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Author Topic: Issues in Dalanthar again  (Read 203 times)

D Blaze

Issues in Dalanthar again
« on: September 23, 2005, 10:35:00 am »
While heading up to Dalathar to get my ox and some cotton, I came across a real shock.

The Pawn Shop keeper and a certain non-living lizard are duking it out in front of the bank.
*chuckles* oddly enough, they're holding their own pretty well against each other.
But still, this boney, overgrown gecko has to be moved to it's proper location, or just reset the server.

I don't know who did it, but I politely ask:
If you have no other way to save yourself then by running into the city to pass it off on an NPC, just stand there and die with dignity, thank you (personal opinion). To get the attention of that thingy and draw him into this type of mess, you actually have to kinda go out of your way to get his attention.
It is common knowledge that this thing lurks within the Great Rift, so explore at your own risk or don't at all, for the sake of others.

