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Author Topic: some thing wrong with directions Fort Llast south  (Read 126 times)


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some thing wrong with directions Fort Llast south
« on: February 16, 2006, 01:37:34 am »

When you use the transision from Fort Llast south,
you come to Zeinge river, but are now no longer facing south.
And to go back to Fort Llast you would exspect to leave north,
but it is not north, when you look at the compas.

Something with area rotation in the toolset that doesn't add up.

//one how like to draw maps :)

Talan Va'lash

Re: some thing wrong with directions Fort Llast south
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 02:47:53 am »
Transitions between areas rarely represent areas being physically next to each other.  Rarely they do, but usually they represent some distance of travel between the areas.  To run from the north of mistone to the south would really be like... 12,000 areas if every square meter was depicted, but.. doing that would be impractical, pretty much impossible with NWN and.. rather unenjoyable I'd think heh.

Flowchart style maps work well for this (not sure if this is what you're doing.)  Then just draw the line coming out the south of fort llast and coming in the eastern side of Zainge river (or whichever side it is, I think eastern.)  Your character really just walked X miles, but you don't have to go through it all (not to mention having all those areas would choke the server to death with the way NWN handles things.)



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Re: some thing wrong with directions Fort Llast south
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2006, 12:22:24 am »
I was going more for boxes next to one another, and it seemed to be working fine until this point,
and that is why I figured it for a bug. If it is working as designed, no problem for me.. (just wanted to help out)

Yes, it can of course be explained the way you put it.
I think i will go for the flowchart style approach that you pointed out.

