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Author Topic: 9 people are banned  (Read 383 times)


9 people are banned
« on: December 20, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
It is another sad day in Layonara. This time we have a large group of abusers and exploiters that are being banned.
  Komoda-Richard Timms-Azaria Ironwood:  -- PERMANENTLY BANNED
  • “Sex clan” mother --this was ordered to be disbanded by Rhizome and other GM’s  
  • Found nude in NPC Legodias tent with PC Legodia then went to nearby stream to spread mud over each others bodies before returning to the tent to snuggle(screen shots) – Did this after the ‘clan’ was broken up and we clearly spelled out the rules of which he disregarded.  
  • Numerous argumentative situations with the denial of CDQ's – to the point of being ludicrous  
  • one of the people involved with the “attempted rape” of a PC  
    [/list] BopthoR-Beebop502-Roxx Cloudwalker and Magyar, Mongo: -- PERMANENTLY BANNED
    • One of the male clan members  
    • Duping with the card box exploit (screen shots)  
    • Muling items to his new character through ties to his old character and friends  
    • Logged on and berated a GM in party chat (chat log)  
    • Sent a GM a PM calling that GM a bad name-- (won't provide the actual wording, but believe me that it was totally unacceptable)  
    • went house to house looting chests  
    • (anybody ever wonder how he got so many emeralds?)  
      [/list] Eagleman-Hwareagle-Taila “Talon* Nightbird: -- PERMANENTLY BANNED
      • Duping with card deck exploit (screen shots and script log)  
      • member of the “sex clan”  
      • one of the people involved with the “attempted rape” of a PC  
      • found nude washing Azaria in a stream where anyone could have stumbled upon them despite Rhizomes former warnings about such things(screen shots)—found just the other day (weeks after the dismantling of the ‘clan’)  
      • Discussing the “readiness” of another character (lent belief that the so called clan is still formed)(caught by screenshots and chat log)  
      • Muled items to BopthoR's druid character (by BopthoR's own admission)  
        [/list] thunderstorm-Thunder_n_Lightning-Daemon duMoran -- PERMANENTLY BANNED
        • Member of the clan  
        • household access  
        • Participant of card deck exploit (caught through screen shots and script log)  

            Tabetha - verra Baraier - Tabetha 2885 -- PERMANENTLY BANNED
          • How did somebody at your level (7) have so many scrolls (30ish summons scrolls and 6 rings of cunning)?  Clearly it was from these exploiters  
            • due to your affiliation with this group and their duplication and your not reporting them you clearly have purchased (at the very least) duplicated items knowingly  
            • Household access  
                wex101-Alnusa Glutinosa – PERMANENTLY BANNED
              • Involvement with the sex clan  
              • household access  
              • due to your affiliation with this group and their duplication and your not reporting them you clearly have purchased (at the very least) duplicated items knowingly  
                  Xena-XenaWarriorPrinces-Kahna Krows (entire IP range which sadly also affects an entire family) – PERMANENTLY BANNED
                • Member of “sex clan”  
                • household access  
                • due to your affiliation with this group and their duplication and your not reporting them you clearly have purchased (at the very least) duplicated items knowingly  
                    Azmoredis-Azmoredis-Caeli – PERMANENTLY BANNED
                  • Member of “sex clan”  
                    • household access  
                    • One of the major recruiters for the “sex clan”  
                    • due to your affiliation with this group and their duplication and your not reporting them you clearly have purchased (at the very least) duplicated items knowingly  
                        All of these characters share multiple houses and keys to each and every house (household access) … and yet none of them are very high level (only one is 13th and the next highest is 10th)—strange don’t you think? On top of that multiple members in this ‘group’ are exploiting and have been for some time. We have watched them duplicate and then run from pawn shop to pawn shop (in different towns) draining them of gold in order to get the gold to purchase the houses and other items. Just by the sheer number of houses, at least 30-50 chests in each houses, the sheer number of items in the chests in each house—that should be a red flag for somebody that cares about the community and Layonara.
                        On top of all of this their ‘new characters’ were immediately muled and found ‘new friends’ within mere minutes of character creation—very poor RP and a clear violation of muling.
                        This is disgusting and disheartening and does nothing but harm the community and the well intentioned players. These people have voiced complaints on the forums about being unfair or not right or how things are wrong… and yet these people are doing this nonsense? Come on, this is ridiculous and it will not be tolerated.
                        Due to all of the exploiting, the low level crafters, the amount of pure number of crated items amongst such low level crafters and the number of crafting attempts made in comparison. The comments of “discounted merchants” amongst those involved in this group clearly shows that most knew what was happening but did not care at all and instead choose to go along for the ride. That they could own so many houses at their levels just shows how far this went. On top of that these people being involved with a sex clan that had sex with each other via telepathy and with the gods and such (disgusting by the way) I am done with all of them.
                        As such…All houses are hereby confiscated as well as all items in chests etc. All gold in the bank for each character mentioned above is now removed.  All members listed above are now banned as defined above.
                        There are a few players that have houses with these people that are caught in the middle and may not have known what was happening—albeit surprisingly. To them I am sorry this just happened. But these people will no longer be tolerated in this community. For them to sink this low and then to continually bemoan and cause problems is just not acceptable.
                        To the ONE player that came forward the other day with concerns thank you and that alone shows you have good intentions and just got mixed up with the wrong group of people. Good job and thank you. However, you definitely have items in your inventory that was ill-gotten by those you have associated with. We need to fix that problem so send me a PM with your suggestion.
                        To those that we did not catch you got lucky this time, and I hope you learn your lesson. We had to end it now as this was starting to harm far too many of the community on a very large scale.
                        To the community:[/b]
                        We have been tracking them for a long time but we were trying to get as many in one sweep as possible. It just got to be so bad that we had to end it now before it destroyed the fabric of the community. I am sorry you had to tolerate their nonsense and disgust for so long; we needed to get as many of this group as possible in this round. Can you imagine the amount of time this took away from the community? Well over a dozen GM's were involved in tracking this nonsense for hours and hours on end. So much for the GM’s spending our time to allowing players to quest and have fun.
                        The 'Sex Clan/Clan' and all its seedy connotations I find distasteful, and I don’t think that we should show any leniency to players that have behaved in its sordid activities. There is a wide range of age groups that have visibility and play on this server, and as such I for one would not like to think that any younger players or innocent spectators should be witness to such disgusting behaviors. There are places for that sort of thing, and Layonara is most certainly not one of them.
                        The central figures in this whole "clan" thing have transitioned the same basic tactics of recruiting for the "trading company", basically a front for duplication and exploiting clearly. In fact, the only part that was really dropped was the sexual recruiting and the sex with the gods and junk—though they still got naked in the forest and such, another clear violation even after being warned.  They still refer to Azaria as "mother" and Roxx as "father" or "papa". It is clear they have not taken to heart the opportunity we gave them and as such we are done. Basically they have ignored us and decided to do things their own way at whatever costs. As such my trust in all of them is totally gone and I do not trust that they are not using tells and such for the sex that we told them not to do any more. I want to make it clear that they were warned before and the clan was broken up, but then they started down this road of duplicating and exploiting and bringing more and more members.  It had to be stopped.
                        A reminder to everybody once again:
                        This entire group has torn at the very fabric of what is Layonara and this will not be tolerated any longer.


RE: 9 people are banned
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 03:17:00 pm »
I am going to edit this post. However I wanted to post here as well.
  After a lot of questions, numerous emails, and lots of input from the team we have determined that kloss seemed to be lumped in to a very bad situation.  While he clearly made some poor judgements along the way (not reporting things that seemed out of place is a major one) he does not seem to have been actively involved with this group.  He was in the wrong place at the wrong time on a number of times but we do not believe after a lot further review and such that he was actively exploiting or involved with the sex clan.  However, he definetly made a number of poor judgement calls--something I hope he has learned from.
  As such we have moved to un-ban kloss.