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Author Topic: LORE Team Applications  (Read 374 times)

Talan Va'lash

LORE Team Applications
« on: February 16, 2006, 02:38:25 pm »
While LORE has a lot of content already, there is still much more that needs to be done, and the list keeps growing!

Applications for the new LORE Team are opening today and will be open through march 2nd.

If you're interested in a position as an official LORE Editor post your application in this thread!

"So what's this LORE team do anyway?"

The LORE Team is responsible for keeping LORE content up to date with game events and rule changes, editing current content for errors (grammatical or content errors) and most important at this point, creating new pages and adding the content that isn't up on LORE yet.

LORE Editors will coordinate with Orth, OneST8 and myself to organize tasks and approve content.  We will also be coordinating with Loremaster Ed and the writing team to bring new content to LORE.

Skills needed:

- Good writing skills
- A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC
- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

Skills not required:

- Fancy computer knowledge: The LORE editing syntax is very simple. As this is a content oriented position good writing skills are the most important.

We are looking for responsible people for this team since the LORE Editors will have a direct impact the public image of Layonara through LORE.  Those that get urges to draw moustaches on people while they're sleeping need not apply.  just kidding ;)

Interviews will likely be held near the end of and/or after the application period by OneST8 and myself.

For your application just put your forum name and a brief statement describing your writing/editing skills, what interests you about LORE and what you would like to see your role as on the LORE Team.

I'm looking forward to having some more help aboard!



RE: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 07:45:10 pm »
Forum name: Boxcar

Writing experience: My job requires on an almost daily basis that I promulgate operations orders that are directive in nature. These directives require attention to detail and an absence of ambiguity.

Skills needed:
- Good writing skills.  While not representative of the type of writing I do for my job, Kavil's development thread provides some examples of recreational writing:
- A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC. I have demonstrated patience by sometimes waiting almost 10 full minutes before trying to log back on to the server after a reset.
- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks. I usually play a couple of hours per day; using some of that time to work on LORE is easily done.

Skills not required:
- Fancy computer knowledge. Good. Microsoft is not beating down my door trying to get me to work for them. :)

LORE is already a very useful tool and clearly has great potential. Being part of the team that maintains and improves it would be an excellent learning opportunity and a way to do more for the Layonara community than merely contributing a few dollars each month. Assuming I were accepted to the LORE team, I would be willing to tackle whatever tasks need to be done.

Talan Va'lash

Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2006, 04:24:59 pm »
*bumping so this gets seen over the weekend*


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2006, 05:46:37 pm »
Forum Name: Stephen Zuckerman
LORE Name: pyyran

Skills Needed
- Writing/Editing Skills: Well, I was a forum RPer for about three years... All recreational, usually narrative writing. The only decent examples of such on this site are on Pyyran's Development thread (which badly needs updating).

- A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the team via forums and IRC: Well, I get on the forums more often than my email, and I've got GAIM, whose IRC client I'm rather fond of. As for patience, I've only got as much as I need to, which I'm told is more than most... Though I don't excercize it as a player much, when I'm put in a position where I should be responsible, I usually try to be.

- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks: As the fellow above, I play Layo at least 12 hours a week, if not more. I can spend three or four of those editing on LORE, and there's a good bit that I want to see done with LORE, so... I doubt that I'll ever be spending too little time making things just right. Perfectionism: my curse, my pride.

Skills not Required
- Fancy computer knowledge: Aww. And here I was, going to go dig up my XML books.

As a member of the LORE team, I can do a good bit for the community, with such a minimal chance of offending anyone that I'm not worried in the slightest. And as I'm rather interested in actually doing something constructive for this place aside from making Essence of Cure for Xiao, I'm absolutley willing to risk it.


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2006, 03:06:49 am »
Forum Name: steverimmer

I don't have a lot of experience with editing web pages but I have always had a love of writing short stories, hence the large amount of character submissions.  Sometimes I think I get just as much enjoyment writing the submission as playing the character :)  I admit there are no long character development threads to look at to scrutinize my writing style but there are certainly enough character submissions, although I haven't spent as much attention to grammer and syntax as I should when it comes to some of them.

When it comes to patience and working with a team, well thats something I have to do everyday, and belive me you need patience when it comes to dealing with patients :)

I also have a couple of hours available during the week to spend on the Lore site as well.  I would be glad to help out the team in anyway I can :)


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RE: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2006, 03:30:28 pm »
Forum Name: dadunmir

Writing Skills:  I have a variety of different writing skill though I wouldn't consider myself as an expert in any of them.  I have written a number of technical documents, academic papers, and a thesis/dissertation in the sciences either as my own publication or as co-written works.  I believe I would be able to pick up the syntax of LORE fairly quickly.  I've written for my own pnp campaign and finally, there is my character development thread on this site.

Where I'd like to see myself contributing in Lore is, exactly that, in the area of the lore of Layonara.  It was a particularly favorite portion of my work involving my pnp campaigns.  I feel that the more breadth you can give the world the greater the experience for all who take part in it.


RE: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2006, 05:31:49 pm »
Forum Name: Deacon
LORE Name: Deacon

Good Writing Skills

I love to write and I one day plan on writing a narrative novel of my own.  As such I have gotten plenty of practice in, starting but never finishing any of my projects which range from Star Wars pieces, to stories set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe.  The only example of my writing that is available to show is Caldiir’s character development thread, which can be found here:

A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC

I have patience, exhibited by my patience while playing Caldiir.  There have been times when I wanted to start over with some new character that is good aligned (and many attempts) but I always come back to Cal.  I have mIRC, and I will start to use it if accepted for this position.

Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

When I am not playing on Layonara, or some other game that I play, I am usually on the forums.  I would say on average, I spend about 2 or 3 hours on the forums, time which could be devoted to writing information for LORE.

What interests me about LORE

I see LORE as a one stop shop for all the needs about information on Layonara.  Yeah, the handbooks are great, and they are excellent resources, but a lot of people will not download those since they are nearly MB in size.  I absolutely love LORE, everything it enables a player to do and the information available to the player is unbelievable.  The information it displays about each character once you type in your public CD key is very useful.

The position I see myself as

Well, I think I would make a good writer for the LORE team.  I have a renewed love for the world of Layonara, and I would stop at nothing to make it the best experience for players anywhere (if it's not that way already).  I could also see myself as a sort of PR/Awareness guy.  I mean, it took me a few days to realize that I had to type in my Public CD key to get the information about my character to come up, and a lot of people haven't even registered with it yet!


RE: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2006, 10:09:54 pm »
Forum Name: Variable

Writing Skills and Experience:
I have quite a bit of experience in writing and editing. I am currently a student and as a result of that I have written a large number of essays along with many smaller works. I believe that I am specifically strong in the ability to edit as I am extremely meticulous with a high attention to detail.

What Interests you about LORE?
I believe that LORE is an extremely useful tool for anyone that wants to learn more about the World of Layonara; whether that person is a DM, an established player, or a new player just entering the world it can be useful. I believe it is also an important way to present Layonara to the world, and for all of these reason it needs to be kept up to date with correct information.

LORE Team Role
I believe my skills would be suited to most tasks, that I can think of, related to LORE, but I believe that with editing content would be where my skills are most suited.

Although I currently have limited time to play In-Game I have quite a bit of time during the week when I am unable to play but still would like to add something to Layonara, I believe I could easily find several or more hours during the week which I could devote to LORE.

Thank you for your time,


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2006, 09:08:26 am »
Forum and LORE logins:  miltonyorkcastle

I consider myself a novice writer.  However, my credentials include a B.A. in Theatre Arts, as well as eighteen credit hours of college English (six hours short of an English minor).  Also, six of those English hours were in Fictional Creative Writing.

I am active on the forums and have plenty of time to spend to help out.  

I have been looking for a way to give back to the community, but I'm too low on cash right now (bloody student loans) to help there, and I really prefer to play than to DM.  This looks like the best way I can do that, so I'm submitting.

I was immediately impressed with LORE when it first surfaced and have used both the letter and parchment editing systems rather extensively.  I'd love to see it expand, but mostly, I just want to help take the load off all the rest of you that work your rear-ends off to give us an awesome world to RP in.

Rock on.


RE: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2006, 04:38:57 pm »
Account name, for both this site, and LORE: Marswipp
  I have the ability to write. I will gladly fix the grammar and punctuation errors I find.
  I have much patience, and will do what I can to be coordinated with the group.
  Once I am out of high school, I will have more than enough time to work on some of the projects.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2006, 05:55:56 pm »
Just bumping this again for the weekenders... err... even though it's like half-way through the weekend *chuckles*

Looks like a good turnout so far though!


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2006, 08:39:31 pm »
I was just wondering when the interviews are going to take place.  I am on break from school so if I have an idea of when they are, or if I can schedule one for when I get back that will be good.  I do have limited access while at home, and it may be possible for me to get on and all that, but it would be easier if I were able to do it after I return to school.


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2006, 08:58:12 pm »
I was just wondering when the interviews are going to take place.

Sometime around March 2nd or thereafter depending on everyone's availability.

I am on break from school so if I have an idea of when they are, or if I can schedule one for when I get back that will be good.  I do have limited access while at home, and it may be possible for me to get on and all that, but it would be easier if I were able to do it after I return to school.

I don't see a problem with that at all.

Talan Va'lash

Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2006, 01:34:17 pm »
Applications will close at 12 midnight PST tonight (march 2nd.)

All applicants please PM or email me ( with times you will be available for interviews this Friday-Sunday (March 3rd-5th.)  PST evenings are best for me (I'm much more likely to be able to schedule an interview in the evening.)  

If you will not be available this weekend (Deacon mentioned he may not be) we will work some other time out to get the interview in.  Interviews will be done IG, and they will take approximately 15 minutes.


Talan Va'lash

Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2006, 06:24:48 pm »
Bumping as I've only heard from two people so far.

Talan Va'lash

Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2006, 03:13:47 am »
Bumping until I hear from everyone.


Talan Va'lash

RE: LORE Team - Announcement
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2006, 06:42:08 pm »
Announcing the first batch of new LORE team members!

The rest will be announced as soon as their interviews are completed.  If you applied and have yet to interview send me a PM or email (

If you applied and are no longer interested, please send me a PM stating such.

Those that haven't interviewed yet, but I am in contact with don't get worried :)  I haven't forgotten about you, just wanted to get those that had been interviewed already set up and such.




Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2006, 07:01:05 pm »
Welcome to the team!


Re: LORE Team Applications
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2006, 07:26:43 pm »
Welcome aboard folks.