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Author Topic: All Skalds and Spellswords -- READ BEFORE YOU UPDATE  (Read 109 times)


All Skalds and Spellswords -- READ BEFORE YOU UPDATE
« on: September 14, 2006, 09:12:12 am »
This is very important.
  Before you update to 1.68, please read these directions. What I am trying to avoid here is messed up feats, illegal characters and the like. Spellsword and especially Skald have undergone some changes, and they affect the feats that one gets at a particular level. Below are the general steps I need people to follow.
  Note that these
  1) First, coordinate with a GM. Make sure they're available to help you out. This requires some direct interaction.
  2) Log directly into the Quest server, which will likely be running the previous version of West (2.97.6).
  3) Unequip anything that might get dropped due to level restrictions during the delevel process. Once done, a GM will de-level you as follows:
  a) Spellswords should be de-leveled until they have no more than a single level in the Spellsword PrC. b) Skalds are entitled to a full rebuild, as the dynamics of the PrC have changed greatly. At a minimum, they need to be deleveled to no more than a single level in Skald. If desired, they can have all XP removed and start fresh from Level 1. The player can chose how far down to go, given the constraint of no more than one Skald level. Once de-leveled, the GM can give you your XP back. Do NOT level up yet.
  4) Save and log out of Quest
  5) Update to Bioware 1.68 and download and expand the updated HAK and TLK, if not already done.
  6) Log into West
  7) Level up as normal.
  Your cooperation and patience is appreciated in this process. I hope to avoid any character problems due to these drastic changes.