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Author Topic: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale! -- EVERYONE PLEASE READ  (Read 836 times)


Dragon Storm Campaign Finale! -- EVERYONE PLEASE READ
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:05:45 am »
Dear Layonara Community,
As you have likely noticed, events pertaining to the Dragon Storm  Campaign plot have been picking up as late and seeming to point toward a  significant conflict at some point in the near future.  This would, in  fact, be a correct assessment. In order to help you and us prepare for  this, we'd like to advise you of the following planned timeline of  events.
The plot finale will occur approximately two months from today on or  around the weekend of March 19th, 2011.  This is subject to change  depending on scheduling and other considerations, but that is currently  our target.  The finale may actually be multiple events, structured to  let characters of varying level ranges and interests to have meaningful  participation. We haven't worked this out with 100% certainty yet, but  this is at least the plan. We'll try to have something firm within a  month prior to the event so you can plan accordingly as well.
Between now and the finale, you, the community, may use this time to  prepare and plan. If there is something you want to try to do or  investigate, let us know as soon as possible so that we can plan for  them and assist you in your efforts.  What you do now will shape the  landscape for the finale.  Whether that ends up being a good thing or a  bad thing is up to you.
As a word of advice, we strongly suggest you talk amongst yourselves,  hold meetings, review every bit of information about the campaign so  far, no matter how old it may be. I know that recent events have made  personal security something of a concern for PCs and their  friends/families, but if you all need a safe place to meet, there is a  room designed just for this in Bydell Castle now (added as of version  3.30). It is adjacent to, but not part of, the Aragenite library/temple  there, but it has a separate door and is not consecrated ground, so  clergy and paladins need not worry about violating their oaths. Use this  time wisely. Ask questions, send letters and make plans.
For disclosure and transparency, we have already determined the conditions  for success and failure to varying degrees.  There are multiple  conditions for each and a spectrum of success and failure, so there is  no "One Right Way" to pass the campaign. We are not "railroading"  anything, but rather we have come to an agreement upon what sorts of  things constitute an "ideal" success, partial success and so on. The  better prepared you are to face the challenges ahead, the better things  will hopefully go.  Also, in this case, preparedness is not just a  matter of having plenty of weapons, scrolls and potions (though they'll  surely help) but also of having some important pieces of information at  your disposal.

I would also like to give this one piece of advice:
All keys needed to unlock the best possible outcome of this Campaign are  out there. For the best possible outcome, you'll need more than muscle.  Play smart.

On that note, good luck!
Lastly, I know there's been rumors floating around that the end of this  campaign means the end of NWN Layo.  I want to set anyone's mind at ease  who may be thinking this and state that this is not the plan.  For the  foreseeable future, NWN Layo will continue under the same conditions it  has for the last couple of years. This of course may change as time goes  on, but it will not be due to the campaign wrapping up.
If there are any questions about this post, please ask below or via PM.