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Author Topic: Areas I'd like to see again as a PC...  (Read 2243 times)


Re: Areas I'd like to see again as a PC...
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2012, 12:01:45 pm »
The chamber with the spectral dragon on the kenku island of the coast of Belinara, best nwn fight I have ever been in.

Pen N Popper

Re: Areas I'd like to see again as a PC...
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2012, 08:27:37 am »
Quote from: Pen N Popper
There are several areas that I recall visiting once, or perhaps twice, that I'd really like to see again. Do you have any favorites that feel almost like personal quests to reach them?

3. Way Down There - I honestly have no idea where this place is OOCly. I managed to hook up with a couple of the Freelancers as they began a huge dungeon crawl. It was way into the wee hours of the morning, when I could barely keep my eyes open, that we reached the "boss" at the bottom. I died in that final encounter, as I recall, which was a fitting end to the epic trek.

Perhaps this was Alindor's Demise (outside Haven)? Not sure how deep it goes since Dubbel met some really nasty priests and vampires. His excuse of, "Just looking for the loo," didn't fly.

