[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Translation:[/FONT][FONT="] Deep Eye of Immanent Doom; a common beholder name[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Original Submission:[/FONT][FONT="] See Rhynn’s CDQ[/FONT]
  [FONT="]Character Development Threads:[/FONT][FONT="] Squishy has no hands and therefore can not write. Occasionally he has been known to use telekinetic power to balance a pencil, or dictate to Rhynn, Saru, or the Lim Lim. However thus far, nothing has occurred, because two of the three can not write, and Rhynn either thinks its cute and hugs him or at times, obliges to which excerpts such as the following occur.[/FONT]
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  Floobar Kelleboots Oggitama Rhynnykins Kelleboots Oggar Gloofo Floog Flog Ohhhbarbarbarbarbarbar Kelleboots
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  [FONT="]          [/FONT][FONT="]Squishy began his life, as a below average beholderkin, at the bottom rung in the treacherous hives of the beholder; after all someone must be at the bottom. This was, unfortunately Squishy’s lot in life. Yet in the face, of upmost despair, everyone must have hope. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            And so, within this normally mild and timid eyeball, after years of abuse by his larger, smarter and simply stronger kin, something finally broke. He went spare. The madness that he embraced was not of the ‘froth at the mouth’ every day manor. It was, instead of religious hysteria.  This was unfortunate. He began to rave and rant about a time of great pain, followed by the promised one, who would lead all beholderkin to a time of equality and power where they would take control of great soaves of the surface lands. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            As with any society, especially in the highly xenophobic clans of the beholder, anyone whom decides to go against common convention, especially based off religion, would soon find themselves either banished or killed. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            And so, before either of those two things could happen, Squishy begun his long flights into the deepening darks of the underworld. Being at this point at best, only mildly connected to the commonly accepted reality of the sane it is unknown how long Squishy wandered the tunnels, jibbering out his prophetic visions of a better tomorrow.  However his wanderings in the deep would take him once again into what he knows as the time of pain.[/FONT]
  [FONT="]            He would stumble across Deep dwarf slavers, who found him both harmless and hilariously amusing, something to throw around, punt with a stick and in general make even more miserable. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]They would loose their favorite ball quite swiftly when it fled directly into the hands of a group of half orc slavers during a pitched melee in a dispute about wages. This would continue Squishy’s time of pain, the orcs thought that the Deep Dwarves had the right idea, and proceeded to use this small eyeball as their favorite throwing object. [/FONT]
  [FONT="]All the blows to his head must have continued to deteriorate what little sanity he may have had. As he began to rave to himself more and more about the time of pain soon being over and the Great One leading him to his destiny, some strange luck occurred. This came within a years time.[/FONT]
  [FONT="]            When the half orc seriously underestimated one of their latest torturing victims. Having witnessed her cast such miracles as ‘crawling out of her own form’ , defeating the Wicked Ones, and helping release him from The Time of Pain, he began his new life, as the first and only prophet of his idol of worship: Rhynnykins[/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]It is still assumed that he has suffered one too many blows to the head, and now spends his days , wandering while following her and raving about the beginning of his new order dedicated to the greatness of the one who rescued him from the time of pain, and her offspring, which he views, as a sacred child, or mayhaps just a follower.[/FONT]
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[FONT="] [/FONT]
 [FONT="]The Slaying Of The Primal Water Elemental [/FONT][/B][FONT="]– It was a dark return to the underworld and squishy was determined to locate a beholder clan and bring them the great news of his religion and its growth although he still wasn’t certain about all the details.  However determined, the Squishy was taken aback to see the one that brought him from the Time of Pain into the Time of Whatever This Time Is Now (once again it is stressed that he has not quite figured out what he is doing) being attacked by a giant moving wall of water. Which he promptly attacked with all his small globular might. It was apparently enough.[/FONT]
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  [FONT="]The squishy is worthy of World leader not just because of his ability to slay such things as a primal water elemental; that would be powergaming. He is also worthy because of his ability to befriend and successfully travel with noteworthy heroes; and accomplishment few creatures as supposedly ‘evil’ as he , could ever dream of doing.[/FONT]
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  [FONT="]Furthermore, he would like to take a moment to explain in his own words, how he has repeatedly assured the success of all adventures and quest that succeeded in his presence. [/FONT]
  [FONT="] [/FONT]
  [FONT="]            Kelleboots Floogy Mormormor Veneleotu Gabby Bops Angula Baldor Kelleboots Kelleboots Bimbo Kelleboots Rhynnykins AVENTUR FLOOG![/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
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[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]Future Development As World Leader[/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
 [FONT="]            It is not entirely certain of what Squishy’s true goals may be. This is because they have changed on average once every half hour for the past years. However, it can be considered the overall goal of the Squishy to unite the beholderkin under his new beliefs. If successful, he will indeed unite them, underneath the concepts of equality for all eyeball kin, under the teachings and examples of the one idol….As soon as he figures out exactly what these teachings are.[/FONT]

[SIZE=10]now be certain to double check which forum you're looking at[/SIZE]
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Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Pseudonym on August 31, 2007, 10:18:07 pm
This is under discussion. Thanks for your patience.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: merlin34baseball on September 01, 2007, 01:00:41 am
I think this should be looked into....
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Skywatcher on September 01, 2007, 01:15:30 am
I don't seem to be able to find Squishy's CDT..
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on September 01, 2007, 01:57:20 am
*snickers, covering his mouth**
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 15, 2007, 02:19:30 pm
did we ever come to a decision about this yet its been a while
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Acacea on October 15, 2007, 02:44:29 pm
I'm sure the team is at a quandary. It is not often that they see applications as notable as Squishy's, yet he is lacking a CDT and certain other qualifications. And other hand, behold! (Pun intended.) It is very likely that this very topic takes up hours of every GM day as they agonize over this decision.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: lonnarin on October 15, 2007, 02:52:31 pm
Squishy is surely more active than many World Leaders who might be slipping behind the participation requirement to at least log in once every two months.  I say we evict one of those slackers and give the spot to Squishy.  One cannot lead the world in absence.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Xirion on October 15, 2007, 02:57:51 pm
I would say Squishi is just too active IG to write a CDT.

I would go even firther than lonn suggested and make Squshi, due to the extreme detailed application combined with the eytraordinary highg degree of activity, the only world leader.

Thanks for considering this and sorry for popping into a thread that is meant for CAs and the player only, but I feel you treaten Squishi not fair. Several other apllications have been approoved in the meantime.

This is clearly favoritism,


Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on October 15, 2007, 03:01:03 pm
Agreed, Lonnarin! Truly, Squishy must return to the Deep Dark to rise and lead his people to their rightful worship...
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: LynnJuniper on October 15, 2007, 03:02:29 pm

In all seriousness, I wonder how GMs would feel about me playing Squishy on quests without Rhynn...
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: ShiffDrgnhrt on October 15, 2007, 03:06:09 pm
Can you do that?
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: lonnarin on October 15, 2007, 03:23:28 pm
Quote from: LynnJuniper

In all seriousness, I wonder how GMs would feel about me playing Squishy on quests without Rhynn...

We should have a quest specifically for familiars, sneaking out at night while their master mages are sleeping.  Have them storm some lab in Spellguard notorious for transmutative experimentation and unleash all the captive imps, eyes and pixies being held there against their will.  It'd be like a combination episode of Rugrats and the Twilight Zone.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Filatus on October 15, 2007, 03:27:46 pm
There has been at least one familiar quest before. Sadly Daeron's raven had to miss it. Was busy cleaning his feathers or something. :p
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on October 15, 2007, 03:49:15 pm
That would actually be REALLY cool. I almost miss Tyeaan just for the possibility of that quest.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: scifibarbie on October 15, 2007, 04:07:30 pm
Bow before Rhynnykinni and hearken to the teachings of Squishy!

Thru the wise words of Squishy and his effervescent goddess Rhynnikinni, ones eyes may achieve a brightness adn clarity of purpose that have thus deluded them.

All hail Squishy and bow before the great goddess Rhynnikinni!!

May her eyes never go blind!
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 15, 2007, 07:27:48 pm
: opens the gate and lets the eyeball picketers into the yard with eye stalks hung with signs for squishy:
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 18, 2007, 09:26:25 am
: sits listening to the eyeballs chanting in the yard:
squishy, squishy,squishy,squishy
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: ShiffDrgnhrt on October 18, 2007, 12:04:54 pm
*decides to make little promotional braclets out of copper with "Squishy for Prez" on them and hand them out to the Beholders with SPF 5000 Sunglasses on*
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 24, 2007, 10:21:33 am
*watches the picket line grow tired and hungry till they begin to canabalize each other until only one slightly larger eyeball is left floating*

*it slips the dark glass back over its eye and holds its sign higher up until a low gutteral voice is heard*

Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: LynnJuniper on October 24, 2007, 12:00:40 pm
You know with all this you're just suggesting that Rhynn be the new queen of the beholders. Squishy is just an insane prophet that will bring it all together, and then Rhynn shall rule the beholder race FOREVER O_O;;
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 24, 2007, 12:09:13 pm
hmm does this mean they will start carrying pallydum whap sticks?
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Xirion on October 24, 2007, 12:09:39 pm
...if Squishy doesnot become to bloodthirsty and decides to take over the world and kills her :p
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: LynnJuniper on October 24, 2007, 02:15:07 pm
=O Squishy will never disobey the Rhynnykins! BLASPHEMY!
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Pseudonym on October 24, 2007, 08:45:05 pm
@Lynnjuniper - this is still being discussed. Are you able to contact any other familiars and have them post their RP experiences with squishy to this thread?

Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: LynnJuniper on October 24, 2007, 08:52:16 pm
No but I can site other characters and beholders
Squishy has talked to beholders on Jrizz's and Dezza's quests
Also, He interacts with Ozy, Angela, Alantha, Storold, Jacchri and others on a firm basis (Whenever Rhynn sees them)
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Pseudonym on October 24, 2007, 08:55:11 pm
Well, that all sounds fair enough to me. We'll put it to the vote but he (she? it?) will surely have my full endorsement.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 24, 2007, 09:11:08 pm
woohoo one vote for squishy* the larger eyeball with his shade on cheers*
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on October 24, 2007, 11:44:26 pm
It; beholderkin are asexual, or rather, hermaphroditic like worms. However, in Squishy's particular case, it has more masculine qualities than feminine, and many choose to simplify things and refer to it as a him.

Pyyran has regular interaction with Squishy, and while not to the point of understanding his babble, is certainly on friendly enough terms with the addle-brained abberation (after a brief period of distrust in the beginning).
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Pseudonym on October 25, 2007, 12:05:24 am

Are you sure it's a hermaphrodite?? Were I 'hermaphroditic', there's a fair chance i'd never wish to leave my bedroom, let alone aspire to World Leader status.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on October 25, 2007, 12:33:32 am
Recall, while humans, dogs, and dolphins peruse such enjoyments for the mere sake thereof, the vast majority of living things feel an occasional compulsion, a "going into heat." Trees (another hermaphroditic organism, albeit non-sentient according to current estimates of sentience) do this every spring/summer/whenever their own time is, when they release pollen into the air.
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: Falonthas on October 25, 2007, 02:59:29 am
well you have your pink shirts so your close
Title: Re: World Leader Application: Squishy
Post by: lonnarin on October 25, 2007, 03:43:29 am
Quote from: Pseudonym
@Lynnjuniper - this is still being discussed. Are you able to contact any other familiars and have them post their RP experiences with squishy to this thread?


We're considering mating our beholderkin, but we're not entirely sure if they even have boy parts or girl parts, or what mating for them would entail.  So far their just spitting into a bucket and waging staring contests.
Title: That awkward moment when you
Post by: LynnJuniper on July 03, 2014, 12:22:58 am

That awkward moment when you stumble upon this from years ago and wonder what exactly you were on when writing it.

Title: That awkward moment when you
Post by: LynnJuniper on July 03, 2014, 12:23:04 am

That awkward moment when you stumble upon this from years ago and wonder what exactly you were on when writing it.

Title: What ever it was, I want some
Post by: Brutus_Clawfoot on July 05, 2014, 11:03:51 am

What ever it was, I want some too but only about a 10th of the amount that you were using!