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Author Topic: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket  (Read 2248 times)


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    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #20 on: May 08, 2005, 07:01:00 pm »
    Let me just make a simple statement about this if I may.  Threats..blackmail..pure hatefullness  whatever you want to call it is certainly not a way to get Leanthar's attention.  I know that he firmly stands behind his team and this world that he has created.  Lots of people have come and gone.  I have to respect those people that found this was not the place for them and they moved on quietly.  

    This is a GAME.  If this guy is that personally offended then perhaps there are many underlying issues which should not and will not be discussed here.  There are TONS of free places to play.. if you find a world that you dont fit in or dont like..move on.  If you do like it here and stand behind the team and follow the rules then speak up and tell the team what you think of the work they are putting in every day and thanking Leanthar for bringing this world to life.


    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #21 on: May 08, 2005, 07:32:00 pm »
    I'm behind Leanthar on this one as well.  I havent been here long but I have to say that what I have seen and been involved in here in Layonara are incredible.  I can understand why this guy wants back so bad but he really is going about it the wrong way.  You dont insult somebody and then ask them for something regardless of past history.  Plus, if you give him this then you're just empowering him to try it again.  For what it's worth, I stand behind you and the rest of the team.  



    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #22 on: May 08, 2005, 08:24:00 pm »
    Well... from the first time I played in game with this guy I thought he was trouble. Remember that spider battle outside Hampshire Storm and Pan? I was glad to see him banned, for personal reasons that is. Atleast now everybody knows what I thought for sometime. Good riddence!! Nobody...Layo team members, Layo players, or anyone else should have to put up with disrespect like that. Even if this was the worst place on earth to play Layo most of us would just quietly move on to find another. And that is the calibur player that makes Layo great. And if it wasn't for Leanther and the rest of the team all you great players would be suffering somewhere else.

    And just to make sure they know...

    I always look forward to the next changes they make here. You would think there would be a cap to how fun they make this server, but it keeps getting better...kinda like Tide. And I like to make sure Orth, Pankoki, Rhizome, Stormspirit, and...(well, getting to be too many to list) hear that. Ghost, Nita, IceDragon, it just keeps going on and on.



    Thunder Pants

    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #23 on: May 08, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
    i would like to point out that his comment that half the GM team has left him has absolutly nothing to do with him leaving, but he believes it does for some reason, it's true that recently a lot of DMs have been stepping down, but that is because real life has been stepping in and drawing their attentions away from the game, and instead of filling up a space on the team they are stepping down to make room for new DMs

    honestly every claim he's made that he's going to be leaving is bull, and the world will continue to move on without him, thats where his ego is being hit, because the world isn't disapearing with him, he is not the center of the world, and as such he is resorting to what are likely empty threats


    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #24 on: May 08, 2005, 10:38:00 pm »

    Prior to the ban, on the topic of the diamond mining, I was somewhat sympathetic until I heard the reason the entrance was blocked was because somebody actually pulled out their pickaxe and caved in the place.  I've had quite a few DM spawns while I've been crafting, but Bjorn's about 14-0 on them now, and they give me a sense of pride and blood pumping to know that at any second I can be tested to my limits.  I remember this one time with Celgar and Farros we were mining topaz and a HUGE ogre highmage came out to do battle with us.  Through wicked hit and run tactics, farros' barrage of curses and Celgars awesome divine butt whooping, we smoked that big oaf into a pile of ash and the celebration was incredible.  I also recently had a run in with some duergar in haven, who Bjorn managed to have a non-confrontational agreement of mutual benefit. heheheh.  Interaction is not interference, it's enhancement of the experience.

    I've always taken them in stride and enjoyed the break from the tedious crafting zone that is the infinite harvest/build cycle.  It's just a game, and the resources we're mining aren't even real, they're itty bitty bits of code to make the graphical fascimile of an item.  Jeez man, take a deep breath, drink a beer, light up some wolfswood special and kick back.  It's not like you mined 400lbs of mithral and a dm took them from your inventory as you left the area.  They just added an unexpected element, somebody panicked and caved in the entrance.

    To Equionox- I REALLY liked Dashiva as a traveling companion, your RP was EXCELLENT equinox.  So sad to see a momentary flare of emotions over something so trivial as one night of mining to see you go.  Please don't crash my favorite server because you have a conflict with the management.

    To Leanthar, this world is the most well-written, planned and bloody amazing server I have ever encountered.  The dedication of yourself and your staff is unparalleled.  Don't let ANYBODY ever rip on you over the folk who've left... and you and I both know you at least have ONE more eager applicant in line waiting for the next round of recruitments. ;)  After and insults thrown at you and threats on the server I love, I side with you 100% in this conflict.

    To people who think they're having a bad break- You know it's a whole lot more likely you can have an outcome other than being banned if you PM Leanthar in a non-insulting, constructive manner.  He's a cool guy, and pretty much everybody who's been banned in the past several months could have easily had a few exchanges with him via PM and worked things out.  He's one of the few world creators I know who LIKES having feedback and changes the world for the better based on it.  (Talan and I have like 20+ more CNR recipes on the books now craftable since joining because of this!)  If you think a DM or PC is exploiting, tell Leanthar.  If you hit a tough break because of a bug, tell Leanthar.  If you feel you've been unfairly treated in any way, tell the man who runs the server as it happens, instead of letting it build and build until it explodes into a confrontational flamewar that pretty much makes Banning the only choice.  The place to settle your grievances is NOT the public forum in some huge attack on the man over 50 different things at once that you never bothered to tell him about, about the server he owns and supports financially.  

    This place is great for feedback.  Just don't pick a fight and serve ultimatums as the 1st resort.

    Emerald Skye

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    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #25 on: May 08, 2005, 11:52:00 pm »
    I can't beleive this guy!  I just read all this stuff and what a selfish person this is.  Never! Never! give in L.  This place is awsome and I should know.  I have been watching my family play games of this sort for years ( 2 teenagers and my husband). I used to be one of those wives that thought this stuff was evil.  Boy was I wrong.  After watching my husband playing these past few months I have become addicted.  I have even bought a new computer just so I don't have to share with everyone else!  *smiles*
    I am still learning the ropes and may make some mistakes but I plan to stay and if this guy wins he takes away the imaginations of all the players here.  He needs to get over himself or someone needs to loose him in the death void. Keep of the good work L.
    And don't get discouraged.

    Emerald Skye

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    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #26 on: May 08, 2005, 11:56:00 pm »
    BTW sounds like he wants your job L.   Let him go build his own world since he knows so much.


    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #27 on: May 09, 2005, 12:04:00 am »
    *laughs* I love people who think they are elite hackers or some such nonsense. To be honest if someone had coded the bioware infinity engine I would expect a little more maturity from their employees. Honestly what a child. To me this speaks of a complete lack of maturity and that is the type of person we do not need in layonara.  He's only driving himself further and further away from any reminents of friendships that might have stood the test.


    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #28 on: May 09, 2005, 09:11:00 am »
    He's a cog. Ban him. Do I really need to give reasons?

    -His RP was boring and unexceptional.
    -He was rude OOC, and made threats when your characters did not get along.
    -He powergamed. I'm tired of seeing people getting past all of my year or two year old characters in less than a month because of powergaming quests and monster spawns.
    -He was a greedy little twit.
    -His grammar is horrible, and his hands ought to be removed for the sake of the entire internet.

    After seeing the type of people that play here, I'm afraid I'm going to take a very long break. There is nothing against Leanthar, or the team. I rather like you. It's most of the player-base that I can't get along with. So toodles, bon voyage. Etc!

    Harlas Ravelkione

    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #29 on: May 09, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
    Well. I had not seen that coming. I played and talked to Equinox2032 quite a lot in-game, and I don't share Eight-bit's opinion about his RP, which was mostly very good. But I had not anticipated his reaction on the ban, or on the incident that caused the ban.

    He had a week or so to think things through, and instead of apologizing for what was said some time ago he chose to insult... and other things. So in my opinion the ban was, and is, justified.

    One thing though - how can Ozy ever be blamed for this mess? Well, he can't.



    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #30 on: May 09, 2005, 12:25:00 pm »
    I was one of those people who was actually glad to see him get banned, partly due to the reasons stated by 8bit and partly due to my personal thoughts. But either way, it is obvious that L has made the best decision possible.

    I believe that this may be a good place to write some thoughts I have about Layonara. I believe that L must be a lot more strict, after all this world is his creation. Lately some things happened, that made my jaw drop, things that I have never thought were possible, things were allowed that I thought were supposed to  be banned instantly. Perhaps I don't know everything, perhaps I am wrong, but what I know has made me sad. I won't go into details......but what I want to say is, L you should be more strict, you know that 95% of the player base will support you!



    RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
    « Reply #31 on: May 09, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »
    Ar7, I am with you on all your points. 8bit, I was with you till the end of your statement. With that attitude maybe you should take a break, I am not sure anyone is up to your "caliber" of roll play. Well, I suppose you had taken a break before.



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      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #32 on: May 10, 2005, 01:26:00 am »

      Whoa ! Talk about being full of himself. Equinox have you no manners at all ? You get
      respect by earning it, not by threathening people...stupid.. stupid .. stupid

      I wake up turn on the computers, get ready to work and play some, and this is the post I first read. Jezz,
      we have a bunch of peaple putting countless of hours and money into making a world WE can play in FOR FREE !!

      Equinox , you better damn well appreciate it!

      *shakes his head and takes Hali bashing some ogres just to loose som anger*



      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #33 on: May 10, 2005, 03:29:00 pm »
      I have personaly been to many PW servers and foud them to be full of snobbish power gamming Bend the rule to your own accord players. For killing sheer boredm the p0layers wouyld PK new commers.. Imagne if you ran into hlint that there were ALL the epics sitting there with god knows what weapons and armor waiting for some one new to join. Or the last PW server werer RP was almost none.. I lost 3 good chars to that d^&med server because a DM would spwan and elder red dragon or toos me into a Map "void" and spwan a massive army of red dragons. I have sreen shots if any one is intrested :)

      As for Equnax being banned... One less hunk of scum I have to worry about. I been here since sept 04' Granted back in the day I was leveling but I wasn't leveling to be uber and smite every thign in the screen I was leveling to fit in with the rest of the older players I wanted to fit in and be a memeber of the family. Celgar is 17 now Not planned... You can ask around people that know me I told them I would not go past 15. He them two levels were never planned But I'm letting the chips land where they fall.

      Favortisem? Never saw an ouce of it. In the time I have played here I never saw favor tisem of Gms withg players.. more the other way around where players would flock to GM ran events (And I feel this is a good thing for CDQs and what not). If L had Favortisem with Ozy I'm sure he would of never died in an L quest. But I have seen that bard drop like a sack of potatos a few times in quests and I'm sure when L was watching. I don't know I'm guessing here but I have been with Ozy a few times where we all died..

      I have taken part in many spontanius quests and you would have to be ignorant to realize there is a Gm present. I remember my first how can i put it.,..GM "test" was done by L him self. Celgar, HighwayMan's dwarf... Erm.. I got for his name. Doogan Caern and a few others. We were in a cae on dragon island and all the sudden Minatuars started spwaning like mad. We flipped out fough with every ounce of strenght we could muster.. Heck Celgy was healing with Cantrips, the old Med packs, and handing out potoins to the wounded by the time we all decided to retreat and L popped up clapping saying we did great. As a player I wished more of these spontanious events would happen but I know you guys are swamped with real life programming and other day to day stuff.

      As for him sying things like that L you now have evedence he is hacking.. Now I'm not up to par with things that are legit but that seems a little shaddy.. and he was threating you..

      Never mind that.. My mind wanders.. Please L Orth and otther GM guys (there's too many to remember!) Keep up the good work do what you do. Step over the poo that is in your path and smile with your heads up high. You guys are doing the right thing!



      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #34 on: May 11, 2005, 12:42:00 am »
      Vyris - 5/8/2005  5:52 PM

      this is Leanthars sandbox, and I'll play with whatever toys he gives me, and if I want to stay in the sandbox I'll play nice with his toys too.



      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #35 on: October 28, 2006, 12:31:29 am »
      Are we buried yet? *laughs hysterically*

      Ah man... I was just looking throuhg old posts and dug up this one for nostolgia. 1 year and 5 months later, and we're not buried yet. What a putz! Furthermore, I no longer even remember who the heck Dashiva/Equinox WAS and couldn't rightly care.

      Keep up the good work Leanthar. We should seriously compile a list/description of these dead legacies for our own amusement. T'would be good reading for when stewing on the olde chamberpot.


      Re: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #36 on: October 28, 2006, 02:43:24 am »
      Hehe, thanks for digging this one up. I never actually noticed this because I was busy with the army back then.

      Really haven't had a laugh like this in weeks... This guy really wins big time at the Internet.


      Re: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #37 on: October 28, 2006, 05:04:03 am »
      In the words of my people......what a plonker.

      Give him nowt. I don't think there's anything he could do to stop me coming back here....and the same is probably said for the majority of people here.

      Hey Equinox!! Who do you think you are! Neo!!
      Sad bugger!

      ( Sorry, but people dropping to using threats to get what they want ...I do not any time!)



      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #38 on: October 29, 2006, 06:38:14 pm »
      Vyris - 5/8/2005  5:52 PM  this is Leanthars sandbox, and I'll play with whatever toys he gives me, and if I want to stay in the sandbox I'll play nice with his toys too.   Vyris
       Thirded.  But don't forget, Lonn - it's BURRIED.


      RE: A PM from Equinox/jimmydcricket
      « Reply #39 on: November 10, 2006, 02:47:31 pm »
      I had forgot about this one too... So funny, yet so sad.