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Author Topic: Does it keep on going?  (Read 153 times)


Does it keep on going?
« on: July 26, 2005, 08:43:00 am »
After the Main Plot concludes, what is going to become of Layonara? I'm getting a little nervous about this. Heh heh...


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 09:10:00 am »
I have the next three trilogies on the calendar.

At the end of these three trilogies we only have 2-4 more trilogies left for the campaign to be resolved--good or bad.  It is in the players hands as always.

So does that mean, that in about...eeerm...9-12 months the campaign will be completed and Blood, Milara, Xantril etc will be defeated? I know that the last sentence doesn't hold any critique, but that's what I thought of first. I actually find it had to believe myself.

I have another thought about what could happen at the end of a campaign, but it kind of resembles a nightmare. We might get a "Another 500 years have past since the defeat of Blood and here is Layonara right now" We get a character wipe and a new story begins. Though if that is the case.... *shakes in fear*

....or even worse, Layonara will be no more....

Ignore these crazy thoughts....*mutters* Think positive, think positive...


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
Heh of course we could loose as well and have Bloods armies marching on Hlint...drinking in the inn and partying in the town hall :)


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RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2005, 10:36:00 am »
It would be interesting to have an underground Blood Resistance Movement if they won ...

I'm kinda nervous too ....


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2005, 11:16:00 am »
I have the next three trilogies on the calendar.
  At the end of these three trilogies we only have 2-4 more trilogies left for the campaign to be resolved--good or bad. It is in the players hands as always.

  Allright, people should really stay calm :)
  The next three trilogies have been posted. These are planned up to December 2005. As is clearly posted, at the end of these three trilogies (so AFTER December 2005), there are 2-4 MORE trilogies. So that lasts like well after the second part of 2006, if not longer as the farther out you plan, the more likely it is it'll take longer than you planned for.
  So, no sense in worrying about something that far away, and really, Leanthar has run campaigns in Layonara for 15 years already, I think he can handle another one :)


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2005, 11:37:00 am »
Ar7 - 7/26/2005  12:10 PM

I have the next three trilogies on the calendar.

At the end of these three trilogies we only have 2-4 more trilogies left for the campaign to be resolved--good or bad.  It is in the players hands as always.

So does that mean, that in about...eeerm...9-12 months the campaign will be completed and Blood, Milara, Xantril etc will be defeated? I know that the last sentence doesn't hold any critique, but that's what I thought of first. I actually find it had to believe myself.

Now who says Blood will be defeated ;)


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RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2005, 12:34:00 pm »
And who says he'll *stay defeated* this time, eh?   He's already come back once... that's the present campaign, is it not? ;)


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2005, 12:53:00 am »
I say we lose and migrate to a new world and prepare
for Blood's powerhunger to make him follow the rest ^^


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RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2005, 07:03:00 am »
Let's lead him to the Positive Energy Plane and wait for him to explode.  That would be fun. :)

*watches alignment slide a few points toward "Evil"*


RE: Does it keep on going?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2005, 07:14:00 am »
Rayenoir - 7/26/2005  2:34 PM

And who says he'll *stay defeated* this time, eh?   He's already come back once... that's the present campaign, is it not? ;)

Well, last time he was just banished...and that didn't seem to work out so well.  So yeah...he's gotta be killed, chopped into a million pieces and cooked into a stew for the Soul Mother.  Or made into a pudding...get it?  Blood pudding....heh...

*ducks rotten tomatoes*