The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Layonara Server => Topic started by: LoganGrimnar on March 07, 2006, 01:22:45 pm

Title: Bug maby?
Post by: LoganGrimnar on March 07, 2006, 01:22:45 pm
Okay, alwese wondered about this myself, and i noticed someone brought it up on the fourms at the end of a comment about somehting or another... anyways, Blood desert.. going from spellgard to blood desert looks good.. then from blood desert to sword rusts... but why from hampshire outskirts to blood desert? looking at the map blood desert is on the other side of the Velensk... so the closest path to the Desert would be from Velenks... okay now that im looking at it there are alot of things like this, guess its a bit to big of a thing to really fix, id asume it would take alot of work to resort the areas to match the maps. and make the maps match the areas in the game.. Just wondered if this was noticed or not.
Title: RE: Bug maby?
Post by: Dorganath on March 07, 2006, 01:30:14 pm
The short answer is that there are a lot of areas your character would travel through which are not actual in-game areas.
Title: Re: Bug maby?
Post by: LoganGrimnar on March 07, 2006, 01:37:04 pm
alot of it i can understand, such as alot of the towns that are not placed becosue of game limits, but this as well as a few others seam to just be a bit jumbled. Hampshire is nowhere near the blood desert, maby a transition should be added near velensk.. then aain Velensk isent close to the ocean to have a port eather..  but for the port i can understand that it just skips the areas that "should" be there and takes you to the Port that Velensk uses. But i was mainly wondering if this one was a bit much... i mean, for it work work with the maps, port hampshire outskirts would have to streatch inbetween that little gap between the sword rusts and the dire woods... just missing Velensk. Again it dosent really effect anything IG and changing it would be alot of unneeded work, maby alter the maps to fit in with the world?
Title: Re: Bug maby?
Post by: Leanthar on March 07, 2006, 01:44:44 pm
We do the best we can with what we have. We already have nearly 400 areas on the west. *shrugs*

Fort Velensk is right on the water--not sure why you think there should not be a dock there....

Now there is a Velensk near the center of the map, maybe that is the confusion (not to self, change that name).