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Author Topic: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...  (Read 1060 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2005, 02:13:00 am »
*look up at Talan's post*  Mine.. was with the pecans before I knew where they were. 
  I remeber looking at all them in the supermarket and thinking.. how wonderful it wouold be to have all those...


RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2005, 04:01:00 am »
Heh. The very worst case I've had so far is typing my password to my account and getting as far as "layopl--" before realizing that wasn't the password in question. :P


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    RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
    « Reply #22 on: September 10, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
    Having a non-existent compulsive urge to smoke. I'm always thinking, like at school at such, "Huh, I should smoke that last bit of Green Dragon's Envy". I don't smoke at all in RL, so it's kind of strange. Also, when talking, I usually have an urge to say my actions with little asterisks, like *laughs*. Ohh, also, thinking I could get a pass to go to the little boy's room during class, then turn on stealth and wander around the school.


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      RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
      « Reply #23 on: September 11, 2005, 12:07:00 am »
      Went for a walk with friends the other day and came across a mining quarry. After a while of thinking to myself a friend asked me what I was doing? To which I replied "Just looking to see if there are any greenstone deposits in there. Ah dont worry about it I dont have my miners pick with me anyway"

      Geez.....I need a break ;)


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        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #24 on: September 11, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
        FraterAudcal - 9/10/2005  2:28 PM
         I usually have an urge to say my actions with little asterisks, like *laughs*.

        I've actually said, out loud, to real people, the kind that can and will think youre mentally ill, the words NODS and SIGHS.

        Its really kind of a creepy feeling when ya realize what ya just did...


        Lalaith Va'lash

        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #25 on: September 11, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
        Synpox - 9/11/2005 10:41 AM
        FraterAudcal - 9/10/2005 2:28 PM I usually have an urge to say my actions with little asterisks, like *laughs*.
        I've actually said, out loud, to real people, the kind that can and will think youre mentally ill, the words NODS and SIGHS. Its really kind of a creepy feeling when ya realize what ya just did... -Pox

          *nods sadly*  I've done that too...


        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #26 on: September 11, 2005, 09:43:00 am »
        Hehe... I would've probably done that too unless I mostly spoke Finnish.

        Some advantages with that after all.

        Ah well... One thing is when you're in a bar and don't really realize that the +30 fort save you have IG doesn't really much help in RL...

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #27 on: September 11, 2005, 10:42:00 am »
        Synpox - 9/11/2005  8:41 AM

        FraterAudcal - 9/10/2005  2:28 PM
         I usually have an urge to say my actions with little asterisks, like *laughs*.

        I've actually said, out loud, to real people, the kind that can and will think youre mentally ill, the words NODS and SIGHS.

        Its really kind of a creepy feeling when ya realize what ya just did...


        Just tell them your inner monologue broke out.

        I'm sure I've sent emails to people signed -TV ... I've caught myself almost doing like 20 times, I'd bet one slipped by... probably why that one company never got back to me after I sent them my resume...



        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #28 on: September 12, 2005, 11:57:00 pm »

        Well, the word, “aye” has become part of my regular speaking vocabulary.

        And late July, early August, I ended up taking a few days off after I started having dreams where my viewpoint/perspective of the dream was happening through the perspective of NWN’s main game-play screen.  I mean, I could see the quick slots and all the other stuff you see on your main screen - and was seeing the dreams like what you see when you're playing the game!  

        Now that was just too weird for me.  So I took a break.  Hasn’t happened since.

        Lol.  Okay, maybe I +do+ have a problem, *he quickly denies it, once again* but here's another.  I am really into long distance running.  But where I live, in the central U.S., it gets really, really hot in the summer times.  The only time you can run without getting a heat stroke or heat exhaustion is very early morning.  So to keep up my conditioning, I end up having to go out sometimes as early as 04:00 or 04:30; and the sun does not rise until 05:30 at the earliest.  *he denies the existence of yet another addiction* This is hard to do at times, so I have to come up with ways to motivate.  So this past summer, one of these was pretending I was Ael (monk speed) out on a night-time (drow) training run somewhere in Mistone.

        Now one of my running routes takes me through a wooded area near a cemetery - so a couple of times I had to resist the temptation to pretend I was Ael fighting undead in the Broken Forest.  Now +that+ would have got me thrown away really fast!


        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #29 on: September 13, 2005, 04:02:00 am »
        I can't tear myself away from Layonara long enough to work on my bonsai.  I have a weekend meeting with my master in 2 more weeks, and I still haven't done anything--all summer long.  Two of my oldest trees are probably dead, everything else is overgrown, nothing is wired--I think you get the picture.
          Maybe if I tell him I was defending them from goblins all summer?


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        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #30 on: September 13, 2005, 08:28:00 am »
        Yllyrryon reminded me of the fact that I've had dreams about Layo.  I actually woke up one day, started playing, and realized that the last half hour I thought I'd spent roleplaying with people never actually happened.. so I had to do it all over again.  I had been doing such great character representation, too..


        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #31 on: September 15, 2005, 04:50:00 pm »
        When... during my absence... I become obsessed with vocaly impersonation Weston at work... Oh man... that was the worst. I would impulsivly comment on everything in a terrible british accent....

        "I say.. terrible spot of coffe that.. dare say it's burnt something fierce." Oh yeah.. that one got me to shut up really fast...


        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #32 on: September 15, 2005, 06:45:00 pm »
        The worst thing was that when i was sitting in my Math and Physic classes today and i really wanted to quickslot my graphing calculator so i didn't have to keep pulling it out of my backpack.
          oh and I have also said my emotes out loud


        RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
        « Reply #33 on: September 16, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
        Client sees the fresh scars on my wrist and asks what happened. Without thinking I say I failed my dex check.  ( Cat bit me.  Wonder what the DC on cats named Angel is?) 
          Discussing a mural being painted in our obedience training area with the artist, he complains about having had his airbrush for 3 years and never breaking a bottle and this week he's broke three.  Could not help thinking...Yeah I have that happen with gem chisels and shovels all the time....


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          RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
          « Reply #34 on: September 28, 2005, 12:01:00 pm »
 about when you dream about grinding xp....and you die and get a death token...and when you wake up you are super mad all day about getting a death token...only to realize later that it never really happened when you check your death token count...then you feel completely stupid......

          ....or when you are walking down a street wondering why you arent getting your speed bonus for walking on a street......



          RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
          « Reply #35 on: September 29, 2005, 05:17:00 am »
          Not really a RL one, but, nevertheless. When playing Counter-Strike ( Yes, I still do that from time to time ) you always click C to find out how much XP did you get for killing that enemy, expecting to get around 3000 when you see that you just shot one the best men of the opposing team. Getting irritated and thinking "Damn lag!" when the character sheet doesn't open. And feeling stupid after being shot, due to not making anything and waiting for the lag to pass and the character sheet to open


          RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
          « Reply #36 on: September 29, 2005, 05:37:00 am »
          Ar7 - 9/29/2005  3:17 PM

          Not really a RL one, but, nevertheless. When playing Counter-Strike ( Yes, I still do that from time to time ) you always click C to find out how much XP did you get for killing that enemy, expecting to get around 3000 when you see that you just shot one the best men of the opposing team. Getting irritated and thinking "Damn lag!" when the character sheet doesn't open. And feeling stupid after being shot, due to not making anything and waiting for the lag to pass and the character sheet to open

          So true... still waiting for level2 :(

          Kapitän Awesome

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            RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
            « Reply #37 on: September 29, 2005, 02:59:00 pm »
            Heh. I've only been playing this for a few days, and I find myself about to say *nods* and stuff (without the asterisks), until I realize what I'm doing, and then go the rest of the day without talking, for fear of looking stupid  ;)

            Well, maybe not the WHOLE day...don't think I have the self-control


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              RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
              « Reply #38 on: October 06, 2005, 06:32:00 am »
              or how about....everytime you hear someone clipping their toenails, you think you are in the Goblin Wastelands....

              ((sorry i really think the "breaking branch" sound, sounds just like someone clipping their toenails ^_^))


              RE: You know you're taking Layonara a bit too seriously when...
              « Reply #39 on: October 06, 2005, 12:17:00 pm »
              I was going to lunch and I had to cross a VERY busy street

              I looked both ways and thought twice

              not because it was busy...

              but because I actually though Vyris was going to make me do a spot roll