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Author Topic: Massive lagg  (Read 255 times)


Massive lagg
« on: September 01, 2005, 04:38:00 am »
for alomst the past week ive had very bad lagg issues on the west server. I though it was me, but i got PMs from alot of people that they also are gettin it. I have never experianced this sort of lagg here before. Just wondering if something is up?

Lord of the Forest

RE: Massive lagg
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 05:05:00 am »
I heard it from a lot of people too, for myself I have almost no laggs here, no idea why. Yesterday about 9pm (GMT/BST) I was in the swamps to help some other chars, well they told me about having big problems with the lagg....


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    RE: Massive lagg
    « Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 05:12:00 am »
    Jacchri and I have experienced it. We have kept lagging out the past week.

    It makes travelling almost impossible since it often hits the transition areas. Also I have noted it often happens at times when the server status displays character names but not the player name.



    RE: Massive lagg
    « Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 06:40:00 am »
    If this is not happening for everybody on the server--and it sounds like it is not for everybody--then it would be an internet routing issue.... that is the only thing I can think of off the top of my head.
      I will take a look at the servers today but I performed maintenance on them about a week or two ago.


    RE: Massive lagg
    « Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
    As Rolf said....I have been experiencing some very bad lag from time to time...
      I just assumed it was my internet connection.....I have a 384dsl connection....
      Browsing the net seems fine....but at the same time playing is very bad.....but I have seen Leanthar mention before that net browsing and playing online is two very different issues.
      I would appreciate any guidance as to how to improve my connection. Not sure if there is certain settings that can be made to improve online playing or even something I could mention to my ISP to check on their side.
      Thanks Aragwen


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      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 08:24:00 am »
      Thanks that will be greatly appreciated L.

      The specific problems mentioned seems only to have been in the last week or so otherwise lag tends to bad only during big quests or peak hours.



      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
      No idea if this is good or bad...some comment would be appreciated...
        I pinged west server from a command prompt and got the following results:
        C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jaco Havenga>ping
        Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
        Reply from bytes=32 time=435ms TTL=111 Reply from bytes=32 time=453ms TTL=111 Reply from bytes=32 time=437ms TTL=111 Reply from bytes=32 time=437ms TTL=111
        Ping statistics for     Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:     Minimum = 435ms, Maximum = 453ms, Average = 440ms


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
      That's not good....
        Those numbers indicate a nearly half-second round trip time, which is pretty bad.
        For DSL you should have faster ping times than that, though it's impossible to really tell the full picture without comparing it to the results of another server/location somewhere else on the Internet.
        Also, try this command:
        ...and post the results.
        Did you also try pinging the other servers (Central, West, Web)?


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #8 on: September 01, 2005, 09:51:00 am »
      *nods* I have been pinging with this command
        ping -t for about 5 minutes now and nearly everything is between 28-45ms--consistently.
        BTW -t is a continuous ping.
          On the same note, is this happening only at night?


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #9 on: September 01, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
      C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jaco Havenga>tracert
        Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
          1    28 ms    31 ms   515 ms []
          2    31 ms    31 ms    30 ms []   3   390 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   4   359 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   5   359 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   6     *        *        *     Request timed out.   7   374 ms   359 ms   374 ms []   8   656 ms   437 ms   437 ms []   9   437 ms   437 ms   437 ms []  10   546 ms   624 ms   437 ms []  11   437 ms   437 ms   437 ms
        Trace complete.
        Hope above makes sense, because I have no clue about it.
        I might have also tracked the source of problem. It seems my ISP is providing shaped and unshaped accounts. Shaped accounts, which I have,  give you better speeds for HTML and FTP and slows everything else down such us online gaming. Will check in business hours tomorow and see if I can change to an unshaped account and if that makes a difference.
        Thanks for the help thus far.


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #10 on: September 01, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
      Thanks Aragwen, you will notice that you had a request timed out part way through the route. You might want to do the tracert a few times and see if that continues. If it does you may want to speak to your ISP to see if they can speak to the company that is dropping packets.


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #11 on: September 01, 2005, 10:50:00 am »
        The latency starts very "close" to you, suggesting the true source of the delay is in fact your ISP or someone just up the chain...looks like your ISP though.
        Changing your account to "unshaped" should probably help, though this may also be indicative of some other problem within your ISP.
        To add to what Leanthar said, that "Request timed out" line may not be dropped packets so much as a router that intentionally does not respond to ICMP pings and/or traceroute messages, but which does route them along to the next hop.


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #12 on: September 01, 2005, 11:02:00 am »
      Thanks Leanthar and Dorganath for your prompt replies and help.
        I will have a chat tomorow with my ISP.  I think that is where the problem is with shaping of bandwidth and international connections.
        I am getting very good responses and times when running tracert to a local site (23-20ms), so I think it has to do with shaping and possibly also international sites being slowed down or affected.
        Guess that is what happen in you live in Africa......*grins*


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #13 on: September 01, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
      Others and I have noticed a severe lag problem at about 2:00am PST. Usually there are about 5-8 people on at that time.

      One night, we were fighting the scorpions in the Blood Desert. I saw only two moves the whole battle.

      The following night, we were in the Haven Mines at about the same time. The lag started suddenly and we ended up getting dropped. Afterwards, once we logged back on, the lag was still there.

      It tends to happen at the same time of night.

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #14 on: September 01, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »
      twidget658 - 9/1/2005  4:24 PM

      Others and I have noticed a severe lag problem at about 2:00am PST. Usually there are about 5-8 people on at that time.

      One night, we were fighting the scorpions in the Blood Desert. I saw only two moves the whole battle.

      The following night, we were in the Haven Mines at about the same time. The lag started suddenly and we ended up getting dropped. Afterwards, once we logged back on, the lag was still there.

      It tends to happen at the same time of night.

      You know, I noticed that too (not sure if I saw it yesterday, but for a couple consecutive days before yesterday it was happening.)

      just a series of HUGE (40 second or so) lag spikes together, then it would be fine, then it would happen again, and eventually go away entirely.

      Figured it could be the servers running chron jobs?



      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #15 on: September 01, 2005, 04:32:00 pm »
      Hmm, I am not sure if Orth has jobs running or not but I don't think so. I will send him a PM to see if he does have the databases running something--I really don't think he does/did though.
        I will speak to my hosting provider to see what it may be as well.


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #16 on: September 01, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
      aragwen - 9/1/2005  1:09 PM    C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jaco Havenga>tracert
        Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
          1    28 ms    31 ms   515 ms []
          2    31 ms    31 ms    30 ms []   3   390 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   4   359 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   5   359 ms   359 ms   359 ms []   6     *        *        *     Request timed out.   7   374 ms   359 ms   374 ms []   8   656 ms   437 ms   437 ms []   9   437 ms   437 ms   437 ms []  10   546 ms   624 ms   437 ms []  11   437 ms   437 ms   437 ms
        Trace complete.
        Hope above makes sense, because I have no clue about it.
        I might have also tracked the source of problem. It seems my ISP is providing shaped and unshaped accounts. Shaped accounts, which I have,  give you better speeds for HTML and FTP and slows everything else down such us online gaming. Will check in business hours tomorow and see if I can change to an unshaped account and if that makes a difference.
        Thanks for the help thus far.
       This reminds me of an issue I ran into a while back where we were seeing similar results at a customer site.  I troubleshot everything I could on their side to the point of removing their network entirely and plugging my notebook directly into their PIX (edit - firewall).  I still got the same results.  A call to the ISP resulted in tests of the customer's line and we were assured that we were getting excellent speeds out of the site to the ISP.  What we didnt find out until many subsequent calls to the ISP was that the ISP was having a virus wreak havoc on their network and it was essentially hogging the router's CPU.  Once they got it all cleaned up the response times returned to normal.  (edit) - Not everyone knows what a PIX is :)


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #17 on: September 01, 2005, 09:08:00 pm »
      thank you guys for your replys to this, im glad i aint the only one feeling this huge lag. Ive been gettin it at night time my time 9pm+ Aust time. At these times not many ppl are on. I dont know much about pings and such but i normally ping at 200 with 512k ADSL. As i said i though it was just me untill alot of ppl PMed me about it. We even got a series of huge lagg on Dezzas spider quest where we all froze for a few minutes a couple of times.


      RE: Massive lagg
      « Reply #18 on: September 01, 2005, 09:11:00 pm »
      On Regnus' comment above...  It has been well covered (CNN etc.) that there is a major virus that is attacking the infrastructure of the internet. No idea if this involves that attack though. I will keep looking in to this issue.