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Author Topic: Yllyrryon has been banned  (Read 1019 times)


Yllyrryon has been banned
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:45:49 am »
[SIZE=16]I have banned Yllyrryon for making threats against me and my family. Since he states he will take legal action against me for HIS addiction I don't take that kindly or well at all. At the same time since he is claiming addition and he has asked to have his characters deleted this should mean nothing to him and it will indeed just help him to "cure" the addiction as requested.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]I have posted his character deletion request below so that you know what is being talked about.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Bioware Name: Krysthalion

Character Names: Ael Rynthien, Krysthalien, Krysthalien Dawnstar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Reason: I wish to end an addiction to computer games from which I suffer. Deleting both of these characters will help with that, and I will need all the help I can muster. Many people laugh about the addictiveness of these games; many people talk as if the addictive nature of these games is something desirable.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Yet I have come to view this as a clinical addiction - fundamentally similar to addictions to drugs and alcohol - or other behavioral disorders such as eating disorders. And having such a disorder or addiction is intolerable for me, personally.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Furthermore, I am requesting this after consulting with my family - and they will explore legal action against Dan Scott and others involved in the Layo business if these characters are not deleted. This is something very important that I need to pass on to you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Farewell and have a good one folks! :) [/SIZE]
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Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 11:16:54 am »
... that has to be a first.  Threatening legal action if one's characters aren't deleted.  I don't think anyone has ever thought that necessary before.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2008, 11:19:53 am »
Sometimes something that's fun or enjoyable can turn into something that is a detriment to one's life. I'm not going to comment on the actions taken, but I think I can see why someone would want to make sure they had no temptation left (AKA characters in the vault). Seriously though, something tells me throwing out ones NWN CDs and having a family member change a gamespy account would've done the same thing...Still, I hope Ael/Yy..can't spell it, will be okay.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 11:22:16 am »
*sighs* Whatever happened to the old concept of 'taking responsibility for ones own actions' ?


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 11:24:50 am »
Yes no need to threaten people :( ... he could have deleted his Bioware account and been done with it.  

That said.. I do hope everything works out for him and his family.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 12:04:26 pm »
Please don't bad-mouth the fellow after he's gone and not able to come back to defend himself.  It's not nescessary, and it's just bad form.

Yes, a threat of legal action against Dan wasn't warranted.  It could be the words were posted more from a strong emotion and strong desire to conquer his personal problem, rather than a real desire to do anyone else harm.  -We- don't know for sure, therefore perhaps we should withold harsh judgement and simply let this instance pass without further un-nescessary angst.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 12:22:14 pm »
People experiencing strong emotions often make poor decisions about how to handle things.  The situation is over, his characters are deleted, and he is banned.  Nothing more needs to be said on these forums.  If you care about the individual, contact them privately to express that care to them.  If they're banned from this forum, they obviously won't be seeing your expression of caring here.  Wondering about why they did things the way they did on these forums only serves to stir up angst within the community at this point, when the only person truly able to clarify the reasoning isn't able to do so because they no longer have access to this space.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2008, 12:28:17 pm »
What Nehetsrev says is true. You know one thing I always thought L should have done when he announced a ban was just lock the announcement thread right off the bat. (Okay so a year ago I would've argued the exact opposite >.> But....runs away)


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 01:00:07 pm »
Well on the plus side Mr. Scott, its not every day one creates a game server more addictive than smoking or heroin!  In my opinion, that's just about the best compliment one can give to a gameworld maker, even if under these unfortunate circumstances.  Developers for the big name companies should be knocking down your door trying to figure out how you did it.  I played WoW for about 2 months before it got old, 1 month of Dark Age of Camelot, didnt even go past the free month of Star War Galaxies or City of Villains, and this place has had me hooked for 4 years, coming this October!  No other game out there has held my interest for so long, and it's not just NWN.  I tried the other servers, they aren't even methadone compared to the original.

For Ael, sorry to see you go man.  Hope you adjust well and that you and your family are doing better in the time to come.  Quitting cold turkey is never easy, but any time your life or family plays backseat to a video game is a good time to re-evaluate priorities.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 01:35:44 pm »
I don't think anyone is bad mouthing him.. just a bit surprised and concerned at the same time.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2008, 01:41:09 pm »
I'm gonna be the one to say this:

I think this should be locked, not because of negative remarks against Krys, but because these posts by L are not intended for discussion.  Krys is nont a part of our community now on account of his own choice to end his "addiction" to Layonara's addictive fun, but also on account of how he went about voicing that desire.  We all care about him and have our thoughts about how he did it and our opinions on what he "should have."

Therefore as his Friend I'd like this Thread locked.  If the community would like to keep discussing this do so elsewhere please.  and If you want to get in touch with Krys please PM me.  I will talk to Krys and see if he wants to share a contact for those of us who want to talk to him, wish him well, and perhaps say goodbye.


Re: Yllyrryon has been banned
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2008, 02:01:23 pm »
Thread is now locked, think it was an oversight that it wasn't in the first place.