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Author Topic: I Stole Ben Franklin's Hair!  (Read 114 times)


I Stole Ben Franklin's Hair!
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:33:45 am »
Seeing as how I've gone all 5 years of college now without a haircut, I decided to donate mine 2 foot long viking red locks to Locks of Love so that cancer patients can make use of my slackitude.  What once flowed luxuriously from my scalp way down to my buttox is now shoulder length and unlayered, and parted down the center... Yes..  the BEN FRANKLIN!  Sadly, I am not yet balding enough to be a carbon-clone, though now at least 3 random strangers have remarked that I look like Ben Franklin.

And so, to pay homage to the great polymath inventor, philosopher, diplomat, physicist and and founding father, I present to you one of his best written works, on audio.  The Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout,  Courtesy of Project Gutenburg... one of my favorite sites.  It's basically ebooks and audio-books of everything that no longer holds a copyright, and this one is him sitting bed-ridden from the gout, screaming into his belly and trying to convince it not to plague him anymore.