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Author Topic: bugs after the new (layo) patch  (Read 304 times)


bugs after the new (layo) patch
« on: January 01, 2006, 12:57:00 pm »
Looking down this forum I see several others have experienced some strange things happening after the update, in one or two hours it happened for me that:
Cooked meat was threated as raw meat
Scribing errors (many times!)
Battlemusci ended after a few seconds and then starts again in combat (keeps doing that several times, though it happened only one time)
While digging clay at Haven the first four deposits ended before I got started
Day graphics while night sounds and skyboxes
I couldnt craft more than one thing at the time, since it happened for others as well I asumed it was made to prevent massproduction (this happened doing tailoring) though I could make more items at once while smelting or tinkering.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 01:16:00 pm »
There's really no need to double-post about bugs.  If you have more to contribute for a specific issue, please post in the thread that already exists for that issue.  To address a couple other of your points:
Battlemusci ended after a few seconds and then starts again in combat (keeps doing that several times, though it happened only one time)
 This is more likely something on your end, not the server.  I had a similar problem, and I fixed it by downloading and re-expanding the Layo custom music files.
While digging clay at Haven the first four deposits ended before I got started
 This is somewhat intentional to slow down certain crafts.  It's always random as to when a deposit will be used up.  That random percentage has been increased slightly, but not greatly.
Day graphics while night sounds and skyboxes

  This may be a lag-related issue, especially if you see it on a lot of areas.
I couldnt craft more than one thing at the time, since it happened for others as well I asumed it was made to prevent massproduction (this happened doing tailoring) though I could make more items at once while smelting or tinkering.

  Most items have been limited to one at a time now to prevent bulk crafting.  There are certain items which have higher limits.  This is not a bug, but an intentional allowance.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2006, 01:53:00 pm »
ok, there as just several post already. I guess some of this might not be because of the patch, I jsut found it strange that so many things, that never have happened before, suddenly appears in such a small amount of time.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2006, 03:07:00 pm »
"This is somewhat intentional to slow down certain crafts.  It's always random as to when a deposit will be used up.  That random percentage has been increased slightly, but not greatly."

Just digging some worms dug a worm, broke a shovel, dug a worm on a new spot because the other went away, dug a worm and broke a shovel. The worms are unidentified and I have gone through two shovels. It wasn't adjusted to the point of being annoying, has it?


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2006, 03:35:00 pm »
Maybe ;)
  We're not trying to annoy anyone, just adjust some things to curb over-crafting in some areas. Now, if through live testing we find out that the parameters are too harsh or too permissive, we can adjust them accordingly.  Tool breakage wasn't changed by much, but if the current numbers make things too fragile, we'll take another look.
  Regarding the glowworm issue, make sure that gets its own bug report.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2006, 03:37:00 pm »
They were earth worms, the picture is fine. It acts like the pelts did before.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2006, 09:51:00 pm »
To be honest, I found the tool breakage before the patch to be very annoying, so maybe after the patch I will find it even more so.  For example, it will probably mean that I have to take 4 picks mining instead of the three I take currently.  For characters with low strength it will affects the ability to mine for gems and metal.  It was hard enough previously when you only do 1-5 points of damage when mining or cutting wood...
Not that I have done much mining or wood chopping recently.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2006, 10:38:00 pm »
I don't think there's anyone who's spent any time crafting who hasn't been at least mildly frustrated by broken tools at some point, and that includes members of the GM and Project teams.
  Obviously, the purpose behind tool breakage is not to annoy people.  Sure, we could make the tools unbreakable, and you'd only have to buy them once and keep them forever, but then that's not very realistic. In reality, picks shatter, chisels break, knives get dull, shovels snap, and so on.
  There have been some issues within the CNR system on Layonara...issues that allow people to craft too rapidly, issues that have flooded the economy with gold and items, issues that could potentially destablize the in-game economy.  That may not seem like something very important...because it's just a game, right?... Problem is when the economy fails, gold either becomes meaningless or unattainable.  Either everyone has the best items, or no one does.
  So, in order to make sure things don't spiral out of control one way or the other, we make adjustments from time to time.  These adjustments aren't necessarily permanent, but they do have a purpose, and it isn't to annoy the player base. Also keep in mind that these changes have been discussed and tested somewhat extensively prior to being introduced to the CNR system; they were not spur-of-the-moment changes.
  We understand there will be a period of adjustment.  We also understand that we may need to further tweak things in order to get the balance right.   So have patience and try to be constructive in your observations, and we'll do what we can to make sure that legitimate concerns are addressed as appropriate.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2006, 11:33:00 pm »
You have a very tough job managing an economy.
Supply and demand is a real issue here.  Why should I spend 20,000 coins today when if I obtain 2 levels and have 30,000 coins I can buy a better item.  This cuts demand as there is no incentive to buy today (inflation plays no part).  I know I have that same issue, which is complicated as I also wish to purchase a house.  That is why I am biting the bullet and spending most of my savings on new items (ie buying all the spells avialable).  Only a small thing but it may help a little.  Gives me more reason to go adventuring as well.
I don't have a solution, but if something pops up I will let you know.  I am sure that my MBA studies may have something useful in it...



RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2006, 12:43:00 pm »
I just want to add my although early statistics on the new system of tool breaking and deposit depletion.

Chisels broken               6
Shovels broken              2
Gemcrafters sets broken 1

I crafted about 20 ignots of glass(I think this is three trips to 9 or so deposits) and 15 mineral greenstones(grinded)(Three trips to deposits)+2-4 misc. minerals(grinded)

The new sand values seems alright to me but not the new mineral deposits. Although this is early to make any conclusions about the new systems it seems to have made it harder to aquire minerals. If this is the case we are going to have a major raise in mineral prices because of some of the mid to high minerals will be almost imposible to get because of a very low mining yeld.

But then again this is early but at least my observations.


RE: bugs after the new (layo) patch
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2006, 01:18:00 pm »
OK...this thread has strayed out of a bug report and more into a discussion of the crafting changes.
  So that everyone is aware of how things work and what exactly changed...
  Regarding tool breakage:   + Across the board, the chance of tool breakage went up 0.6%
  Regarding mineral deposits:  + The chance of finding a mineral in any given attempt went down 4% + The chance of finding a bonus (second) mineral in any given attempt went down 1% + The chance of finding a mystery mineral on any given attempt did not change, except that you have to find at least one chunk of mineral first. + The chance of the mineral deposit being used up went up 1% + High-level deposits (diamond, ruby, emerals) work exactly the same as low-level deposits (greenstone, malachite, etc.) in terms of breakage, yield, etc.  There's no functional difference whatsoever except in the type of minerals (including mystery minerals) that they produce.
  There are similar changes to ores, wood and clay/sand.  We're not talking about major shifts here, but small adjustments.  These numbers are not necessarily fixed, and of course we are more than happy to hear any constructive comments you might have.
  However, I request that we not focus on "this isn't like it was before" and instead focus on "is this balanced right within the big picture".  Also, I request that we take this discussion to another thread, perhaps in the CNR forum.